Here we track NetLicensing's known issues and feature requests. You can use this tracker to report bugs and to request and vote for new NetLicensing features, as well as collaborate, asking questions around license management and support new NetLicensing adopters.
- Create a new discussion or scan existing discussions
- Be precise, provide all relevant information which will help us better analyse your issue or answer the question
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account if need to show specific NetLicensing configuration; use entities numbers as a reference and/or take the screenshots. - Use one of the repositories below if you got a specific question related to the functionality of these libraries and projects.
- Getting Started -
- Wiki -
- RESTful API -
- API Test Center -
- FAQ -
- Changelog -
Labs64/NetLicensingClient-java - NetLicensing Client (Java)
Labs64/NetLicensingClient-kotlin - NetLicensing Client (Kotlin)
Labs64/NetLicensingClient-csharp - NetLicensing Client (C#)
Labs64/NetLicensingClient-javascript - NetLicensing Client (JavaScript)
Labs64/NetLicensingClient-php - NetLicensing Client (PHP)
Labs64/NetLicensingClient-cpp - NetLicensing Client (C++)
Labs64/NetLicensingClient-python (⚒️ WIP) - NetLicensing Client (Python)
Labs64/NetLicensing-Gateway - NetLicensing / eCommerce Gateway
Labs64/NetLicensing-FastSpring - NetLicensing / FastSpring integration
Labs64/NetLicensing-API - RESTful API Test Center
Labs64/NetLicensing-Schema - XML Schema
Labs64/NetLicensing-Zapier - NetLicensing / Zapier Integration
Labs64/NetLicensing-Demo - NetLicensing Demo Application
Labs64/NetLicensing-PrestaShop - NetLicensing PrestaShop licensing plugin
Labs64/PluginPass - WordPress PRO Plugin/Theme Licensing
Following files, directories and their contents are copyright Labs64. You may not reuse anything therein without permission:
- images/
- resources/
All other files and directories are licensed under the MIT License unless explicitly stated.