using GMT, GLVisualize # --------------------------------------------------------------------- function meshgrid{T}(vx::AbstractVector{T}, vy::AbstractVector{T}) m, n = length(vy), length(vx) vx = reshape(vx, 1, n) vy = reshape(vy, m, 1) (repmat(vx, m, 1), repmat(vy, 1, n)) end # If this doesn't work, dowload it manually download("") fname = ""; G = gmt("gmtread -Tg " * fname) # Would be very nice if # 1) Vectors of X and Y coordinates were accepted instead of obliging to provide meshgrids of them # 2) Vectors of Float64 were accepted as well. When dealing with geographical coordinatres Float32 may be to crude. xx,yy=meshgrid(convert(Array{Float32}, (G.x)), convert(Array{Float32}, (G.y))); # Now, the result of this is kind of disastrous. My guess is that the visualization expects all three axes # to be isometric but that's not the case here XX and XX are geographical coordinates an Z is in meters. w,r = glscreen(); view(visualize(xx,yy,G.z, :surface)) r() # The following example does not need any external file and works a bit (but just a bit) better. # However, the origin is at the center of the figure instead of at lower left corner. Why? Because # both xx and yy start at 0 instead of -w/2 (w = fig width)? #= G = gmt("surface -R0/150/0/100 -I1", rand(Float64,100,3)*150); z = convert(Array{Float32}, (G.z-G.range[5])/(G.range[6]-G.range[5])); # Normalize Z so we can see something. xx,yy=meshgrid(convert(Array{Float32}, (G.x)), convert(Array{Float32}, (G.y))); w,r = glscreen(); view(visualize(xx,yy,G.z, :surface)) r() =#