Practice creating and building navigation through activities, displaying lists, gathering input and passing it to another activity, using butterknife to bind views, implementing View.OnClickListener interface to set click listeners to view elements, implementing OkHttp to retrive data, creting data models to store data using fragments and a pager adapter to swipe through views, and incorporating implicit intents., 07/23/2016
An Android application that allows users to lookup businesses that offer beauty services by zip code.
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
- Android Studio
- Nexus 6 download
- Android API 23 Download
git clone
- change into the new directory
- Open Android Studio
- Navigate to File>Open
- Choose recently cloned folder
- Load Nexus 6 in emulator
- Run app
- Implement Firebase user authentication.
- Save and retrieve data using Firebase.
- Employ the Firebase-RecyclerAdapter to display from database.
- Use SharedPreferences.
- Utilize dialogs to inform users of errors, login status, etc.
- Use a SearchView widget to gather user input.
- Java
- Android
This software is licensed under the MIT license
Copyright (c) 2016 LaTaevia