From 0c4ec6e4bb3a6fe346380b23785eef6cec381d25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matt Bauman Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2018 19:56:46 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Customizable lazy fused broadcasting in pure Julia MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit This patch represents the combined efforts of four individuals, over 60 commits, and an iterated design over (at least) three pull requests that spanned nearly an entire year (closes #22063, #23692, #25377 by superceding them). This introduces a pure Julia data structure that represents a fused broadcast expression. For example, the expression `2 .* (x .+ 1)` lowers to: ```julia julia> Meta.@lower 2 .* (x .+ 1) :($(Expr(:thunk, CodeInfo(:(begin Core.SSAValue(0) = (Base.getproperty)(Base.Broadcast, :materialize) Core.SSAValue(1) = (Base.getproperty)(Base.Broadcast, :make) Core.SSAValue(2) = (Base.getproperty)(Base.Broadcast, :make) Core.SSAValue(3) = (Core.SSAValue(2))(+, x, 1) Core.SSAValue(4) = (Core.SSAValue(1))(*, 2, Core.SSAValue(3)) Core.SSAValue(5) = (Core.SSAValue(0))(Core.SSAValue(4)) return Core.SSAValue(5) end))))) ``` Or, slightly more readably as: ```julia using .Broadcast: materialize, make materialize(make(*, 2, make(+, x, 1))) ``` The `Broadcast.make` function serves two purposes. Its primary purpose is to construct the `Broadcast.Broadcasted` objects that hold onto the function, the tuple of arguments (potentially including nested `Broadcasted` arguments), and sometimes a set of `axes` to include knowledge of the outer shape. The secondary purpose, however, is to allow an "out" for objects that _don't_ want to participate in fusion. For example, if `x` is a range in the above `2 .* (x .+ 1)` expression, it needn't allocate an array and operate elementwise — it can just compute and return a new range. Thus custom structures are able to specialize `Broadcast.make(f, args...)` just as they'd specialize on `f` normally to return an immediate result. `Broadcast.materialize` is identity for everything _except_ `Broadcasted` objects for which it allocates an appropriate result and computes the broadcast. It does two things: it `initialize`s the outermost `Broadcasted` object to compute its axes and then `copy`s it. Similarly, an in-place fused broadcast like `y .= 2 .* (x .+ 1)` uses the exact same expression tree to compute the right-hand side of the expression as above, and then uses `materialize!(y, make(*, 2, make(+, x, 1)))` to `instantiate` the `Broadcasted` expression tree and then `copyto!` it into the given destination. All-together, this forms a complete API for custom types to extend and customize the behavior of broadcast (fixes #22060). It uses the existing `BroadcastStyle`s throughout to simplify dispatch on many arguments: * Custom types can opt-out of broadcast fusion by specializing `Broadcast.make(f, args...)` or `Broadcast.make(::BroadcastStyle, f, args...)`. * The `Broadcasted` object computes and stores the type of the combined `BroadcastStyle` of its arguments as its first type parameter, allowing for easy dispatch and specialization. * Custom Broadcast storage is still allocated via `broadcast_similar`, however instead of passing just a function as a first argument, the entire `Broadcasted` object is passed as a final argument. This potentially allows for much more runtime specialization dependent upon the exact expression given. * Custom broadcast implmentations for a `CustomStyle` are defined by specializing `copy(bc::Broadcasted{CustomStyle})` or `copyto!(dest::AbstractArray, bc::Broadcasted{CustomStyle})`. * Fallback broadcast specializations for a given output object of type `Dest` (for the `DefaultArrayStyle` or another such style that hasn't implemented assignments into such an object) are defined by specializing `copyto(dest::Dest, bc::Broadcasted{Nothing})`. As it fully supports range broadcasting, this now deprecates `(1:5) + 2` to `.+`, just as had been done for all `AbstractArray`s in general. As a first-mover proof of concept, LinearAlgebra uses this new system to improve broadcasting over structured arrays. Before, broadcasting over a structured matrix would result in a sparse array. Now, broadcasting over a structured matrix will _either_ return an appropriately structured matrix _or_ a dense array. This does incur a type instability (in the form of a discriminated union) in some situations, but thanks to type-based introspection of the `Broadcasted` wrapper commonly used functions can be special cased to be type stable. For example: ```julia julia> f(d) = round.(Int, d) f (generic function with 1 method) julia> @inferred f(Diagonal(rand(3))) 3×3 Diagonal{Int64,Array{Int64,1}}: 0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 1 julia> @inferred Diagonal(rand(3)) .* 3 ERROR: return type Diagonal{Float64,Array{Float64,1}} does not match inferred return type Union{Array{Float64,2}, Diagonal{Float64,Array{Float64,1}}} Stacktrace: [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33 [2] top-level scope julia> @inferred Diagonal(1:4) .+ Bidiagonal(rand(4), rand(3), 'U') .* Tridiagonal(1:3, 1:4, 1:3) 4×4 Tridiagonal{Float64,Array{Float64,1}}: 1.30771 0.838589 ⋅ ⋅ 0.0 3.89109 0.0459757 ⋅ ⋅ 0.0 4.48033 2.51508 ⋅ ⋅ 0.0 6.23739 ``` In addition to the issues referenced above, it fixes: * Fixes #19313, #22053, #23445, and #24586: Literals are no longer treated specially in a fused broadcast; they're just arguments in a `Broadcasted` object like everything else. * Fixes #21094: Since broadcasting is now represented by a pure Julia datastructure it can be created within `@generated` functions and serialized. * Fixes #26097: The fallback destination-array specialization method of `copyto!` is specifically implemented as `Broadcasted{Nothing}` and will not be confused by `nothing` arguments. * Fixes the broadcast-specific element of #25499: The default base broadcast implementation no longer depends upon `Base._return_type` to allocate its array (except in the empty or concretely-type cases). Note that the sparse implementation (#19595) is still dependent upon inference and is _not_ fixed. * Fixes #25340: Functions are treated like normal values just like arguments and only evaluated once. * Fixes #22255, and is performant with 12+ fused broadcasts. Okay, that one was fixed on master already, but this fixes it now, too. * Fixes #25521. * The performance of this patch has been thoroughly tested through its iterative development process in #25377. There remain [two classes of performance regressions](#25377) that Nanosoldier flagged. * #25691: Propagation of constant literals sill lose their constant-ness upon going through the broadcast machinery. I believe quite a large number of functions would need to be marked as `@pure` to support this -- including functions that are intended to be specialized. (For bookkeeping, this is the squashed version of the [teh-jn/lazydotfuse]( branch as of a1d4e7ec9756ada74fb48f2c514615b9d981cf5c. Squashed and separated out to make it easier to review and commit) Co-authored-by: Tim Holy Co-authored-by: Jameson Nash Co-authored-by: Andrew Keller --- src/higherorderfns.jl | 258 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- test/higherorderfns.jl | 80 ++++--------- 2 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/higherorderfns.jl b/src/higherorderfns.jl index bca1585..3ee447c 100644 --- a/src/higherorderfns.jl +++ b/src/higherorderfns.jl @@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ module HigherOrderFns # This module provides higher order functions specialized for sparse arrays, # particularly map[!]/broadcast[!] for SparseVectors and SparseMatrixCSCs at present. -import Base: map, map!, broadcast, broadcast! +import Base: map, map!, broadcast, copy, copyto! using Base: front, tail, to_shape using ..SparseArrays: SparseVector, SparseMatrixCSC, AbstractSparseVector, AbstractSparseMatrix, AbstractSparseArray, indtype, nnz, nzrange -using Base.Broadcast: BroadcastStyle +using Base.Broadcast: BroadcastStyle, Broadcasted, flatten using LinearAlgebra # This module is organized as follows: +# (0) Define BroadcastStyle rules and convenience types for dispatch # (1) Define a common interface to SparseVectors and SparseMatrixCSCs sufficient for # map[!]/broadcast[!]'s purposes. The methods below are written against this interface. # (2) Define entry points for map[!] (short children of _map_[not]zeropres!). @@ -29,11 +30,79 @@ using LinearAlgebra # (12) Define map[!] methods handling combinations of sparse and structured matrices. +# (0) BroadcastStyle rules and convenience types for dispatch + +SparseVecOrMat = Union{SparseVector,SparseMatrixCSC} + +# broadcast container type promotion for combinations of sparse arrays and other types +struct SparseVecStyle <: Broadcast.AbstractArrayStyle{1} end +struct SparseMatStyle <: Broadcast.AbstractArrayStyle{2} end +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::Type{<:SparseVector}) = SparseVecStyle() +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::Type{<:SparseMatrixCSC}) = SparseMatStyle() +const SPVM = Union{SparseVecStyle,SparseMatStyle} + +# SparseVecStyle handles 0-1 dimensions, SparseMatStyle 0-2 dimensions. +# SparseVecStyle promotes to SparseMatStyle for 2 dimensions. +# Fall back to DefaultArrayStyle for higher dimensionality. +SparseVecStyle(::Val{0}) = SparseVecStyle() +SparseVecStyle(::Val{1}) = SparseVecStyle() +SparseVecStyle(::Val{2}) = SparseMatStyle() +SparseVecStyle(::Val{N}) where N = Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{N}() +SparseMatStyle(::Val{0}) = SparseMatStyle() +SparseMatStyle(::Val{1}) = SparseMatStyle() +SparseMatStyle(::Val{2}) = SparseMatStyle() +SparseMatStyle(::Val{N}) where N = Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{N}() + +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::SparseMatStyle, ::SparseVecStyle) = SparseMatStyle() + +# Tuples promote to dense +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::SparseVecStyle, ::Broadcast.Style{Tuple}) = Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{1}() +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::SparseMatStyle, ::Broadcast.Style{Tuple}) = Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2}() + +struct PromoteToSparse <: Broadcast.AbstractArrayStyle{2} end +PromoteToSparse(::Val{0}) = PromoteToSparse() +PromoteToSparse(::Val{1}) = PromoteToSparse() +PromoteToSparse(::Val{2}) = PromoteToSparse() +PromoteToSparse(::Val{N}) where N = Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{N}() + +const StructuredMatrix = Union{Diagonal,Bidiagonal,Tridiagonal,SymTridiagonal} +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::Type{<:Adjoint{T,<:Union{SparseVector,SparseMatrixCSC}} where T}) = PromoteToSparse() +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::Type{<:Transpose{T,<:Union{SparseVector,SparseMatrixCSC}} where T}) = PromoteToSparse() + +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(s::SPVM, ::Broadcast.AbstractArrayStyle{0}) = s +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::SPVM, ::Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{1}) = PromoteToSparse() +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::SPVM, ::Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2}) = PromoteToSparse() + +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::SPVM, ::LinearAlgebra.StructuredMatrixStyle{<:StructuredMatrix}) = PromoteToSparse() +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::PromoteToSparse, ::LinearAlgebra.StructuredMatrixStyle{<:StructuredMatrix}) = PromoteToSparse() + +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::PromoteToSparse, ::SPVM) = PromoteToSparse() +Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::PromoteToSparse, ::Broadcast.Style{Tuple}) = Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2}() + +# FIXME: currently sparse broadcasts are only well-tested on known array types, while any AbstractArray +# could report itself as a DefaultArrayStyle(). +# See for more details +is_supported_sparse_broadcast() = true +is_supported_sparse_broadcast(::AbstractArray, rest...) = false +is_supported_sparse_broadcast(::AbstractSparseArray, rest...) = is_supported_sparse_broadcast(rest...) +is_supported_sparse_broadcast(::StructuredMatrix, rest...) = is_supported_sparse_broadcast(rest...) +is_supported_sparse_broadcast(::Array, rest...) = is_supported_sparse_broadcast(rest...) +is_supported_sparse_broadcast(t::Union{Transpose, Adjoint}, rest...) = is_supported_sparse_broadcast(t.parent, rest...) +is_supported_sparse_broadcast(x, rest...) = axes(x) === () && is_supported_sparse_broadcast(rest...) +is_supported_sparse_broadcast(x::Ref, rest...) = is_supported_sparse_broadcast(rest...) + +# Dispatch on broadcast operations by number of arguments +const Broadcasted0{Style<:Union{Nothing,BroadcastStyle},Axes,F} = + Broadcasted{Style,Axes,F,Tuple{}} +const SpBroadcasted1{Style<:SPVM,Axes,F,Args<:Tuple{SparseVecOrMat}} = + Broadcasted{Style,Axes,F,Args} +const SpBroadcasted2{Style<:SPVM,Axes,F,Args<:Tuple{SparseVecOrMat,SparseVecOrMat}} = + Broadcasted{Style,Axes,F,Args} + # (1) The definitions below provide a common interface to sparse vectors and matrices # sufficient for the purposes of map[!]/broadcast[!]. This interface treats sparse vectors # as n-by-one sparse matrices which, though technically incorrect, is how broacast[!] views # sparse vectors in practice. -SparseVecOrMat = Union{SparseVector,SparseMatrixCSC} @inline numrows(A::SparseVector) = A.n @inline numrows(A::SparseMatrixCSC) = A.m @inline numcols(A::SparseVector) = 1 @@ -85,18 +154,18 @@ function _noshapecheck_map(f::Tf, A::SparseVecOrMat, Bs::Vararg{SparseVecOrMat,N fofzeros = f(_zeros_eltypes(A, Bs...)...) fpreszeros = _iszero(fofzeros) maxnnzC = fpreszeros ? min(length(A), _sumnnzs(A, Bs...)) : length(A) - entrytypeC = Base.Broadcast.combine_eltypes(f, A, Bs...) + entrytypeC = Base.Broadcast.combine_eltypes(f, (A, Bs...)) indextypeC = _promote_indtype(A, Bs...) C = _allocres(size(A), indextypeC, entrytypeC, maxnnzC) return fpreszeros ? _map_zeropres!(f, C, A, Bs...) : _map_notzeropres!(f, fofzeros, C, A, Bs...) end # (3) broadcast[!] entry points -broadcast(f::Tf, A::SparseVector) where {Tf} = _noshapecheck_map(f, A) -broadcast(f::Tf, A::SparseMatrixCSC) where {Tf} = _noshapecheck_map(f, A) +copy(bc::SpBroadcasted1) = _noshapecheck_map(bc.f, bc.args[1]) -@inline function broadcast!(f::Tf, C::SparseVecOrMat, ::Nothing) where Tf +@inline function copyto!(C::SparseVecOrMat, bc::Broadcasted0{Nothing}) isempty(C) && return _finishempty!(C) + f = bc.f fofnoargs = f() if _iszero(fofnoargs) # f() is zero, so empty C trimstorage!(C, 0) @@ -109,19 +178,12 @@ broadcast(f::Tf, A::SparseMatrixCSC) where {Tf} = _noshapecheck_map(f, A) return C end -# the following three similar defs are necessary for type stability in the mixed vector/matrix case -broadcast(f::Tf, A::SparseVector, Bs::Vararg{SparseVector,N}) where {Tf,N} = - _aresameshape(A, Bs...) ? _noshapecheck_map(f, A, Bs...) : _diffshape_broadcast(f, A, Bs...) -broadcast(f::Tf, A::SparseMatrixCSC, Bs::Vararg{SparseMatrixCSC,N}) where {Tf,N} = - _aresameshape(A, Bs...) ? _noshapecheck_map(f, A, Bs...) : _diffshape_broadcast(f, A, Bs...) -broadcast(f::Tf, A::SparseVecOrMat, Bs::Vararg{SparseVecOrMat,N}) where {Tf,N} = - _diffshape_broadcast(f, A, Bs...) function _diffshape_broadcast(f::Tf, A::SparseVecOrMat, Bs::Vararg{SparseVecOrMat,N}) where {Tf,N} fofzeros = f(_zeros_eltypes(A, Bs...)...) fpreszeros = _iszero(fofzeros) indextypeC = _promote_indtype(A, Bs...) - entrytypeC = Base.Broadcast.combine_eltypes(f, A, Bs...) - shapeC = to_shape(Base.Broadcast.combine_indices(A, Bs...)) + entrytypeC = Base.Broadcast.combine_eltypes(f, (A, Bs...)) + shapeC = to_shape(Base.Broadcast.combine_axes(A, Bs...)) maxnnzC = fpreszeros ? _checked_maxnnzbcres(shapeC, A, Bs...) : _densennz(shapeC) C = _allocres(shapeC, indextypeC, entrytypeC, maxnnzC) return fpreszeros ? _broadcast_zeropres!(f, C, A, Bs...) : @@ -141,6 +203,10 @@ end @inline _aresameshape(A, B) = size(A) == size(B) @inline _aresameshape(A, B, Cs...) = _aresameshape(A, B) ? _aresameshape(B, Cs...) : false @inline _checksameshape(As...) = _aresameshape(As...) || throw(DimensionMismatch("argument shapes must match")) +@inline _all_args_isa(t::Tuple{Any}, ::Type{T}) where T = isa(t[1], T) +@inline _all_args_isa(t::Tuple{Any,Vararg{Any}}, ::Type{T}) where T = isa(t[1], T) & _all_args_isa(tail(t), T) +@inline _all_args_isa(t::Tuple{Broadcasted}, ::Type{T}) where T = _all_args_isa(t[1].args, T) +@inline _all_args_isa(t::Tuple{Broadcasted,Vararg{Any}}, ::Type{T}) where T = _all_args_isa(t[1].args, T) & _all_args_isa(tail(t), T) @inline _densennz(shape::NTuple{1}) = shape[1] @inline _densennz(shape::NTuple{2}) = shape[1] * shape[2] _maxnnzfrom(shape::NTuple{1}, A) = nnz(A) * div(shape[1], A.n) @@ -887,37 +953,56 @@ end # (10) broadcast over combinations of broadcast scalars and sparse vectors/matrices -# broadcast container type promotion for combinations of sparse arrays and other types -struct SparseVecStyle <: Broadcast.AbstractArrayStyle{1} end -struct SparseMatStyle <: Broadcast.AbstractArrayStyle{2} end -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::Type{<:SparseVector}) = SparseVecStyle() -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::Type{<:SparseMatrixCSC}) = SparseMatStyle() -const SPVM = Union{SparseVecStyle,SparseMatStyle} +# broadcast entry points for combinations of sparse arrays and other (scalar) types +@inline function copy(bc::Broadcasted{<:SPVM}) + bcf = flatten(bc) + return _copy(bcf.f, bcf.args...) +end -# SparseVecStyle handles 0-1 dimensions, SparseMatStyle 0-2 dimensions. -# SparseVecStyle promotes to SparseMatStyle for 2 dimensions. -# Fall back to DefaultArrayStyle for higher dimensionality. -SparseVecStyle(::Val{0}) = SparseVecStyle() -SparseVecStyle(::Val{1}) = SparseVecStyle() -SparseVecStyle(::Val{2}) = SparseMatStyle() -SparseVecStyle(::Val{N}) where N = Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{N}() -SparseMatStyle(::Val{0}) = SparseMatStyle() -SparseMatStyle(::Val{1}) = SparseMatStyle() -SparseMatStyle(::Val{2}) = SparseMatStyle() -SparseMatStyle(::Val{N}) where N = Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{N}() +_copy(f, args::SparseVector...) = _shapecheckbc(f, args...) +_copy(f, args::SparseMatrixCSC...) = _shapecheckbc(f, args...) +_copy(f, args::SparseVecOrMat...) = _diffshape_broadcast(f, args...) +# Otherwise, we incorporate scalars into the function and re-dispatch +function _copy(f, args...) + parevalf, passedargstup = capturescalars(f, args) + return _copy(parevalf, passedargstup...) +end -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::SparseMatStyle, ::SparseVecStyle) = SparseMatStyle() +function _shapecheckbc(f, args...) + _aresameshape(args...) ? _noshapecheck_map(f, args...) : _diffshape_broadcast(f, args...) +end -# Tuples promote to dense -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::SparseVecStyle, ::Broadcast.Style{Tuple}) = Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{1}() -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::SparseMatStyle, ::Broadcast.Style{Tuple}) = Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2}() -# broadcast entry points for combinations of sparse arrays and other (scalar) types -function broadcast(f, ::SPVM, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, mixedargs::Vararg{Any,N}) where N - parevalf, passedargstup = capturescalars(f, mixedargs) - return broadcast(parevalf, passedargstup...) +@inline function copyto!(dest::SparseVecOrMat, bc::Broadcasted{<:SPVM}) + if bc.f === identity && bc isa SpBroadcasted1 && Base.axes(dest) == (A = bc.args[1]; Base.axes(A)) + return copyto!(dest, A) + end + bcf = flatten(bc) + As = map(arg->Base.unalias(dest, arg), bcf.args) + return _copyto!(bcf.f, dest, As...) +end + +@inline function _copyto!(f, dest, As::SparseVecOrMat...) + _aresameshape(dest, As...) && return _noshapecheck_map!(f, dest, As...) + Base.Broadcast.check_broadcast_axes(axes(dest), As...) + fofzeros = f(_zeros_eltypes(As...)...) + if _iszero(fofzeros) + return _broadcast_zeropres!(f, dest, As...) + else + return _broadcast_notzeropres!(f, fofzeros, dest, As...) + end +end + +@inline function _copyto!(f, dest, args...) + # args contains nothing but SparseVecOrMat and scalars + # See below for capturescalars + parevalf, passedsrcargstup = capturescalars(f, args) + _copyto!(parevalf, dest, passedsrcargstup...) +end + +struct CapturedScalars{F, Args, Order} + args::Args end -# for broadcast! see (11) # capturescalars takes a function (f) and a tuple of mixed sparse vectors/matrices and # broadcast scalar arguments (mixedargs), and returns a function (parevalf, i.e. partially @@ -930,6 +1015,13 @@ end return (parevalf, passedsrcargstup) end end +# Work around losing Type{T}s as DataTypes within the tuple that makeargs creates +@inline capturescalars(f, mixedargs::Tuple{Ref{Type{T}}, Vararg{Any}}) where {T} = + capturescalars((args...)->f(T, args...), Base.tail(mixedargs)) +@inline capturescalars(f, mixedargs::Tuple{SparseVecOrMat, Ref{Type{T}}, Vararg{Any}}) where {T} = + capturescalars((a1, args...)->f(a1, T, args...), (mixedargs[1], Base.tail(Base.tail(mixedargs))...)) +@inline capturescalars(f, mixedargs::Tuple{Union{Ref,AbstractArray{0}}, Ref{Type{T}}, Vararg{Any}}) where {T} = + capturescalars((args...)->f(mixedargs[1], T, args...), Base.tail(Base.tail(mixedargs))) nonscalararg(::SparseVecOrMat) = true nonscalararg(::Any) = false @@ -942,11 +1034,17 @@ end @inline function _capturescalars(arg, mixedargs...) let (rest, f) = _capturescalars(mixedargs...) if nonscalararg(arg) - return (arg, rest...), (head, tail...) -> (head, f(tail...)...) # pass-through to broadcast + return (arg, rest...), @inline function(head, tail...) + (head, f(tail...)...) + end # pass-through to broadcast elseif scalarwrappedarg(arg) - return rest, (tail...) -> (arg[], f(tail...)...) # unwrap and add back scalararg after (in makeargs) + return rest, @inline function(tail...) + (arg[], f(tail...)...) # TODO: This can put a Type{T} in a tuple + end # unwrap and add back scalararg after (in makeargs) else - return rest, (tail...) -> (arg, f(tail...)...) # add back scalararg after (in makeargs) + return rest, @inline function(tail...) + (arg, f(tail...)...) + end # add back scalararg after (in makeargs) end end end @@ -972,69 +1070,18 @@ broadcast(f::Tf, A::SparseMatrixCSC, ::Type{T}) where {Tf,T} = broadcast(x -> f( # vectors/matrices, promote all structured matrices and dense vectors/matrices to sparse # and rebroadcast. otherwise, divert to generic AbstractArray broadcast code. -struct PromoteToSparse <: Broadcast.AbstractArrayStyle{2} end -PromoteToSparse(::Val{0}) = PromoteToSparse() -PromoteToSparse(::Val{1}) = PromoteToSparse() -PromoteToSparse(::Val{2}) = PromoteToSparse() -PromoteToSparse(::Val{N}) where N = Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{N}() - -const StructuredMatrix = Union{Diagonal,Bidiagonal,Tridiagonal,SymTridiagonal} -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::Type{<:StructuredMatrix}) = PromoteToSparse() -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::Type{<:Adjoint{T,<:Union{SparseVector,SparseMatrixCSC}} where T}) = PromoteToSparse() -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::Type{<:Transpose{T,<:Union{SparseVector,SparseMatrixCSC}} where T}) = PromoteToSparse() - -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(s::SPVM, ::Broadcast.AbstractArrayStyle{0}) = s -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::SPVM, ::Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{1}) = PromoteToSparse() -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::SPVM, ::Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2}) = PromoteToSparse() - -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::PromoteToSparse, ::SPVM) = PromoteToSparse() -Broadcast.BroadcastStyle(::PromoteToSparse, ::Broadcast.Style{Tuple}) = Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2}() - -# FIXME: currently sparse broadcasts are only well-tested on known array types, while any AbstractArray -# could report itself as a DefaultArrayStyle(). -# See for more details -is_supported_sparse_broadcast() = true -is_supported_sparse_broadcast(::AbstractArray, rest...) = false -is_supported_sparse_broadcast(::AbstractSparseArray, rest...) = is_supported_sparse_broadcast(rest...) -is_supported_sparse_broadcast(::StructuredMatrix, rest...) = is_supported_sparse_broadcast(rest...) -is_supported_sparse_broadcast(::Array, rest...) = is_supported_sparse_broadcast(rest...) -is_supported_sparse_broadcast(t::Union{Transpose, Adjoint}, rest...) = is_supported_sparse_broadcast(t.parent, rest...) -is_supported_sparse_broadcast(x, rest...) = axes(x) === () && is_supported_sparse_broadcast(rest...) -is_supported_sparse_broadcast(x::Ref, rest...) = is_supported_sparse_broadcast(rest...) -function broadcast(f, s::PromoteToSparse, ::Nothing, ::Nothing, As::Vararg{Any,N}) where {N} - if is_supported_sparse_broadcast(As...) - return broadcast(f, map(_sparsifystructured, As)...) +function copy(bc::Broadcasted{PromoteToSparse}) + bcf = flatten(bc) + if is_supported_sparse_broadcast(bcf.args...) + broadcast(bcf.f, map(_sparsifystructured, bcf.args)...) else - return broadcast(f, Broadcast.ArrayConflict(), nothing, nothing, As...) + return copy(convert(Broadcasted{Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{2}}, bc)) end end -# For broadcast! with ::Any inputs, we need a layer of indirection to determine whether -# the inputs can be promoted to SparseVecOrMat. If it's just SparseVecOrMat and scalars, -# we can handle it here, otherwise see below for the promotion machinery. -function broadcast!(f::Tf, dest::SparseVecOrMat, ::SPVM, A::SparseVecOrMat, Bs::Vararg{SparseVecOrMat,N}) where {Tf,N} - if f isa typeof(identity) && N == 0 && Base.axes(dest) == Base.axes(A) - return copyto!(dest, A) - end - A′ = Base.unalias(dest, A) - Bs′ = map(B->Base.unalias(dest, B), Bs) - _aresameshape(dest, A′, Bs′...) && return _noshapecheck_map!(f, dest, A′, Bs′...) - Base.Broadcast.check_broadcast_indices(axes(dest), A′, Bs′...) - fofzeros = f(_zeros_eltypes(A′, Bs′...)...) - fpreszeros = _iszero(fofzeros) - fpreszeros ? _broadcast_zeropres!(f, dest, A′, Bs′...) : - _broadcast_notzeropres!(f, fofzeros, dest, A′, Bs′...) - return dest -end -function broadcast!(f::Tf, dest::SparseVecOrMat, ::SPVM, mixedsrcargs::Vararg{Any,N}) where {Tf,N} - # mixedsrcargs contains nothing but SparseVecOrMat and scalars - parevalf, passedsrcargstup = capturescalars(f, mixedsrcargs) - broadcast!(parevalf, dest, passedsrcargstup...) - return dest -end -function broadcast!(f::Tf, dest::SparseVecOrMat, ::PromoteToSparse, mixedsrcargs::Vararg{Any,N}) where {Tf,N} - broadcast!(f, dest, map(_sparsifystructured, mixedsrcargs)...) - return dest +@inline function copyto!(dest::SparseVecOrMat, bc::Broadcasted{PromoteToSparse}) + bcf = flatten(bc) + broadcast!(bcf.f, dest, map(_sparsifystructured, bcf.args)...) end _sparsifystructured(M::AbstractMatrix) = SparseMatrixCSC(M) @@ -1047,8 +1094,7 @@ _sparsifystructured(x) = x # (12) map[!] over combinations of sparse and structured matrices -SparseOrStructuredMatrix = Union{SparseMatrixCSC,StructuredMatrix} -map(f::Tf, A::StructuredMatrix) where {Tf} = _noshapecheck_map(f, _sparsifystructured(A)) +SparseOrStructuredMatrix = Union{SparseMatrixCSC,LinearAlgebra.StructuredMatrix} map(f::Tf, A::SparseOrStructuredMatrix, Bs::Vararg{SparseOrStructuredMatrix,N}) where {Tf,N} = (_checksameshape(A, Bs...); _noshapecheck_map(f, _sparsifystructured(A), map(_sparsifystructured, Bs)...)) map!(f::Tf, C::SparseMatrixCSC, A::SparseOrStructuredMatrix, Bs::Vararg{SparseOrStructuredMatrix,N}) where {Tf,N} = diff --git a/test/higherorderfns.jl b/test/higherorderfns.jl index b8e2c26..8744f80 100644 --- a/test/higherorderfns.jl +++ b/test/higherorderfns.jl @@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ end @test broadcast!(cos, Z, X) == sparse(broadcast!(cos, fZ, fX)) # --> test shape checks for broadcast! entry point # TODO strengthen this test, avoiding dependence on checking whether - # check_broadcast_indices throws to determine whether sparse broadcast should throw + # check_broadcast_axes throws to determine whether sparse broadcast should throw try - Base.Broadcast.check_broadcast_indices(axes(Z), spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...)) + Base.Broadcast.check_broadcast_axes(axes(Z), spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...)) catch @test_throws DimensionMismatch broadcast!(sin, Z, spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...)) end @@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ end @test broadcast!(cos, V, X) == sparse(broadcast!(cos, fV, fX)) # --> test shape checks for broadcast! entry point # TODO strengthen this test, avoiding dependence on checking whether - # check_broadcast_indices throws to determine whether sparse broadcast should throw + # check_broadcast_axes throws to determine whether sparse broadcast should throw try - Base.Broadcast.check_broadcast_indices(axes(V), spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...)) + Base.Broadcast.check_broadcast_axes(axes(V), spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...)) catch @test_throws DimensionMismatch broadcast!(sin, V, spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...)) end @@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ end @test broadcast(*, X, Y) == sparse(broadcast(*, fX, fY)) @test broadcast(f, X, Y) == sparse(broadcast(f, fX, fY)) # TODO strengthen this test, avoiding dependence on checking whether - # check_broadcast_indices throws to determine whether sparse broadcast should throw + # check_broadcast_axes throws to determine whether sparse broadcast should throw try - Base.Broadcast.combine_indices(spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...), Y) + Base.Broadcast.combine_axes(spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...), Y) catch @test_throws DimensionMismatch broadcast(+, spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...), Y) end @@ -207,9 +207,9 @@ end @test broadcast!(f, Z, X, Y) == sparse(broadcast!(f, fZ, fX, fY)) # --> test shape checks for both broadcast and broadcast! entry points # TODO strengthen this test, avoiding dependence on checking whether - # check_broadcast_indices throws to determine whether sparse broadcast should throw + # check_broadcast_axes throws to determine whether sparse broadcast should throw try - Base.Broadcast.check_broadcast_indices(axes(Z), spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...), Y) + Base.Broadcast.check_broadcast_axes(axes(Z), spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...), Y) catch @test_throws DimensionMismatch broadcast!(f, Z, spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...), Y) end @@ -247,9 +247,9 @@ end @test broadcast(*, X, Y, Z) == sparse(broadcast(*, fX, fY, fZ)) @test broadcast(f, X, Y, Z) == sparse(broadcast(f, fX, fY, fZ)) # TODO strengthen this test, avoiding dependence on checking whether - # check_broadcast_indices throws to determine whether sparse broadcast should throw + # check_broadcast_axes throws to determine whether sparse broadcast should throw try - Base.Broadcast.combine_indices(spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...), Y, Z) + Base.Broadcast.combine_axes(spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...), Y, Z) catch @test_throws DimensionMismatch broadcast(+, spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...), Y, Z) end @@ -267,6 +267,8 @@ end fQ = broadcast(f, fX, fY, fZ); Q = sparse(fQ) broadcast!(f, Q, X, Y, Z); Q = sparse(fQ) # warmup for @allocated @test_broken (@allocated broadcast!(f, Q, X, Y, Z)) == 0 + broadcast!(f, Q, X, Y, Z); Q = sparse(fQ) # warmup for @allocated + @test (@allocated broadcast!(f, Q, X, Y, Z)) <= 16 # the preceding test allocates 16 bytes in the entry point for broadcast!, but # none of the earlier tests of the same code path allocate. no allocation shows # up with --track-allocation=user. allocation shows up on the first line of the @@ -277,9 +279,9 @@ end @test broadcast!(f, Q, X, Y, Z) == sparse(broadcast!(f, fQ, fX, fY, fZ)) # --> test shape checks for both broadcast and broadcast! entry points # TODO strengthen this test, avoiding dependence on checking whether - # check_broadcast_indices throws to determine whether sparse broadcast should throw + # check_broadcast_axes throws to determine whether sparse broadcast should throw try - Base.Broadcast.check_broadcast_indices(axes(Q), spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...), Y, Z) + Base.Broadcast.check_broadcast_axes(axes(Q), spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...), Y, Z) catch @test_throws DimensionMismatch broadcast!(f, Q, spzeros((shapeX .- 1)...), Y, Z) end @@ -350,21 +352,11 @@ end @test broadcast!(*, X, sparseargs...) == sparse(broadcast!(*, fX, denseargs...)) @test isa(@inferred(broadcast!(*, X, sparseargs...)), SparseMatrixCSC{elT}) X = sparse(fX) # reset / warmup for @allocated test + # It'd be nice for this to be zero, but there's currently some constant overhead @test_broken (@allocated broadcast!(*, X, sparseargs...)) == 0 - # This test (and the analog below) fails for three reasons: - # (1) In all cases, generating the closures that capture the scalar arguments - # results in allocation, not sure why. - # (2) In some cases, though _broadcast_eltype (which wraps _return_type) - # consistently provides the correct result eltype when passed the closure - # that incorporates the scalar arguments to broadcast (and, with #19667, - # is inferable, so the overall return type from broadcast is inferred), - # in some cases inference seems unable to determine the return type of - # direct calls to that closure. This issue causes variables in both the - # broadcast[!] entry points (fofzeros = f(_zeros_eltypes(args...)...)) and - # the driver routines (Cx in _map_zeropres! and _broadcast_zeropres!) to have - # inferred type Any, resulting in allocation and lackluster performance. - # (3) The sparseargs... splat in the call above allocates a bit, but of course - # that issue is negligible and perhaps could be accounted for in the test. + X = sparse(fX) # reset / warmup for @allocated test + # And broadcasting over Transposes currently requires making a CSC copy, so we must account for that in the bounds + @test (@allocated broadcast!(*, X, sparseargs...)) <= (sum(x->isa(x, Transpose) ? Base.summarysize(x)*2+128 : 0, sparseargs) + 128) end end # test combinations at the limit of inference (eight arguments net) @@ -385,7 +377,8 @@ end @test isa(@inferred(broadcast!(*, X, sparseargs...)), SparseMatrixCSC{elT}) X = sparse(fX) # reset / warmup for @allocated test @test_broken (@allocated broadcast!(*, X, sparseargs...)) == 0 - # please see the note a few lines above re. this @test_broken + X = sparse(fX) # reset / warmup for @allocated test + @test (@allocated broadcast!(*, X, sparseargs...)) <= 128 end end @@ -404,20 +397,12 @@ end structuredarrays = (D, B, T, S) fstructuredarrays = map(Array, structuredarrays) for (X, fX) in zip(structuredarrays, fstructuredarrays) - @test (Q = broadcast(sin, X); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(broadcast(sin, fX))) - @test broadcast!(sin, Z, X) == sparse(broadcast(sin, fX)) - @test (Q = broadcast(cos, X); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(broadcast(cos, fX))) - @test broadcast!(cos, Z, X) == sparse(broadcast(cos, fX)) - @test (Q = broadcast(*, s, X); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(broadcast(*, s, fX))) - @test broadcast!(*, Z, s, X) == sparse(broadcast(*, s, fX)) @test (Q = broadcast(+, V, A, X); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(broadcast(+, fV, fA, fX))) @test broadcast!(+, Z, V, A, X) == sparse(broadcast(+, fV, fA, fX)) @test (Q = broadcast(*, s, V, A, X); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(broadcast(*, s, fV, fA, fX))) @test broadcast!(*, Z, s, V, A, X) == sparse(broadcast(*, s, fV, fA, fX)) for (Y, fY) in zip(structuredarrays, fstructuredarrays) - @test (Q = broadcast(+, X, Y); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(broadcast(+, fX, fY))) @test broadcast!(+, Z, X, Y) == sparse(broadcast(+, fX, fY)) - @test (Q = broadcast(*, X, Y); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(broadcast(*, fX, fY))) @test broadcast!(*, Z, X, Y) == sparse(broadcast(*, fX, fY)) end end @@ -426,9 +411,7 @@ end densearrays = (C, M) fD, fB = Array(D), Array(B) for X in densearrays - @test broadcast(+, D, X)::SparseMatrixCSC == sparse(broadcast(+, fD, X)) @test broadcast!(+, Z, D, X) == sparse(broadcast(+, fD, X)) - @test broadcast(*, s, B, X)::SparseMatrixCSC == sparse(broadcast(*, s, fB, X)) @test broadcast!(*, Z, s, B, X) == sparse(broadcast(*, s, fB, X)) @test broadcast(+, V, B, X)::SparseMatrixCSC == sparse(broadcast(+, fV, fB, X)) @test broadcast!(+, Z, V, B, X) == sparse(broadcast(+, fV, fB, X)) @@ -446,25 +429,6 @@ end @test A .+ ntuple(identity, N) isa Matrix end -@testset "broadcast! where the destination is a structured matrix" begin - # Where broadcast!'s destination is a structured matrix, broadcast! should fall back - # to the generic AbstractArray broadcast! code (at least for now). - N, p = 5, 0.4 - A = sprand(N, N, p) - sA = A + copy(A') - D = Diagonal(rand(N)) - B = Bidiagonal(rand(N), rand(N - 1), :U) - T = Tridiagonal(rand(N - 1), rand(N), rand(N - 1)) - @test broadcast!(sin, copy(D), D) == Diagonal(sin.(D)) - @test broadcast!(sin, copy(B), B) == Bidiagonal(sin.(B), :U) - @test broadcast!(sin, copy(T), T) == Tridiagonal(sin.(T)) - @test broadcast!(*, copy(D), D, A) == Diagonal(broadcast(*, D, A)) - @test broadcast!(*, copy(B), B, A) == Bidiagonal(broadcast(*, B, A), :U) - @test broadcast!(*, copy(T), T, A) == Tridiagonal(broadcast(*, T, A)) - # SymTridiagonal (and similar symmetric matrix types) do not support setindex! - # off the diagonal, and so cannot serve as a destination for broadcast! -end - @testset "map[!] over combinations of sparse and structured matrices" begin N, p = 10, 0.4 A = sprand(N, N, p) @@ -476,16 +440,12 @@ end structuredarrays = (D, B, T, S) fstructuredarrays = map(Array, structuredarrays) for (X, fX) in zip(structuredarrays, fstructuredarrays) - @test (Q = map(sin, X); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(map(sin, fX))) @test map!(sin, Z, X) == sparse(map(sin, fX)) - @test (Q = map(cos, X); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(map(cos, fX))) @test map!(cos, Z, X) == sparse(map(cos, fX)) @test (Q = map(+, A, X); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(map(+, fA, fX))) @test map!(+, Z, A, X) == sparse(map(+, fA, fX)) for (Y, fY) in zip(structuredarrays, fstructuredarrays) - @test (Q = map(+, X, Y); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(map(+, fX, fY))) @test map!(+, Z, X, Y) == sparse(map(+, fX, fY)) - @test (Q = map(*, X, Y); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(map(*, fX, fY))) @test map!(*, Z, X, Y) == sparse(map(*, fX, fY)) @test (Q = map(+, X, A, Y); Q isa SparseMatrixCSC && Q == sparse(map(+, fX, fA, fY))) @test map!(+, Z, X, A, Y) == sparse(map(+, fX, fA, fY))