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Repository for Don't Blink Geek.

Requirements Node.js, npm, Gulp 4.x


  • Concatenate, minify, and lint JavaScript.
  • Compile, minify, autoprefix, and lint Sass.
  • Optimize images and SVGs.
  • Copy static files and folders into your dist directory.
  • Automatically add headers and project details to JS and CSS files.
  • Watch for file changes, and automatically recompile build and reload webpages.
  • Turn tasks on and off in gulpfile.js


The original starter files can be found at However, I have made changes to fit my personal preferences and needs.

This is my personal website but feel free to use this as a starting point for your own. You are free to copy the assets over and reuse everything with the exception of the logo, image files and video. If you're wondering why I don't .gitignore those files, it's due to the fact the host I use is directly referencing the files.

If you have questions or encounter any bugs, please leave a comment in the Issues section of the project. I will do my best to respond. However, I cannot provide assistance in setting up your work station if this is your first time using npm. There are plenty of resources already available online.

Getting Started


Note: if you've previously installed Gulp globally, run npm rm --global gulp to remove it. Details here.

Make sure these are installed first.

Quick Start

  1. In bash/terminal/command line, cd into your project directory.
  2. Run npm install to install required files and dependencies.
  3. When it's done installing, run one of the task runners to get going:
    • gulp manually compiles files.
    • gulp watch automatically compiles files and applies changes using BrowserSync when you make changes to your source files.

Try it out. After installing, run gulp to compile some test files into the dist directory. Or, run gulp watch and make some changes to see them recompile automatically.


Add your source files to the appropriate src subdirectories. Gulp will process and and compile them into dist.

  • JavaScript files in the src/js directory will be compiled to dist/js. Files in subdirectories under the js folder will be concatenated. For example, files in js/detects will compile into detects.js.
  • Files in the src/sass directory will be compiled to dist/css.
  • Image & SVG files placed in the src/img directory will be optimized with SVGO and compiled into dist/img.
  • Files and folders placed in the copy directory will be copied as-is into the dist directory.


The package.json file holds all of the details about your project.

Some information is automatically pulled in from it and added to a header that's injected into the top of your JavaScript and CSS files.

	"name": "project-name",
	"version": "0.0.1",
	"description": "A description for your project.",
	"main": "./dist/your-main-js-file.js",
	"author": {
		"name": "YOUR NAME",
		"url": ""
	"license": "MIT",
	"repository": {
		"type": "git",
		"url": ""
	"devDependencies": {}

Note: devDependencies are the dependencies Gulp uses. Don't change these or you'll break things.


Put your JavaScript files in the src/js directory.

Files placed directly in the js folder will compile directly to dist/js as both minified and unminified files. Files placed in subdirectories under src/js will also be concatenated into a single file. For example, files in js/detects will compile into detects.js.


Put your Sass files in the src/sass directory.

Gulp generates minified and unminified CSS files. It also includes autoprefixer, which adds vendor prefixes for you.

Images & SVGs

Place images & SVG files in the src/img directory.

These files will be optimized with gulp-imagemin and compiled into dist/img.

Copy Files

Files and folders placed in the src/copy directory will be copied as-is into dist.

This is a great place to put HTML files and pre-compiled assets.

Options & Settings

Options and settings are located at the top of the gulpfile.js.


Set features under the settings variable to true to turn them on (default), and false to turn them off.

 * Settings
 * Turn on/off build features

var settings = {
  clean: true,
  scripts: true,
  styles: true,
  images: true,
  copy: true,
  reload: true


Adjust the input and output paths for all of the Gulp tasks under the paths variable. Paths are relative to the root project folder.

 * Paths to project folders

var paths = {
  input: 'src/',
  output: 'dist/',
  scripts: {
    input: 'src/js/*',
    output: 'dist/js/'
  styles: {
    input: 'src/sass/**/*.{scss,sass}',
    output: 'dist/css/'
  images: {
    input: 'src/img/*.{jpg,gif,png,jpeg,svg}',
    output: 'dist/img/'
  copy: {
    input: 'src/copy/**/*',
    output: 'dist/'
  reload: './dist/'


Gulp auto-injects a header into all of your JavaScript and CSS files with details from your package.json file.

Unminified versions get a fat header, while minified files get a one-liner. You can change what's included under the banner variable.

 * Template for banner to add to file headers

var banner = {
		'/*!\n' +
		' * <%= %> v<%= package.version %>\n' +
		' * <%= package.description %>\n' +
		' * (c) ' + new Date().getFullYear() + ' <%= %>\n' +
		' * <%= package.license %> License\n' +
		' * <%= package.repository.url %>\n' +
		' */\n\n',
		'/*!' +
		' <%= %> v<%= package.version %>' +
		' | (c) ' + new Date().getFullYear() + ' <%= %>' +
		' | <%= package.license %> License' +
		' | <%= package.repository.url %>' +
		' */\n'


The code is available under the MIT License.


Repository for the Don't Blink Geek website.







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