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New API, as suggested on django-developers
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gulopine committed May 10, 2007
1 parent e8303e5 commit 226666c
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Showing 4 changed files with 205 additions and 106 deletions.
183 changes: 135 additions & 48 deletions
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import re, datetime
import datetime, re, sys
from bisect import bisect

from django.utils.functional import curry
Expand All @@ -7,42 +7,145 @@

import models

_values, _values_by_model = {}, {}
_values = {}
_value_list = []

# A transaction is necessary for backends like PostgreSQL
# Retrieve all stored values once during startup
for value in models.Value.objects.all():
_values[value.app_label, value.model,] = value
_values[value.module_name, value.class_name, value.attribute_name] = value
# Necessary in case values were used in models
# prior to syncdb setting up the value storage

def get_value(app_label, model_name, name):
return _values[app_label, model_name, name].content
def get_value(module_name, class_name, attribute_name):
return _values[module_name, class_name, attribute_name].content

def get_descriptor(app_label, model_name, name):
return _values[app_label, model_name, name].descriptor
def get_descriptor(module_name, class_name, attribute_name):
return _values[module_name, class_name, attribute_name].descriptor

def set_value(app_label, model_name, name, value):
model = _values.get((app_label, model_name, name), None)
def set_value(module_name, class_name, attribute_name, value):
model = _values.get((module_name, class_name, attribute_name), None)
if model is None:
_values[app_label, model_name, name] = model = models.Value(
_values[module_name, class_name, attribute_name] = model = models.Value(
model.content = model.descriptor.get_db_prep_save(value)
except AttributeError:
model.content = str(value)

def get_values_by_model(app_label, model):
return _values_by_model[app_label, model]
def get_all_values():
return _value_list

class OptionsBase(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
if not bases or bases == (object,):
attrs.pop('__module__', None)
for attribute_name, attr in attrs.items():
if not isinstance(attr, Value):
raise TypeError('The type of %s (%s) is not a valid Value.' % (attribute_name, attr.__class__.__name__))
cls.add_to_class(attribute_name, attr)

# FIXME: Add in the rest of the options
class Options(object):
__metaclass__ = OptionsBase

def __new__(cls):
attrs = [(k, v.copy()) for (k, v) in cls.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, Value)]
attrs.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[1], b[1]))

for key, attr in attrs:
attr.creation_counter = Value.creation_counter
Value.creation_counter += 1
if attr.key not in _values:
# This value isn't already stored in the database
_values[attr.key] = models.Value(

# Set up cache storage for external access
_values[attr.key].descriptor = attr
_value_list.insert(bisect(_value_list, attr), attr)

# Make sure the module reflects where it was executed
attrs += (('__module__', sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__']),)

# A new class is created so descriptors work properly
# object.__new__ is necessary here to avoid recursion
return object.__new__(type('Options', (cls,), dict(attrs)))

def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
# Override the class_name of all registered values
for attr in self.__class__.__dict__.values():
if isinstance(attr, Value):
attr.module_name = cls.__module__
attr.class_name = cls.__name__

if attr.key not in _values:
# This value isn't already stored in the database
_values[attr.key] = models.Value(

# Set up cache storage for external access
_values[attr.key].descriptor = attr

# Create permission for editing values on the model
permission = (
'can_edit_%s_values' % cls.__name__.lower(),
'Can edit %s values' % cls._meta.verbose_name,
if permission not in cls._meta.permissions:
# Add a permission for the value editor
except AttributeError:
# Permissions were supplied as a tuple, so preserve that
cls._meta.permissions = tuple(cls._meta.permissions + (permission,))

# Finally, plaec the attribute on the class
setattr(cls, name, self)

def add_to_class(cls, attribute_name, value):
value.contribute_to_class(cls, attribute_name)
add_to_class = classmethod(add_to_class)

def __add__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Options):
raise NotImplementedError('Options may only be added to other options.')

options = type('Options', (Options,), {'__module__': sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__']})()

for attribute_name, attr in self.__class__.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(attr, Value):
options.__class__.add_to_class(attribute_name, attr)
for attribute_name, attr in other.__class__.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(attr, Value):
options.__class__.add_to_class(attribute_name, attr)
return options

def __iter__(cls):
attrs = [v for v in cls.__dict__.values() if isinstance(v, Value)]
attrs.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[1], b[1]))
for attr in attrs:
yield attr
attrs = [(v.attribute_name, v.copy()) for v in cls if isinstance(v, Value)]

class Value(object):

Expand All @@ -58,44 +161,28 @@ def __cmp__(self, other):
# This is needed because bisect does not take a comparison function.
return cmp(self.creation_counter, other.creation_counter)

def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
self.app_label = cls._meta.app_label
self.model = cls.__name__.lower() = name
self.description = self.description or name.replace('_', ' ')
self.key = (self.app_label, self.model,
if self.key not in _values:
# This value isn't already stored in the database
_values[self.key] = models.Value(
def copy(self):
new_value = self.__class__(self.description, self.help_text)
new_value.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()
return new_value

permission = (
'can_edit_%s_values' % cls._meta.verbose_name,
'Can edit %s values' % cls._meta.verbose_name,
if permission not in cls._meta.permissions:
# Add a permission for the value editor
except AttributeError:
# Permissions were supplied as a tuple, so preserve that
cls._meta.permissions = tuple(cls._meta.permissions + (permission,))
def key(self):
return self.module_name, self.class_name, self.attribute_name
key = property(key)

# Set up cache storage for external access
_values[self.key].descriptor = self
if (self.app_label, self.model) not in _values_by_model:
_values_by_model[self.app_label, self.model] = []
by_model_list = _values_by_model[self.app_label, self.model]
by_model_list.insert(bisect(by_model_list, self), self)
def contribute_to_class(self, cls, attribute_name):
if not issubclass(cls, Options):
self.module_name = cls.__module__
self.class_name = ''
self.attribute_name = attribute_name
self.description = self.description or attribute_name.replace('_', ' ')

setattr(cls,, self)
setattr(cls, self.attribute_name, self)

def __get__(self, instance=None, type=None):
if instance != None:
raise AttributeError, "%s isn't accessible via %s instances" % (, type.__name__)
if instance == None:
raise AttributeError, "%s is only accessible from %s instances." % (self.attribute_name, type.__name__)
value = _values.get(self.key, None)
if value:
return self.to_python(value.content)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
from django.db import models

class Value(models.Model):
app_label = models.CharField(maxlength=255)
model = models.CharField(maxlength=255)
name = models.CharField(maxlength=255)
module_name = models.CharField(maxlength=255)
class_name = models.CharField(maxlength=255, blank=True)
attribute_name = models.CharField(maxlength=255)
content = models.CharField(maxlength=255)

def __nonzero__(self):
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24 changes: 13 additions & 11 deletions templates/admin/edit_values.html
Expand Up @@ -19,19 +19,21 @@
{% endif %}
{% if form.fields %}
{% regroup form by app_label as apps %}
{% regroup form by module_name as modules %}
<form method="post">
{% for app in apps %}
{% for module in modules %}
<div class="module">
<table summary="{% blocktrans with app.grouper|capfirst as name %}Models available in the {{ name }} application.{% endblocktrans %}" width="100%">
<caption>{% blocktrans with app.grouper|capfirst as name %}{{ name }}{% endblocktrans %}</caption>
{% regroup app.list by model_name as models %}
{% for model in models %}
<tr class="alt">
<th>{% blocktrans with model.grouper|capfirst as name %}{{ name }}{% endblocktrans %}</th>
{% for field in model.list %}
<table summary="{% blocktrans with app.grouper as name %}Models available in the {{ name }} application.{% endblocktrans %}" width="100%">
<caption>{% blocktrans with module.grouper as name %}{{ name }}{% endblocktrans %}</caption>
{% regroup module.list by class_name as classes %}
{% for class in classes %}
{% if class.grouper %}
<tr class="alt">
<th>{% blocktrans with class.grouper as name %}{{ name }}{% endblocktrans %}</th>
{% endif %}
{% for field in class.list %}
{% if field.errors %}
<tr class="error">
<td colspan="2">{{ field.errors }}</td>
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