These tools are part of the paper "Optimizing S-box Implementations for Several Criteria using SAT Solvers" by Ko Stoffelen, published at FSE 2016, available here.
generates C'
, given an optimization goal, an S-box and a k
. It writes to stdout
. Adding another S-box can easily be done with 1 line of code.
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] mode cipher k [width]
positional arguments:
mode Mode to operate in. One of:
mc for multiplicative complexity
bgc for bitslice gate complexity
gc for gate complexity
depth for depth complexity
cipher Name of cipher of which the S-box should be used. One of:
ascon, ctc2, icepole, joltik, joltik_inv, ketje, keyak, lac,
minalpher, present, primate, primate_inv, prost, rectangle,
k Value to test for. E.g. number of nonlinear gates for mode=mc,
circuit depth for mode=depth, etc.
width Only applicable to mode=depth. Set width of circuit layer to test
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
In DIMACS CNF format, all variables are replaced by numbers.
takes care of a preprocessing step to translate a solution found by the SAT solver (CNF claim file) back to the original variable names. It writes to stdout
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] claim [resolve]
positional arguments:
claim Name of the CNF claim file as provided by the SAT solver.
resolve Name of the resolve file as provided by xl0.exe. If omitted,
<claim>.eqs.cnf.resolve will be used
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
reconstructs the S-box implementation from the original ANF file and the file outputted by
. It writes to stdout
. It is possible that some 'gates' are not actually being used. They can freely be removed from the implementation.
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-m mode] [-c claim] file
positional arguments:
file Name of the anf file as generated by
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m mode Mode to operate in. One of:
mc for multiplicative complexity
bgc for bitslice gate complexity
gc for gate complexity
depth for depth complexity
If omitted, the mode will be based on the filename
-c claim Name of the claim file as generated by If
omitted, <file>.claim.txt will be used
An implementation of Bard-Courtois-Jefferson for converting a sparse system of low-degree multivariate polynomials over GF(2) from ANF to CNF can be found here. It is also implemented in the xl0 tool, available here (documentation). Unfortunately it is only distributed as a Windows binary.
Optionally, if one wants to optimize linear parts separately, as done for the S-box used by the PRIMATE permutation in Section 4 of the paper, an implementation of Fuhs-Kamp by Thom Wiggers is available on GitHub. He also implemented Boyar-Matthews-Peralta, which can be found here.
A typical run will go like this. Assume we want to optimize the RECTANGLE S-box for gate complexity and we want to test if there exists a circuit implementing the S-box with 11 gates. Any SAT solver that reads DIMACS CNF files can be used.
$ ./ gc rectangle 11 > rectangle_gc11.eqs
C:\> xl0.exe /deg3 /dontsat /bard rectangle_gc11.eqs
$ nohup ./myfavouritesatsolver rectangle_gc11.eqs.cnf > rectangle_gc11.eqs.cnf.claim &
$ ./ rectangle_gc11.eqs.cnf.claim > rectangle_gc11.eqs.claim.txt
$ ./ rectangle_gc11.eqs > rectangle_gc11.solution