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Craft Master

Orchestrate multiple Craft configurations.

The following configuration has a basic configuration based on [GeneralSettings] and seperate settings for [msvc2015x86],[msvc2015x64] and [mingw].

For each one a seperate directory will be created and the commands will be executed on each of them.

# Avalible variables are
# Variables:Root: Root is defined relative to CraftMaster and points to the subdirectory work
Command=-p quassel; nsis; --install-deps quassel
Branch = master
ShallowClone = True

# Variables defined here override the default value
# The variable names are casesensitive
#Root = D:\qt-sdk

#Values need to be overwritten to create a chache
UseCache = True
CreateCache = False
Ignores = dev-util/perl
Msys = C:\msys64\

# Settings applicable for all Crafts matrices
# Settings are Category/key=value
# Category is case sensitive

Paths/python = C:\Python36
Paths/python27 = C:\Python27
Paths/downloaddir = ${Variables:Root}\downloads
Paths/Msys = ${Variables:Msys}
ShortPath/emerge_use_short_path = False
Packager/CacheDir = ${Variables:Root}\cache
Packager/UseCache = ${Variables:UseCache}
Packager/CreateCache = ${Variables:CreateCache}
Packager/RepositoryUrl =
Compile/BuildType = Release
ContinuousIntegration/Enabled = True
QtSDK/Version = 5.9
QtSDK/Path = C:\Qt
QtSDK/Enabled = True
Portage/Ignores = ${Variables:Ignores};win32libs/icu;binary/mysql;win32libs/dbus
CraftDebug/DumpSettings = True
PortageVersions/kf5 = 5.35.0
PortageVersions/KDEApplications = 17.04.2
PortageVersions/qt-apps/quassel = master

QtSDK/Compiler = msvc2015
General/KDECompiler = msvc2015
General/Architecture = x86

QtSDK/Compiler = msvc2015_64
General/KDECompiler = msvc2015
General/Architecture = x64

QtSDK/Compiler = mingw53_32
General/KDECompiler = mingw4
General/Architecture = x86