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Julien Eberle edited this page Jul 23, 2014 · 2 revisions

R Processing Class

The software architecture of GSN allows the integration of third-party numerical packages such as Matlab, Mathematica, and more recently the R statistical package. Here we describe how to integrate and perform data analysis using R and GSN.

Installation and Setup

R is a programming language and a software package for statistical computing and analysis. R provides a range of techniques for statistical analysis such as liner and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical test, time-series analysis. The R software platform is composed of an engine that can interpret and execute R scripts or programs (in a similar way to GNU Octave or Matlab). The R engine can be invoked from the console or over the network using a TCP/IP server called Rserve. In this section, we describe how to configure the R and the Rserve server.


First, we have to install R. R is available in several platforms, depending on your platform you will have to follow specific instructions. We recommend to read the documentation from the official project website:

Rserve TCP/IP Server

Rserve is a TCP/IP server which allows other programs to use invoke R from various languages without the need to initialize R or link against R library. Rserve can be downloaded from the following website: Rserve is written in Java and it has bindings for other languages. Rserve comes as a R package, therefore, to install and run Rserve, the library and the package have to be invoked within R as follows:

user@host\# R
R version 2.6.2 (2008-02-08) 
Copyright (C) 2008 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing 

> library(Rserve) 
> Rserve()

This will load the Rserve library and start the Rserve TCP/IP server on the localhost. The default port is 6311. To read more about how to invoke R using Rserve, please refer to the Rserve documentation website:

<virtual-sensor name="plot" priority="10">
      <param name="plot">2D</param>
      <param name="device">jpeg</param>
      <param name="operation">x&lt;-rnorm(10);plot(x,$temperature$);</param>
      <field name="plot" type="binary:image/jpeg"/>
  <description>Plots a graph using R.</description>
  <life-cycle pool-size="10"/> 
    <predicate key=""></predicate>  
  <storage history-size="1h"/>
    <stream name="input1">
    <source alias="source1" sampling-rate="1" storage-size="1">
      <address wrapper="multiformat">
        <predicate key="rate">2000</predicate>
      <query>SELECT temperature, timed FROM wrapper WHERE packet_type=2</query>
    <query>SELECT temperature, timed FROM source1</query>
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