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Larder is a free software application for tracking your personal inventories of foods and ingredients; as you cook and eat them, Larder will track some nutritional statistics for you.


React app; run from client directory with npm start


ASP.NET Core project; run from WebApi directory with dotnet run

Install the dotnet-ef CLI tool globally to scaffold migrations from model classes:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

Architecture and Design

The frontend is a React app that was created with Create React App and refactored to use Vite. The backend is a monolithic ASP.NET Core project with a controller-service-repository architecture.


The backend uses cookie-based authentication with ASP.NET Core Identity. Since React is being used without a framework, the client has a React context called AuthedContext to track the user authentication state client side. The initial test of whether the client is authenticated is a fetch call to the units index endpoint. Since units are used throughout the app (like for ingredient quantities), there is a React context UnitsContext, so this has the dual purpose of checking if there are valid cookies and setting up the user's units context.

Controllers, services, repository

Controllers bind incoming HTTP request data into data transfer objects (DTOs), invoke services, and return appropriate responses, with the preferred return type Task<ActionResult<DataTransferObject>>. The abstract controller ApplicationControllerBase establishes the convention for the base resource URL (api/[controllername]), uses [ApiController] so all requests that do not successfully bind data into valid DTOs (the parameters of the controller actions) send 400 responses automatically, and [Authorize] to require the user be authenticated, sending 401 responses if not.

Services compose the business logic layer. The abstract ApplicationServiceBase provides CurrentUserId() which accesses the HTTP context to get the user id.

Database access is done through the repositories.

Style guide


  • Prefer btn-primary for <Link> buttons that change the page and type="submit" buttons that redirect
  • Prefer btn-secondary for type="button" buttons that change the state of the current page component


Food/ingredient inventories and nutrition app







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