The NAPA package performs intra-protein residue coevolution network construction and analysis.
The package supports two input types:
- A FASTA alignment of (functionally related) homologous protein sequences
- A FASTA alignment of (functionally related) homologous protein sequences AND a Phylogenetic Tree ensemble (trees in newick format)
NAPA produces the following outputs:
- A mutation pair network (undirected for alignment only, directed/undirected for phylogeny ensemble)
- Network analysis - network communities, network node centralities, network path centralities
Please see the documentation on github for complete usage details.
Use pip to install the napa package:
$ pip install napa
NAPA depends on several other packages and these will be installed automatically by pip if they are not already installed.
Required packages:
- numpy
- scipy
- joblib
- networkx
- ete2
- pyyaml
Note the pip scipy installation can sometimes have issues. If so, alternate methods of installing scipy may be preferable. See scipy install for details. Then rerun pip install napa.