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Provides utilities to create your own LEGO Art.


Generates an image that looks like LEGO Art.
This library supports both iOS (14+) and macOS (11+).


// Get CGImage from CIImage
let input = CIImage()
if let legoArtFilter = LegoArtFilter(ciImage: input) {
    let output = legoArtFilter.exportCGImage()

// Get UIImage from UIImage
let input = UIImage()
if let legoArtFilter = LegoArtFilter(from: input) {
    let output = legoArtFilter.exportUIImage()

// Get NSImage from NSImage
let input = NSImage()
if let legoArtFilter = LegoArtFilter(from: input) {
    let output = legoArtFilter.exportNSImage()

// Use the options
// baseColor:      It is used as a base for transparent images such as PNG.
// StudType:       It is reflected in the appearance of the brick.
//                 (round/round plate/square/square plate)
// maxStud:        Determines the maximum bricks number of the generated image.
// studPixelWidth: Specifies the pixel width of the actual brick to be drawn.
let legoArtFilter = LegoArtFilter(ciImage: CIImage,
                                  baseColor: CGColor,
                                  studType: StudType,
                                  maxStud: Int,
                                  studPixelWidth: Int)


LegoArtSwiftDemo.xcodeproj is a demonstration of LegoArtFilter in the Examples directory. You can build it (ver 13+).




A library to make it easier to handle the colors of LEGO blocks with Swift.
This library supports both iOS (14+) and macOS (11+).


// Get CGColor from name of a brick.
let color = LegoColor.darkTurquoise.color

// Get an approximate LegoColor from CGColor
let cgColor = CGColor(srgbRed: 0.12, green: 0.34, blue: 0.56, alpha: 1.0)
let legoColor = LegoColor(cgColor: cgColor)

// Get an approximate LegoColor from UIColor or NSColor.
let legoColor = LegoColor(uiColor:
let legoColor = LegoColor(nsColor: NSColor.yellow)

Note: LegoColor refers to Color Guid of Bricklink.


Copyright (c) 2021 Takuto NAKAMURA (Kyome)

You are free to use it as long as it is not for commercial use.