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Shwetha G P edited this page Jun 23, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Shwetha_G_P_Hotel_Management_System wiki!


Traveling has become more of a passion than of a hobby. As the craze for traveling is increasing, there has been found an exponential raise in the booking of hotel rooms. More and more business houses are implementing sophisticated softwares for providing functionality to perform the booking using those softwares, than using a pen and a paper ledger. The objective of this project is to develop a general purpose site, where the booking details of customers is stored in a sophisticated manner, and other details like availability of rooms, services provided, payment details, check-in and check-out details are also stored. As the customer decides to take a room, its availability is checked and as per the availability, the check-in details are collected and services are provided.

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