The Eta programming language is a dialect of Haskell which runs on the JVM and has the following goals:
- accessibility for beginners from imperative languages, especially Java
- compatibility with GHC 7.10.3's Haskell.
Visit for instructions on getting started.
Version: 0.0.9
Stable Build: 0.0.9b1
Latest Build: 0.0.9b1
Subscribe to the Eta-Discuss for updates.
Visit the Getting Started page in the documentation.
Eta is available under the
BSD 3-Clause License, see LICENSE
for more information.
We would like to specifically thank the following groups/people:
- GHC HQ for providing a base for us to work on.
- Alois Cochard for his codec-jvm package that we use for code generation.
- Christopher Wells for his JAR packaging utility.
- Brian McKenna for his bug fixes in the codegen/runtime and implementation of basic IO facilities.
- Sibi for helping out with porting packages and setting up TravisCI.
- Anton Gushcha for giving detailed bug reports on the Java FFI.
- Balaji Rao for contributing to the design & implementation for some parts of the FFI.
- Javier Neira for making Eta work on Windows and testing extensively across multiple Windows versions.
- Paavo Parkkin for improving error checking in the compiler to prevent runtime bugs.
- Ashley Towns for implementing low-level primitives in the standard library.
- Alexey Raga for helping out with CircleCI and actively reporting bugs.
- And many others who have contributed to Eta in various ways.
Thanks folks!