HT1632 - Library for communicating JY-MCU 3208 PRO LED display module
This library provides higher-level access (including text drawing) for these modules.
Modified to work only with the JY-MCU 3208 PRO 32x8 red LED matrix by Ken Willmott, February 17, 2016
Portions created by Gaurav Manek, April 8, 2011. Released into the public domain.
JY-MCU PRO 3208 module:
Note, this is for the PRO module. It is not tested on the earlier version.
For this application, the onboard AVR on the display is disabled by connecting a jumper from the pin on the display ICSP connector to an adjacent ground (on the display power connector). This enables a connection to the HT1632 display driver on the same connector as follows:
Arduino | display |
"CS" | MOSI |
"WR" | MISO |
"DATA" | SCK |
The CS, WR, and DATA pins can be assigned to any digital pins or analog pins configured for digital I/O on the Arduino. Example: CS=D7, WR=D8, DATA=D6 are convenient because they are all on the ICSP connector of the UNO.