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Hécate edited this page Aug 3, 2024 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the development wiki of the Boréal programming experiment!

Here you will find more details about some design choices that have been made.


Physical Components

The physical components, which which you will interact, are the following:

  • boreal-daemon (or boreald on the command-line: The compilation daemon that receives, schedules and executes compilation queries
  • boreal-client (or boreal on the command-line: The lightweight client that you directly use to compile files. It will start boreald in the background if it does not already run.

boreal architecture

Logical Components

The client and daemon are the most visible parts of the project, but they are powered by the boreal-api package, which defines the client-server protocol. The types are defined in this package and used by the client and server programs.

Moreover, the tree-sitter parser, used by the server, is also usable from your editor.

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