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Description of repository

Supplementary material to a meta-analysis on the population fitness effects of sexual selection. The webpage containing the neatly formatted supplementary material (code and data) can be found here:

Manuscripts folder:

  • Manuscript of meta-analysis (rmd and pdf)
  • Bibliography with citation style used to compile the manuscript
  • Figures contains the four figures used in the manuscript
  • Table 2 (within the manuscript) in csv format

Data folder:

  • meta_analysis_dataset.csv is the source data used for our analysis
  • Eligibility Workbook.csv is the table documenting the reasons for inclusion/exclusion of studies. (presented in Supplementary Material)
  • Outcome.descriptions.csv is the table documenting the ways fitness was measured across different studies. (presented in Supplementary Material)

Figures folder:

  • ForestPlot_large.pdf/png A full resolution pdf of the forest plot that appears in the HTML supplementary material.

Main directory:

  • .R functions: helpful functions sourced outside of the main analysis rmd (meta_analysis_sexual_selection_pop_fitness.rmd)
  • meta_analysis_sexual_selection_pop_fitness.rmd The RMarkdown with all code used to conduct the analysis. The more neatly formatted (in HTML) version of this is labelled as index.html and is hosted through github:
  • Response_to_Reviewers.rmd/.pdf the response to the peer reviewers with the short bibliography (bibliography_meta_analysis.bib) also located here.


Supplementary material to a meta-analysis on the population fitness effects of sexual selection






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