Documentations : etc/doc
- API_Kalima : Quick presentation of Kalima
- API_Java : Java tutorial to communicate with the blockchain
- AndroidExample : Android tutorial to communicate with the blockchain through a KalimaService
- CSharpExample : C# tutorial to communicate with the blockchain
- restAPI : REST API for Kalima Blockchain
- JavaScript_Smart_Contracts : How to create JavaScript Smart Contracts
- CExample : C tutorial to communicate with the blockchain
- Kalima_Explorer : Kalima Explorer tutorial
- Develop_Smart_Contract_Node : Java tutorial to make a KalimaNode able to run Javascript smart contracts
- Deploy_Smart_Contract_Node : How to deploy a smart contract node on a Kalima Blockchain
Librairies : etc/lib
- Kalima.jar : JAVA API for Kalima
- KalimaSC.jar : JAVA API for Kalima to create Smart Contracts Nodes
- kalima-android-lib-release.aar : Kalima Service for Android API
- dll/* : All DLL for creation of C# project
Smart Contracts examples : KalimaSmartContracts
- sensors.js : This smart contract triggers an alarm at the /alarms/fire address if the temperature value in /sensors exceeds a certain threshold
- fire.js : This smart contract writes received alarms in log files