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Python @ SIAM CSE 2015

Links to the static materials:

Extra reading: Python cloud

All notebooks have been created in 2.7 Python. The virtual machine has latest Anaconda Python and latest ParaView/VTK, as of March 12, 2015.

Interactively following along in the tutorial

The above links allow you to follow along in a web browser, but it will be unable to run any of the code. To have a live system that has interaction, follow the steps below.

Our setup involves using a virtual machine (VM) to ease the process because everything will be prepackaged right from the start, and launched after you start the VM. We will have copies of the VM on USB drives, or you can download the VM directly from the web.

The virtual machine is available at:

Virtualbox software download link is at:

We will provide VirtualBox to be able to run the virtual machine, on-site at SIAM, (or you can download it directly from Oracle) but other virtualization systems (VMWare, libvirt/qemu, etc.) should be able to run the images. The virtual machine is packaged in a OVA (Open Virtualization Format) for easy installation on your machine.

Step One: Install VirtualBox

Install VirtualBox on your computer. We will have copies of installers available on-site, or download it directly from the link below.

Virtualbox software download link is at:

We are running a 64-bit Linux on the VM, which should work even if you are running a 32-bit OS, as long as you have a modern 64-bit processor.

Open the installer and go through the default installation to install VirtualBox on your computer.

If you have trouble installing, at this point, please use the above links and follow along in a web browser.

Step Two: Open the Virtual Machine

Copy pyvis_siam_2015.ova from USB drives available on-site at SIAM or download it from the link below.

The virtual machine is available at:

Start VirtualBox, and in the main menu, go to "File->Import Appliance"

Open the "pyvis_siam_2015.ova" that is provided. Continue through the default options for the virtual machine.

This will unpack and install the virtual machine on your computer.

If you have trouble installing, at this point, please use the above links and follow along in a web browser.

Step Three: Launch the Virtual Machine

In VirtualBox, in the virtual machine lists, open the new virtual machine. This will start Arch Linux in a virtual machine on your computer.

It will automatically launch into an graphical session with two open terminals and a ipython notebook session.

In case you happen to need it, the default user is "pyvis" with a password of "pyvis". It has sudo access, and the root password is "pyvis".

If you have trouble installing, at this point, please use the above links and follow along in a web browser.

Step Four: You're Ready!

If all went well, a window should have launched in the browser on the VM, showing the ipython notebook interface.

If you have trouble installing, at this point, please use the above links and follow along in a web browser.

Alternatively, install on your computer without VM

Alternatively, if you can't get the VM to work, you can download Anaconda, ParaView, VTK & the materials:

Tutorial Materials --

Anaconda Python --

ParaView --

VTK --


Python Visualization tutorial for SIAM 2015






No packages published
