MERIT - Mutation Error Rate Identification Toolkit - is a comprehensive pipeline designed for in-depth quantification of erroneous HTS calls developed in Khiabanian Lab by Mohammad Hadigol and updated by Vaidhyanathan Mahaganapathy.
MERIT uses Samtools to identify all positions with alternate alleles from the aligned, indexed sequencing reads. It then probes Samtools mpileup data to extract the reference and alternate alleles' depths, Phred quality, and position-in-read information for all variants, even when they are present in only a single read amongst tens of thousands. Finally, it obtains the genomic context of the variants from the reference genome, including the nucleotides immediately at their 5' and 3', and estimates error rates for 96 possible single nucleotide substitutions as well as four single-base and 16 double-base insertions/deletions (indels). An optional annotation step is also available.
The MERIT pipeline is organized into 6 main steps:
- Step 1: Run Samtools mpileup to detect variants and generate Pileup and BCF/VCF
- Step 2: Optional annotation via SnpEff and SnpSift
- Step 3: Convert VCF to human readable file via bcftools query and generate SampleName.var
- Step 4: Extract Phred scores and more from Pileup and store in SampleName.var.qual
- Step 5: Adding context to variants and generate SampleName.var.ctx
- Step 6: Estimate context-specific error rates
As input, MERIT takes a coordinate-sorted indexed BAM file (See BAM directory for example input BAM) and it produces context-specific error rates as output (See RES directory).
The following programs must be in your PATH
- Python 3.5 or higher, tested up to Python 3.10
- Samtools and Bcftools 1.3.1
Optional (required if running annotation step 2):
- Open JDK 11
- SnpEff and SnpSift 4.1 or greater
The following Python package is required:
Just clone this repository and run MERIT as described below.
MERIT needs an indexed reference fasta file (whatever you mapped your reads to) -- e.g., hg38.fa and hg38.fa.fai.
Running MERIT on merge reads of example BAM file; UltraII_TP53.2.ME:
python3 -N UltraII_TP53.2.ME
We have applied MERIT to two datasets obtained from Illumina machines. However, MERIT can be applied to any set of mapped sequence reads that are coordinate sorted.
For each sample, MERIT reports the following in /RES/SampleName directory:
SampleName.var.ctx: this tab separated file includes all the mismatches (variants) in all sequencing reads relative to the reference genome. Columns are chromosome (chr), position of the variant (pos), reference sequence (ref), context-specific (nucleotides immediately at 5' and 3') reference sequence (ref_ctx), alternative allele (alt), context-specific (nucleotides immediately at 5' and 3') alternative allele (alt_ctx), total coverage in R1 reads (total_depth_frw), total coverage in R2 reads (total_depth_rev), variant allele coverage in R1 reads (alt_depth_frw), variant allele coverage in R2 reads (alt_depth_rev), alternative allele frequency as freq=100*(alt_depth_frw + alt_depth_rev)/(total_depth_frw + total_depth_rev), mode of the position-in-read of the all the variant alleles at that position in R1 reads (pos_inread_alt_frw), mode of the position-in-read of the all the variant alleles at that position in R2 reads (pos_inread_alt_rev), if indel, type of the inserted/deleted bases (indel_bases), number of repeated indel bases (for homopolymeric inddels > 1) (No. of hp repeats), annotation (effect).
In /RES/SampleName/err_count, the following comma separated files include error counts (context-specific total depth of reference and alternative allele):
- SNV_err_count.csv: 96 possible context-specific base substitution error counts
- DEL_1nt_err_count.csv: 4 single-base deletion error counts
- INS_1nt_err_count.csv: 4 single-base insertion error counts
- DEL_1nt_hp_err_count.csv: single-base homopolymer deletion error counts
- INS_1nt_hp_err_count.csv: single-base homopolymer insertion error counts
if option --two_nt_indel
is enabled, the following four additional files for double-base indels are also generated:
- DEL_2nt_err_count.csv: 4 double-base deletion error counts
- INS_2nt_err_count.csv: 4 double-base insertion error counts
- DEL_2nt_hp_err_count.csv: double-base homopolymer deletion error counts
- INS_2nt_hp_err_count.csv: double-base homopolymer insertion error counts
- And finally in directory /RES/SampleName/err_rate, the corresponding context specific error rates estimated using Binomial model are presented.
We note that the number of homopolymeric repeats considered in error rate estimation is controlled via input option --max_hp_no
. In estimating these error rates, --cut_off_freq
and --min_depth
filters are applied to SampleName.var.ctx when counting and estimating error rates.
For detailed description of input parameters and their default values try:
python3 --help
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Directory of input BAM file
Directory of results
BED file containing a list of regions or sites where
pileup or BCF should be generated
-H REF, --REF REF Reference genome
-N NAME, --Name NAME Sample name
--max_hp_no MAX_HP_NO
Maximum number of homopolymer repeats to be considered
in indel error rate analysis
--cut_off_freq CUT_OFF_FREQ
Cut off frequency (percentage) to identify errors
--min_depth MIN_DEPTH
Minimum total depth of variant to be considered in
error rate analysis
--qual-offset QUAL_OFFSET
Quality offset
--ann ANN Comma-separated list of annotating VCFs with which to
provide additional annotation in SnpSift. Absolute
path should be provided.
--steps STEPS steps to run
--memory MEMORY the memory for the (SnpEff) Java virtual machine in
-d MAX_DEPTH, --max_depth MAX_DEPTH
Max depth option -d for samtools mpileup
-q MIN_MQ, --min_MQ MIN_MQ
Minimum mapping quality for an alignment to be used
-Q MIN_BQ, --min_BQ MIN_BQ
Minimum base quality for a base to be used
-e EXT_PROB, --ext_prob EXT_PROB
Phred-scaled gap extension sequencing error
-F GAP_FRAC, --gap_frac GAP_FRAC
Minimum fraction of gapped reads
--tandem_qual TANDEM_QUAL
Coefficient for modeling homopolymer errors
-L MAX_IDEPTH, --max_idepth MAX_IDEPTH
Skip INDEL calling if the average per-input-file depth
is above INT
-o OPEN_PROB, --open_prob OPEN_PROB
Phred-scaled gap open sequencing error probability
--verbose, -v Print commands used in each step (default: off)
--two_nt_indel Consider two nt indels in error rate analysis
(default: off)
--noclean do not delete temporary intermediate files (default:
To convert SampleName.var.ctx to vcf format, run the provided perl script in /bin/merit2vcf as:
perl UltraII_TP53.2.PE.var.ctx > UltraII_TP53.2.PE.vcf