---- JuPedSim - JPSreport Current date : Sat Aug 17 19:48:08 2019 Version : 0.8.4 Compiler : Visual Studio (1915.191526726.0) Python : C:/python/python.exe (3.7) ---- INFO: Geometry File is: INFO: Format of the trajectory file is: <.txt> INFO: Input trajectory file is INFO: Input directory for loading trajectory is INFO: Input directory for loading scripts is: INFO: Output directory for results is: INFO: Measure area id <5> with type Measure area points < -2.000, 0.000> Measure area points < -2.000, 1.500> Measure area points < 2.000, 1.500> Measure area points < 2.000, 0.000> Length in movement direction 4.000 INFO: Measure area id <2> with type Measurement line starts from <0.000, 0.000> to <0.000, 1.500> INFO: Both x and y-component of coordinates will be used to calculate instantaneous velocity over <10 frames> INFO: Method I is selected INFO: Measurement area id <5> will be used for analysis INFO: Each Voronoi cell will be cut by a circle with the radius of < 1.000000 > m!! INFO: The circle is discretized to a polygon with < 10> edges!! INFO: Finish parsing inifile INFO: Start Analysis for the file: corridor_tab.txt ********************************************************************** INFO: Loading building file successful!!! INFO: Init Geometry INFO: Init Geometry successful!!! INFO: ReadGeometry with D:\JuPedSim\jpsreport\demos\obstacle\geo_corridor.xml INFO: the name of the trajectory is: INFO: full name of the trajectory is: INFO: Frame rate fps: <50.00> INFO: pos_id: 0 INFO: pos_fr: 1 INFO: pos_x: 2 INFO: pos_y: 3 INFO: pos_z: 4 INFO: pos_vd: 5 INFO: Finished reading the data INFO: Got 29508 lines INFO: minID: 1 INFO: maxID: 105 INFO: minFrame: 103 INFO: numFrames: 1323 INFO: Total number of Agents: 105 INFO: Enter CreateGlobalVariables with numPeds=105 and numFrames=1323 INFO: allocate memory for xCor INFO: allocate memory for yCor INFO: allocate memory for zCor INFO: allocate memory for index INFO: allocate memory for vComp Finished memory allocation INFO: Leave CreateGlobalVariables() INFO: Create Global Variables done convert x and y Save the data for each frame INFO: Method I: frame rate fps: <50.00>, start: <-1>, stop: <-1> (minFrame = 103) D:\JuPedSim\jpsreport\demos\obstacle\Output_issue149/Fundamental_Diagram\IndividualFD\IFD_I_corridor_tab.txt_id_5.dat ------------------------ Analyzing with Method I ----------------------------- 0