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This is a set of small Ansible scripts to prepare for the installation of Ansible Tower (AWX) and then to perform an automated post-install.


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AWX (Ansible Tower) pre-install, configure, and post-install scripts

Welcome! I use these scripts to automate the provisioning of an AWX (Ansible Tower) demo environment. It does the following:

  1. Install all dependencies of Ansible, AWX and Docker.
  2. Prepares the AWX install environment.
  3. Installs AWX using the prepared environment.
  4. Combines Vault-encrypted secrets with a config file to post-configure AWX.

Running this script

There is an example script in this repo, which can be used in your cloud-init for AWS or Azure. The elements of this script are broken down below into their component parts!

Install Dependencies (Ubuntu)

apt-get update
apt-get install -y python3-pip python-pip git
pip3 install ansible ansible-tower-cli # I'm preferring Python 3 for Ansible and Tower-CLI
pip2 install docker docker-compose # Ansible at 2.9 uses Python 2 for Docker/Docker-Compose :(

Clone this repo

git clone /tmp/build_playbook
cd /tmp/build_playbook

Provide your SECRETS to this environment

Note, this should be VAULT encrypted!

See secrets.yml.example for example, plaintext content.

echo "<CONTENT>" > secrets.yml

Provide the rest of your post-install config

See run.json.example for example config settings.

echo "<CONTENT>" > run.json

Put unencrypted details of the install environment into /root

This builds a repeatable script to be able to run the post-install scripts into the AWX environment.

mkdir /root/awx_build
echo "#!/bin/bash" > /root/awx_build/creds
echo "export AWX_Hostname=$(hostname)" >> /root/awx_build/creds
echo "export AWX_Password=\"<AWX_ADMIN_PASSWORD>\"" >> /root/awx_build/creds
echo "echo \"<ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD>\" > /tmp/build_playbook/vaultfile" >> /root/awx_build/creds
echo "echo \"{
}\" > /tmp/build_playbook/extra.json" >> /root/awx_build/creds
echo '$*' >> /root/awx_build/creds
chmod +x /root/awx_build/creds

Run the install scripts

The first script was inspired by and

This creates some values (notably the password to use for AWX, and the hostname), and clones the AWX repo to a named path. Then it runs the installer from that repo.

/root/awx_build/creds ansible-playbook prepare_awx_install.yml -e "@/tmp/build_playbook/extra.json"
cd /opt/awx/installer
ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml


This reads the secrets which were populated above and combines it with the post-install config to create a config file, that is then applied against your AWX server.

cd /tmp/build_playbook
/root/awx_build/creds bash ./


This is a set of small Ansible scripts to prepare for the installation of Ansible Tower (AWX) and then to perform an automated post-install.






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