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add linker types and options
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JoshMeredith committed Aug 2, 2021
1 parent cfdf85f commit 575092a
Showing 1 changed file with 152 additions and 125 deletions.
277 changes: 152 additions & 125 deletions ghcjs-ld/Main.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}

module Main where

Expand All @@ -11,6 +14,10 @@ import Compiler.Settings
import DynFlags
import Util

import Options.Applicative

import Control.Monad.Reader

import Control.Monad.State.Strict

import Data.Array
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,7 +47,7 @@ import Data.Char (chr)

import Compiler.JMacro.Combinators

import Control.Lens hiding ((#))
import Control.Lens hiding ((#), argument)
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split

Expand All @@ -49,26 +56,55 @@ import Gen2.Utils (buildingDebug, buildingProf)

import qualified Gen2.Compactor as Compactor
import Gen2.Compactor (LinkedUnit, exprsE, exprsS, identsS, lookupRenamed, staticInfoArgs, dedupeBodies,
dedupe, renameStaticInfo, renameClosureInfo, renameEntry, renameObj, collectLabels,
dedupe, renameStaticInfo, renameClosureInfo,
encodeInfo, encodeStatic, encodeStr

data LinkerSettings
= LinkerSettings
{ lsDebug :: Bool
, lsProf :: Bool

linkerSettings :: Parser (LinkerSettings, [FilePath])
linkerSettings = do
debug <- switch (long "debug")
prof <- switch (long "prof")
files <- some (argument str (metavar "file..."))
return $ (LinkerSettings debug prof, [])

linkDebug :: Linker m => m Bool
linkDebug = lsDebug <$> ask

linkProf :: Linker m => m Bool
linkProf = lsProf <$> ask

linkDedupe :: Linker m => m Bool
linkDedupe = return True

runLinker :: Link a -> LinkerSettings -> a
runLinker m s = evalState (runReaderT m s) emptyCompactorState

type Link = ReaderT LinkerSettings (State CompactorState)
type Linker m = ( MonadReader LinkerSettings m
, MonadState CompactorState m

main :: IO ()
main = link "link-output.js" =<< getArgs
main = do
(settings, files) <- execParser (info (linkerSettings <**> helper) mempty)
link settings "link-output.js" files

link :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
link output inputs = do
link :: LinkerSettings -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
link settings output inputs = do

code <- forM inputs $ \input -> do
collectCode =<< readObjectFile input

let settings = mempty
renamerState = emptyCompactorState
dflags = undefined
rtsDeps = S.fromList []
let rtsDeps = S.fromList []

let (renamerState', compacted, meta) = compact settings dflags renamerState (map funSymbol $ S.toList rtsDeps) (map (\(s,_,ci,si) -> (s,ci,si)) code)
let compactm = compact (map funSymbol $ S.toList rtsDeps) (map (\(s,_,ci,si) -> (s,ci,si)) code)
(compacted, meta) = runLinker compactm settings
pe = TLE.encodeUtf8 . (<>"\n") . displayT . renderPretty 0.8 150 . pretty
rendered = parMap rdeepseq pe compacted
renderedMeta = pe meta
Expand All @@ -77,29 +113,27 @@ link output inputs = do
BL.writeFile output $ mconcat rendered <> renderedMeta <> renderedExports

-- pkg = depsPackage deps
-- mod = depsModule deps
-- collectCode :: [ObjUnit] -> IO (_,_,_,_,_)
collectCode l = let x = ( mconcat (map oiStat l)
, T.unlines (map oiRaw l)
, concatMap oiClInfo l
, concatMap oiStatic l)
in evaluate (rnf x) >> return x

compact :: GhcjsSettings
-> DynFlags
-> CompactorState
-> [Text]
compact :: Linker m
=> [Text]
-> [LinkedUnit]
-> (CompactorState, [JStat], JStat)
compact settings dflags cs0 rtsDeps0 input0
-> m ([JStat], JStat)
compact rtsDeps0 input0
-- | dumpHashes' input
let rtsDeps1 = rtsDeps0 ++
map (<> "_e") rtsDeps0 ++
map (<> "_con_e") rtsDeps0
(cs1, input1) = packStrings cs0 input0
in renameInternals settings dflags cs1 rtsDeps1 input1
cs0 <- get
let rtsDeps1 = rtsDeps0 ++
map (<> "_e") rtsDeps0 ++
map (<> "_con_e") rtsDeps0
(cs1, input1) = packStrings cs0 input0
put cs1
renameInternals rtsDeps1 input1

packStrings :: HasDebugCallStack
=> CompactorState
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,23 +316,25 @@ packStrings cstate code =

in (cstate0, initStatic : map rewriteBlock code)

renameInternals :: HasDebugCallStack
=> GhcjsSettings
-> DynFlags
-> CompactorState
-> [Text]
renameInternals :: (Linker m, HasDebugCallStack)
=> [Text]
-> [LinkedUnit]
-> (CompactorState, [JStat], JStat)
renameInternals _settings _dflags cs0 rtsDeps stats0a = (cs, stats, meta)
-> m ([JStat], JStat)
renameInternals rtsDeps stats0a = do
ddupe <- linkDedupe
let (stbs, stats0) = (if ddupe
then dedupeBodies rtsDeps . dedupe rtsDeps
else (mempty,)) stats0a
renamed stbs stats0 <$> linkProf <*> linkDebug >>= id
(stbs, stats0) = (if True -- gsDedupe settings
then dedupeBodies rtsDeps . dedupe rtsDeps
else (mempty,)) stats0a
((stats, meta), cs) = runState renamed cs0
renamed :: State CompactorState ([JStat], JStat)
| True = do
-- | buildingDebug dflags || buildingProf dflags = do
renamed :: MonadState CompactorState m
=> JStat
-> [(JStat, [ClosureInfo], [StaticInfo])]
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> m ([JStat], JStat)
renamed stbs stats0 prof debug
| prof || debug = do
cs <- get
let renamedStats = map (\(s,_,_) -> s & identsS %~ lookupRenamed cs)
Expand All @@ -309,7 +345,7 @@ renameInternals _settings _dflags cs0 rtsDeps stats0a = (cs, stats, meta)
-- render metadata as individual statements
meta = mconcat (map staticDeclStat statics) <>
(stbs & identsS %~ lookupRenamed cs) <>
mconcat (map (staticInitStat $ True {-buildingProf dflags-}) statics) <>
mconcat (map (staticInitStat $ prof) statics) <>
mconcat (map (closureInfoStat True) infos)
return (renamedStats, meta)
| otherwise = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -368,88 +404,79 @@ renameInternals _settings _dflags cs0 rtsDeps stats0a = (cs, stats, meta)
|] -}
return (renamedStats, meta)

-- renderLinker :: GhcjsSettings
-- -> DynFlags
-- -> CompactorState
-- -> Set Fun
-- -> [(Package, Module, JStat, Text, [ClosureInfo], [StaticInfo], [ForeignRef])] -- ^ linked code per module
-- -> (BL.ByteString, Int64, CompactorState, LinkerStats)
-- renderLinker settings dflags renamerState rtsDeps code =
-- let (renamerState', compacted, meta) = Compactor.compact settings dflags renamerState (map funSymbol $ S.toList rtsDeps) (map (\(_,_,s,_,ci,si,_) -> (s,ci,si)) code)
-- pe = TLE.encodeUtf8 . (<>"\n") . displayT . renderPretty 0.8 150 . pretty
-- rendered = parMap rdeepseq pe compacted
-- renderedMeta = pe meta
-- renderedExports = TLE.encodeUtf8 . TL.fromStrict . T.unlines . filter (not . T.null) $ map (\(_,_,_,rs,_,_,_) -> rs) code
-- mkStat (p,m,_,_,_,_,_) b = ((p,m), BL.length b)
-- in ( mconcat rendered <> renderedMeta <> renderedExports
-- , BL.length renderedMeta
-- , renamerState'
-- , M.fromList $ zipWith mkStat code rendered
-- )

-- collectDeps :: DynFlags
-- -> Map (Package, Module) (Deps, DepsLocation)
-- -> [InstalledUnitId] -- ^ packages, code linked in this order
-- -> Set LinkableUnit -- ^ do not include these
-- -> Set Fun -- ^ roots
-- -> [LinkableUnit] -- ^ more roots
-- -> IO ( Set LinkableUnit
-- , [(Package, Module, JStat, Text, [ClosureInfo], [StaticInfo], [ForeignRef])]
-- )
-- collectDeps _dflags lookup packages base roots units = do
-- allDeps <- getDeps (fmap fst lookup) base roots units
-- -- read ghc-prim first, since we depend on that for static initialization
-- let packages' = uncurry (++) $ partition (==(toInstalledUnitId primUnitId)) (nub packages)
-- unitsByModule :: Map (Package, Module) IntSet
-- unitsByModule = M.fromListWith IS.union $
-- map (\(p,m,n) -> ((p,m),IS.singleton n)) (S.toList allDeps)
-- lookupByPkg :: Map Package [(Deps, DepsLocation)]
-- lookupByPkg = M.fromListWith (++) (map (\((p,_m),v) -> (p,[v])) (M.toList lookup))
-- code <- fmap (catMaybes . concat) . forM packages' $ \pkg ->
-- mapM (uncurry $ extractDeps unitsByModule)
-- (fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup (mkPackage pkg) lookupByPkg)
-- return (allDeps, code)

-- readObjectFile :: FilePath -> IO [ObjUnit]
-- readObjectFile = readObjectFileKeys (\_ _ -> True)

-- readObjectFileKeys :: (Int -> [Text] -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [ObjUnit]
-- readObjectFileKeys p file = bracket (openBinaryFile file ReadMode) hClose $ \h -> do
-- mhdr <- getHeader <$> B.hGet h headerLength
-- case mhdr of
-- Left err -> error ("readObjectFileKeys: not a valid GHCJS object: " ++ file ++ "\n " ++ err)
-- Right hdr -> do
-- bss <- B.hGet h (fromIntegral $ symbsLen hdr)
-- hSeek h RelativeSeek (fromIntegral $ depsLen hdr)
-- bsi <- B.fromStrict <$> BS.hGetContents h
-- return $ readObjectKeys' file p (getSymbolTable bss) bsi (B.drop (fromIntegral $ idxLen hdr) bsi)

-- extractDeps :: Map (Package, Module) IntSet
-- -> Deps
-- -> DepsLocation
-- -> IO (Maybe (Package, Module, JStat, Text, [ClosureInfo], [StaticInfo], [ForeignRef]))
-- extractDeps units deps loc =
-- case M.lookup (pkg, mod) units of
-- Nothing -> return Nothing
-- Just modUnits -> do
-- let selector n _ = n `IS.member` modUnits || isGlobalUnit n
-- x <- case loc of
-- ObjectFile js_o -> collectCode =<< readObjectFileKeys selector js_o
-- ArchiveFile js_a -> collectCode =<<
-- (readObjectKeys (js_a ++ ':':T.unpack mod) selector <$>
-- Ar.readObject (mkModuleName $ T.unpack mod) js_a)
-- InMemory n b -> collectCode $
-- readObjectKeys n selector (BL.fromStrict b)
-- evaluate (rnf x)
-- return x
-- where
-- pkg = depsPackage deps
-- mod = depsModule deps
-- collectCode l = let x = ( pkg
-- , mod
-- , mconcat (map oiStat l)
-- , T.unlines (map oiRaw l)
-- , concatMap oiClInfo l
-- , concatMap oiStatic l
-- , concatMap oiFImports l)
-- in evaluate (rnf x) >> return (Just x)
renameObj :: MonadState CompactorState m
=> Text
-> m Text
renameObj xs = do
(TxtI xs') <- renameVar (TxtI xs)
addItem statics statics numStatics numStatics parentStatics xs'
return xs'

renameEntry :: MonadState CompactorState m
=> Ident
-> m Ident
renameEntry i = do
i'@(TxtI i'') <- renameVar i
addItem entries entries numEntries numEntries parentEntries i''
return i'

renameVar :: MonadState CompactorState m
=> Ident -- ^ text identifier to rename
-> m Ident -- ^ the updated renamer state and the new ident
renameVar i@(TxtI t)
| "h$$" `T.isPrefixOf` t = do
m <- use nameMap
case HM.lookup t m of
Just r -> return r
Nothing -> do
y <- newIdent
nameMap %= HM.insert t y
return y
| otherwise = return i

addItem :: (MonadState CompactorState m, HasDebugCallStack)
=> Getting (HashMap Text Int) CompactorState (HashMap Text Int)
-> Setting (->)
(HashMap Text Int)
(HashMap Text Int)
-> Getting Int CompactorState Int
-> ASetter' CompactorState Int
-> Getting (HashMap Text Int) CompactorState (HashMap Text Int)
-> Text
-> m ()
addItem items items' numItems numItems' parentItems i = do
s <- use items
case HM.lookup i s of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> do
sp <- use parentItems
case HM.lookup i sp of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> do
ni <- use numItems
items' %= HM.insert i ni
numItems' += 1

collectLabels :: MonadState CompactorState m => StaticInfo -> m ()
collectLabels si = mapM_ (addItem labels labels numLabels numLabels parentLabels)
(labelsV . siVal $ si)
labelsV (StaticData _ args) = concatMap labelsA args
labelsV (StaticList args _) = concatMap labelsA args
labelsV _ = []
labelsA (StaticLitArg l) = labelsL l
labelsA _ = []
labelsL (LabelLit _ lbl) = [lbl]
labelsL _ = []

newIdent :: MonadState CompactorState m
=> m Ident
newIdent = do
yys <- use identSupply
case yys of
(y:ys) -> do
identSupply .= ys
return y
_ -> error "newIdent: empty list"

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