Seed: NoWayYoouCouldFlushThatEntireFace, Game: Order of Ecclesia, Randomizer version: 1.1.0 Selected options: randomize_pickups, randomize_enemies, randomize_enemy_drops, randomize_boss_souls, randomize_item_stats, randomize_skill_stats, randomize_shop, randomize_wooden_chests, randomize_villagers, randomize_weapon_synths, randomize_enemy_stats, bonus_starting_items, name_unnamed_skills, unlock_all_modes, reveal_breakable_walls, fix_first_ability_soul, fix_luck, no_touch_screen, unlock_boss_doors, remove_slot_machines, fix_infinite_quest_rewards, dont_randomize_change_cube, open_world_map, always_dowsing Difficulty level: Easy Randomizing pickups: Placing main route progression pickups: Placing pickup 0039 (paries) at 08-00-07_02 (Minera Prison Island) Placing pickup 0038 (magnes) at 08-01-07_00 (event) (Minera Prison Island) Placing pickup 0071 (serpent_scale) at 12-00-0B_00 (Monastery) Placing pickup 003B (rapidus_fio) at 07-00-14_00 (Somnus Reef) Placing pickup 0070 (double_jump) at 0E-00-08_00 (Mystery Manor) Placing villager villagerjacob at 08-01-02_00 (Minera Prison Island) Placing villager villagermonica at 0B-01-03_00 (Tristis Pass) Placing villager villagerdaniela at 12-00-03_00 (Monastery) Placing villager villagermarcel at 06-00-0D_01 (Kalidus Channel) Placing villager villagereugen at 08-00-07_00 (Minera Prison Island) Placing villager villagerlaura at 07-00-0D_01 (Somnus Reef) Placing villager villageririna at 08-01-05_00 (Minera Prison Island) Placing villager villageraeon at 11-00-05_02 (Skeleton Cave) Placing villager villageranna at 12-00-05_00 (Monastery) Placing villager villagerserge at 12-00-0D_04 (Monastery) Placing villager villagerabram at 0B-00-0D_01 (Tristis Pass) Placing pickup 003A (volaticus) at 0B-00-0D_00 (Tristis Pass) Placing pickup 001C (redire_glyph) at 06-00-1A_00 (Kalidus Channel) Placing pickup 0030 (sinestro_custos) at 06-01-04_04 (Kalidus Channel) Placing pickup 0046 (arma_custos) at 07-00-07_00 (Somnus Reef) Placing pickup 002F (dextro_custos) at 00-07-02_00 (Mechanical Tower) Placing pickup 004E (dominus_agony) at 0E-00-09_06 (event) (Mystery Manor) Placing pickup 0031 (dominus_hatred) at 02-00-00_04 (Ecclesia) Placing pickup 0032 (dominus_anger) at 00-08-05_00 (Arms Depot) All progression pickups placed successfully. Seed: OhWouldYou, Game: Portrait of Ruin, Randomizer version: 1.1.0 Selected options: randomize_pickups, randomize_enemies, randomize_enemy_drops, randomize_boss_souls, randomize_item_stats, randomize_skill_stats, randomize_shop, randomize_wooden_chests, randomize_villagers, randomize_weapon_synths, randomize_enemy_stats, bonus_starting_items, name_unnamed_skills, unlock_all_modes, reveal_breakable_walls, fix_first_ability_soul, fix_luck, no_touch_screen, unlock_boss_doors, remove_slot_machines, fix_infinite_quest_rewards, dont_randomize_change_cube, open_world_map, always_dowsing Difficulty level: Easy Randomizing pickups: Placing main route progression pickups: Placing pickup 0151 (puppet_master) at 00-01-0F_01 (Entrance) Placing pickup 01B3 (double_jump) at 00-01-04_01 (Entrance) Placing pickup 01B0 (acrobat_cube) at 00-02-14_01 (hidden) (Buried Chamber) Placing pickup 01B4 (superjump) at 00-05-04_0F (Great Stairway) Placing pickup 0179 (sanctuary) at 03-01-1C_01 (Sandy Grave) Placing pickup 004E (cog) at 06-00-08_04 (hidden) (Burnt Paradise) Placing pickup 0178 (owl_morph) at 03-01-03_00 (Sandy Grave) Placing pickup 017A (speed_up) at 03-00-07_00 (Sandy Grave) Placing pickup 01B5 (strength_cube) at 04-01-03_01 (Forgotten City) Placing pickup 01B1 (push_cube) at 00-08-0D_00 (Tower of Death) Placing leftover progression pickups: Placing pickup 0177 (toad_morph) at 07-02-0B_00 (Forest of Doom) Placing pickup 01AE (skill_cube) at 04-01-03_00 (Forgotten City) All progression pickups placed successfully. Seed: SomeoneInTheChatBroughtUpAGoodPoint, Game: Dawn of Sorrow, Randomizer version: 1.1.0 Selected options: randomize_pickups, randomize_enemies, randomize_enemy_drops, randomize_boss_souls, randomize_item_stats, randomize_skill_stats, randomize_shop, randomize_wooden_chests, randomize_villagers, randomize_weapon_synths, randomize_enemy_stats, bonus_starting_items, name_unnamed_skills, unlock_all_modes, reveal_breakable_walls, fix_first_ability_soul, fix_luck, no_touch_screen, unlock_boss_doors, remove_slot_machines, fix_infinite_quest_rewards, dont_randomize_change_cube, open_world_map, always_dowsing Difficulty level: Easy Randomizing pickups: Placing main route progression pickups: Placing pickup 00CE (puppet_master) at 00-00-09_07 (The Lost Village) Placing pickup 0104 (bat_company) at 00-02-0B_01 (Wizardry Lab) Placing pickup 00D2 (skeleton) at 00-00-15_0A (The Lost Village) Placing pickup 00C6 (mina_talisman) at 00-01-37_00 (event) (Demon Guest House) Placing pickup 0145 (rahab) at 00-0B-0B_01 (The Abyss) Placing pickup 0119 (bone_ark) at 00-06-02_00 (Subterranean Hell) Placing pickup 0142 (balore) at 00-02-1E_00 (Wizardry Lab) Placing pickup 00CF (zephyr) at 00-02-12_02 (Wizardry Lab) Placing pickup 00D0 (paranoia) at 00-07-05_03 (Silenced Ruins) Placing pickup 0039 (tower_key) at 00-01-1A_03 (mirror) (Demon Guest House) Placing leftover progression pickups: Placing pickup 0134 (skeleton_ape) at 00-09-0B_01 (The Pinnacle) Placing pickup 00D4 (axearmor) at 00-07-0C_05 (Silenced Ruins) Placing pickup 0143 (malphas) at 00-0B-13_00 (boss) (The Abyss) Placing pickup 00E3 (killer_clown) at 00-05-1B_02 (boss) (Condemned Tower & Mine of Judgment) Placing pickup 00EC (ukoback) at 00-07-0E_00 (boss) (Silenced Ruins) Placing pickup 0146 (hippogryph) at 00-01-1C_00 (boss) (Demon Guest House) Placing pickup 0103 (flying_armor) at 00-02-16_00 (Wizardry Lab) Placing pickup 00FC (bat_form) at 00-0B-06_01 (The Abyss) Placing pickup 0105 (black_panther) at 00-00-0D_00 (The Lost Village) All progression pickups placed successfully. Seed: There'sALotOfLittleThings, Game: Dawn of Sorrow, Randomizer version: 1.1.0 Selected options: randomize_pickups, randomize_enemies, randomize_enemy_drops, randomize_boss_souls, randomize_item_stats, randomize_skill_stats, randomize_shop, randomize_wooden_chests, randomize_villagers, randomize_weapon_synths, randomize_enemy_stats, bonus_starting_items, name_unnamed_skills, unlock_all_modes, reveal_breakable_walls, fix_first_ability_soul, fix_luck, no_touch_screen, unlock_boss_doors, remove_slot_machines, fix_infinite_quest_rewards, dont_randomize_change_cube, open_world_map, always_dowsing Difficulty level: Easy Randomizing pickups: Placing main route progression pickups: Placing pickup 0105 (black_panther) at 00-00-02_05 (The Lost Village) Placing pickup 0142 (balore) at 00-02-0B_01 (Wizardry Lab) Placing pickup 0104 (bat_company) at 00-02-12_02 (Wizardry Lab) Placing pickup 0145 (rahab) at 00-00-15_0B (The Lost Village) Placing pickup 0119 (bone_ark) at 00-06-04_00 (Subterranean Hell) Placing pickup 00C6 (mina_talisman) at 00-00-06_01 (The Lost Village) Placing pickup 00D2 (skeleton) at 00-0B-06_01 (The Abyss) Placing pickup 00D0 (paranoia) at 00-04-00_00 (The Dark Chapel) Placing pickup 00CF (zephyr) at 00-0B-13_00 (boss) (The Abyss) Placing pickup 0039 (tower_key) at 00-07-05_04 (mirror) (Silenced Ruins) Placing leftover progression pickups: Placing pickup 00FC (bat_form) at 00-09-0B_01 (The Pinnacle) Placing pickup 0103 (flying_armor) at 00-05-0B_02 (Condemned Tower & Mine of Judgment) Placing pickup 00D4 (axearmor) at 00-07-0C_05 (Silenced Ruins) Placing pickup 0146 (hippogryph) at 00-06-17_00 (Subterranean Hell) Placing pickup 0134 (skeleton_ape) at 00-04-0F_01 (boss) (The Dark Chapel) Placing pickup 00E3 (killer_clown) at 00-02-06_00 (boss) (Wizardry Lab) Placing pickup 00EC (ukoback) at 00-07-05_03 (Silenced Ruins) Placing pickup 0143 (malphas) at 00-01-05_00 (Demon Guest House) Placing pickup 00CE (puppet_master) at 00-01-1C_00 (boss) (Demon Guest House) All progression pickups placed successfully.