Welcome to Gradle 7.6.1! Here are the highlights of this release: - Added support for Java 19. - Introduced `--rerun` flag for individual task rerun. - Improved dependency block for test suites to be strongly typed. - Added a pluggable system for Java toolchains provisioning. For more details see https://docs.gradle.org/7.6.1/release-notes.html > Configure project :kotlinx-serialization-cbor New 'wasm' target is Work-in-Progress and is subject to change without notice. New 'wasm' target is Work-in-Progress and is subject to change without notice. w: The following Kotlin/Native targets cannot be built on this machine and are disabled: iosArm64, iosSimulatorArm64, iosX64, macosArm64, macosX64, tvosArm64, tvosSimulatorArm64, tvosX64, watchosArm32, watchosArm64, watchosDeviceArm64, watchosSimulatorArm64, watchosX64 To hide this message, add 'kotlin.native.ignoreDisabledTargets=true' to the Gradle properties. > Configure project :kotlinx-serialization-core New 'wasm' target is Work-in-Progress and is subject to change without notice. New 'wasm' target is Work-in-Progress and is subject to change without notice. w: The following Kotlin/Native targets cannot be built on this machine and are disabled: iosArm64, iosSimulatorArm64, iosX64, macosArm64, macosX64, tvosArm64, tvosSimulatorArm64, tvosX64, watchosArm32, watchosArm64, watchosDeviceArm64, watchosSimulatorArm64, watchosX64 To hide this message, add 'kotlin.native.ignoreDisabledTargets=true' to the Gradle properties. > Configure project :kotlinx-serialization-json New 'wasm' target is Work-in-Progress and is subject to change without notice. New 'wasm' target is Work-in-Progress and is subject to change without notice. w: The following Kotlin/Native targets cannot be built on this machine and are disabled: iosArm64, iosSimulatorArm64, iosX64, macosArm64, macosX64, tvosArm64, tvosSimulatorArm64, tvosX64, watchosArm32, watchosArm64, watchosDeviceArm64, watchosSimulatorArm64, watchosX64 To hide this message, add 'kotlin.native.ignoreDisabledTargets=true' to the Gradle properties. > Configure project :kotlinx-serialization-json-okio New 'wasm' target is Work-in-Progress and is subject to change without notice. w: The following Kotlin/Native targets cannot be built on this machine and are disabled: iosArm64, iosSimulatorArm64, iosX64, macosArm64, macosX64, tvosArm64, tvosSimulatorArm64, tvosX64, watchosArm32, watchosArm64, watchosSimulatorArm64, watchosX64 To hide this message, add 'kotlin.native.ignoreDisabledTargets=true' to the Gradle properties. > Configure project :kotlinx-serialization-properties New 'wasm' target is Work-in-Progress and is subject to change without notice. New 'wasm' target is Work-in-Progress and is subject to change without notice. w: The following Kotlin/Native targets cannot be built on this machine and are disabled: iosArm64, iosSimulatorArm64, iosX64, macosArm64, macosX64, tvosArm64, tvosSimulatorArm64, tvosX64, watchosArm32, watchosArm64, watchosDeviceArm64, watchosSimulatorArm64, watchosX64 To hide this message, add 'kotlin.native.ignoreDisabledTargets=true' to the Gradle properties. > Configure project :kotlinx-serialization-protobuf New 'wasm' target is Work-in-Progress and is subject to change without notice. New 'wasm' target is Work-in-Progress and is subject to change without notice. w: The following Kotlin/Native targets cannot be built on this machine and are disabled: iosArm64, iosSimulatorArm64, iosX64, macosArm64, macosX64, tvosArm64, tvosSimulatorArm64, tvosX64, watchosArm32, watchosArm64, watchosDeviceArm64, watchosSimulatorArm64, watchosX64 To hide this message, add 'kotlin.native.ignoreDisabledTargets=true' to the Gradle properties. > Configure project :kotlinx-serialization-json-tests New 'wasm' target is Work-in-Progress and is subject to change without notice. w: The following Kotlin/Native targets cannot be built on this machine and are disabled: iosArm64, iosSimulatorArm64, iosX64, macosArm64, macosX64, tvosArm64, tvosSimulatorArm64, tvosX64, watchosArm32, watchosArm64, watchosSimulatorArm64, watchosX64 To hide this message, add 'kotlin.native.ignoreDisabledTargets=true' to the Gradle properties. Invalid Java installation found at '/usr/lib/jvm/openjdk-17' (Common Linux Locations). It will be re-checked in the next build. This might have performance impact if it keeps failing. Run the 'javaToolchains' task for more details. Using Kotlin compiler version: 1.9.22 > Task :kotlinx-serialization-core:compileKotlinJs e: Could not load module in an attempt to find deserializer for symbol kotlinx.serialization.internal/createSimpleEnumSerializer|createSimpleEnumSerializer(kotlin.String;kotlin.Array<0:0>){0§>}[0]. > Task :kotlinx-serialization-core:compileKotlinJs FAILED > Task :kotlinx-serialization-core:compileKotlinWasmJs e: Could not load module in an attempt to find deserializer for symbol kotlinx.serialization.internal/createSimpleEnumSerializer|createSimpleEnumSerializer(kotlin.String;kotlin.Array<0:0>){0§>}[0]. > Task :kotlinx-serialization-core:compileKotlinWasmJs FAILED > Task :kotlinx-serialization-json-tests:compileTestKotlinLinuxX64 w: file:///home/timmc/repos/theirs/kotlinx.serialization/formats/json-tests/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/SerializersLookupTest.kt:212:28 Parameter 'value' is never used w: file:///home/timmc/repos/theirs/kotlinx.serialization/formats/json-tests/nativeTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/json/MultiWorkerJsonTest.kt:19:22 Workers API is obsolete and will be replaced with threads eventually w: file:///home/timmc/repos/theirs/kotlinx.serialization/formats/json-tests/nativeTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/json/MultiWorkerJsonTest.kt:19:29 Workers API is obsolete and will be replaced with threads eventually w: file:///home/timmc/repos/theirs/kotlinx.serialization/formats/json-tests/nativeTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/json/MultiWorkerJsonTest.kt:25:9 Workers API is obsolete and will be replaced with threads eventually w: file:///home/timmc/repos/theirs/kotlinx.serialization/formats/json-tests/nativeTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/json/MultiWorkerJsonTest.kt:25:16 Workers API is obsolete and will be replaced with threads eventually w: file:///home/timmc/repos/theirs/kotlinx.serialization/formats/json-tests/nativeTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/json/MultiWorkerJsonTest.kt:25:45 Freezing API is deprecated since 1.7.20. See https://kotlinlang.org/docs/native-migration-guide.html for details w: file:///home/timmc/repos/theirs/kotlinx.serialization/formats/json-tests/nativeTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/json/MultiWorkerJsonTest.kt:29:9 Workers API is obsolete and will be replaced with threads eventually w: file:///home/timmc/repos/theirs/kotlinx.serialization/formats/json-tests/nativeTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/json/MultiWorkerJsonTest.kt:29:16 Workers API is obsolete and will be replaced with threads eventually FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures. 1: Task failed with an exception. ----------- * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':kotlinx-serialization-core:compileKotlinJs'. > A failure occurred while executing org.jetbrains.kotlin.compilerRunner.GradleCompilerRunnerWithWorkers$GradleKotlinCompilerWorkAction > Compilation error. See log for more details * Try: > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. > Run with --scan to get full insights. ============================================================================== 2: Task failed with an exception. ----------- * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':kotlinx-serialization-core:compileKotlinWasmJs'. > A failure occurred while executing org.jetbrains.kotlin.compilerRunner.GradleCompilerRunnerWithWorkers$GradleKotlinCompilerWorkAction > Compilation error. See log for more details * Try: > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. > Run with --scan to get full insights. ============================================================================== * Get more help at https://help.gradle.org Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0. You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins. See https://docs.gradle.org/7.6.1/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings BUILD FAILED in 5m 7s 133 actionable tasks: 103 executed, 30 up-to-date