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Accessory for Emborg used to report and track the size of your Borg repositories


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Borg-Space — Report and track the size of your Emborg repositories
Author:Ken Kundert

Borg-Space is an accessory for Emborg. It reports on the space consumed by your BorgBackup repositories. You can get this information using the emborg info command, but there are several reasons to prefer Borg-Space.

  1. Borg-Space is capable of reporting on many repositories at once.
  2. The Emborg info command gives a great deal of information, whereas Borg-Space only reports the space consumed by the repository, so is much more compact.
  3. The report is user customizable.
  4. Borg-Space can record the size of your repositories each time it is run so you can track the space requirements over time.
  5. Finally, Borg-Space can graph the recorded values.

To show the size of one or more repositories, simply run:

# borg-space home
home: 12.81 GB

This reports on the latest repository size and, of course, assumes that you have already run emborg create. You must not use the --fast command line option when running create.

You can specify any number of repositories, and they can be composites. In the following example, home is an alias that expands to borgbase and rsync:

> borg-space home cache
borgbase: 2.44 GB
cache: 801 MB
rsync: 2.81 GB

You can specify repositories that are owned by others or that are on remote machines. In this case you will need permission to read the Emborg data directory for the repository. Specifically, ❬host❭:~❬user❭/.local/share/emborg/❬config❭.latest.nt must be accessible. ❬config❭ is the name of the Emborg configuration to be reported on, ❬host❭ is the name of the host on which the Emborg create command was run, and ❬user❭ is the name of the user that ran the command.

To specify these repositories, a special naming scheme is used:


This is referred to as the full repository specification, or repository spec. Both @❬host❭ and ~❬user❭ are optional, ❬host❭ is not needed when referring to the local host and ❬user❭ is not needed when referring to the current user. Thus the Emborg configuration named primary owned by root on the host with the SSH name neptune is accessed with:

# borg-space primary@neptune~root
primary@neptune~root: 57.74 GB


Borg-Space supports the following command line arguments:

    borg-space [--quiet] [--style <style>] [--record] [<spec>...]
    borg-space [--graph] [--svg <file>] [--log-y] [--record] [<spec>...]

    -r, --record                 save the result
    -q, --quiet                  do not output the size message
    -s <style>, --style <style>  the report style
                                 choose from compact, table, tree, nt, json
    -g, --graph                  graph the previously recorded sizes over time
    -l, --log-y                  use a logarithmic Y-axis when graphing
    -S <file>, --svg <file>      produce plot as SVG file rather than display it

Repository specs take the form ❬name❭ or ❬config❭[@❬host❭][~❬user❭]. Items in brackets are optional and ❬name❭ is the name given for a repository the repositories setting.

The available styles are compact, table, tree, nt or nestedtext, or json. If you specify something other than the these, what you give is taken to be a compact format specification.

Results are saved to ~/.local/share/borg-space/<full_spec>.nt. Settings are held in ~/.config/borg-space/settings.nt.


You can create a NestedText settings file to specify default behaviors and define composite repositories. For example:

default repository: home
report style: tree
compact format: {name}: {size:{fmt}}.  Last back up: {last_create:ddd, MMM DD}.  Last squeeze: {last_squeeze:ddd, MMM DD}.
table format: {host:<8} {user:<5} {config:<9} {size:<8.2b} {last_create:ddd, MMM DD}
table header: HOST     USER  CONFIG    SIZE     LAST BACK UP
report fields: size last_create last_squeeze
tree report fields: size
date format: D MMMM YYYY
size format: .b

    # define some convenient aliases
    root: root~root
    dev: root@dev~root
    mail: root@mail~root
    files: root@files~root
    bastion: root@bastion~root
    media: root@media~root
    web: root@web~root
    cluster: home@cluster

    # define useful combinations
        children: rsync borgbase cluster
            - dev
            - mail
            - files
            - bastion
            - media
            - web
        children: home servers root
default repository:
The name of the repository to be used if none are given on the command line.
report style:
The report style to be used if none is specified on the command line. Choose from compact, table, tree, nestedtext or nt, or json.
compact format:

The format to be used for the line when the requested report style is compact. The name, spec, full_spec, config, host, user, size, fmt, last_create, last_prune, last_compact and last_squeeze fields are replaced by the corresponding values. name is the name given the repository in the repositories setting. spec is the specification given as specified, and full_spec is the full specification (any pieces missing from spec are filled in). If a name is not available, name becomes the same as spec. last_squeeze is simply the later of last_prune and last_compact. size is a QuantiPhy Quantity and the last_ fields are all Arrow objects (see the example in the next section for examples on how to specify formatting on QuantiPhy and Arrow objects). The remaining field values are strings.

The default is:

{name}: {size:{fmt}}
table format:

The format to be used for the line when the requested report style is table. The name, spec, host, user, config, size, fmt, last_create, last_prune, last_compact and last_squeeze fields will be replaced by the corresponding values. last_squeeze is simply the later of last_prune and last_compact. size is a QuantiPhy Quantity and the last_ fields are all Arrow objects. The remaining field values are strings.

The default is:

{host:8} {user:8} {config:8} {size:<8.2b}  {last_create:ddd, MMM DD}
table header:

The header to be printed just before the table report. It is used to give column headers. Leave empty to suppress the header.

The default is:

report fields:
The fields to include in tree, nestedtext and json style reports by default. Default is size, last_create, and last_squeeze.
tree report fields:
The fields to include in tree style reports. If not given it defaults to the value of report fields.
nestedtext report fields:
The fields to include in nestedtext style reports. If not given it defaults to the value of report fields.
json report fields:
The fields to include in json style reports. If not given it defaults to all available size and date fields.
size format:
The format to be used when giving the size of the repository. This is a QuantiPhy format string. In the example, .2b means that a binary format with two extra digits is used (one digit is required. so .2b prints with three digits of precision. If not given, it defaults to .2b.
date format:
The Arrow format to be used for the date when the requested report style is tree or nestedtext. If not given, it defaults to D MMMM YYYY.

Defines repository aliases and composite repositories. Given as a collection of name:value pairs. The value may contain zero or more repository specifications. The specifications may be a strings or dictionaries. The following forms are accepted:

        # home becomes an alias for home on localhost for current user

    home: home-primary
        # home becomes an alias for home-primary on localhost for current user

    home: home@host~user
        # home becomes an alias for home@host~user

        # home becomes an alias for home@host~user
        config: home
        host: host
        user: user

    all: home@host~user work@host~user
        # all contains home@host~user and work@host~user

        # all contains home@host~user and work@host~user
        - home@host~user
        - work@host~user

        # all contains home@host~user and work@host~user
            config: home
            host: host
            user: user
            config: work
            host: host
            user: user

    home: home@host~user
        # home becomes an alias for home@host~user
    work: work@host~user
        # work becomes an alias for work@host~user
    all: home work
        # all contains home and work


To graph the size of a repository over time you must first routinely record its size. You can record the sizes with:

> borg-space -r home

The sizes are added to the file ~/.local/share/borg-space/❬full_spec❭.nt.

Typically you do not manually run Borg-Space to record the sizes of your repositories. Instead, you can record sizes automatically in two different ways. In the first, you simply use crontab to automatically record the sizes at fixed times:

00 12 * * *  borg-space -q -r home

In this case the command runs at noon every day and uses the -q option to suppress the output to stdout. This approach can be problematic if Emborg needs access to SSH or GPG keys to run.

The other approach is to add Borg-Space to the run_after_backup setting in your Emborg configs. That way it is run every time you run backup:

run_after_backup = [
    'borg-space -r {config_name}'

Once you have recorded some values, you can graph them using:

> borg-space -g home

This displays the graph on the screen. Alternately, you can save the graph to a file in SVG format using:

> borg-space -S home.svg home

I routinely monitor the repositories for over a dozen hosts, and to make it convenient I create a composite Emborg configuration containing all the hosts, and then use the --log-y option so that I can easily see all the results scaled nicely on the same graph:

> borg-space -l all


Borg-Space requires Emborg version 1.37 or newer.

Install with:

> pip3 install borg-space


Accessory for Emborg used to report and track the size of your Borg repositories







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