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Revised the file as to our discussion, added/improved several comfort…
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watchdesigner committed Sep 13, 2011
1 parent c046d45 commit fd46758
Showing 1 changed file with 153 additions and 55 deletions.
208 changes: 153 additions & 55 deletions examples/watch.html
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
Expand All @@ -10,64 +11,161 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/EaselJS/lib/easel.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jquery.floatinghands.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var dayOffset = 0;
var daily = function (timeFn) {
var now = timeFn();
var day = now.getDate();
var dayAngle = 360 / 31;
return day * dayAngle;
var hourly = function (timeFn) {
var now = timeFn();
var hour = now.getHours() % 12;
return hour / 12 * 360;
var minutely = function (timeFn) {
var now = timeFn();
var second = now.getMinutes();
return second / 60 * 360;

/* ********************************************************************
this part should be in a JS file that can be used by several different pages
or even into the library
*********************************************************************** */

var todayTimeFn = function() {
/* a function that provides the number of milliseconds passed since
TODAY midnight (rather than 1970/01/01 midnight). For that, we subtract
create a date that is today 0:00 and subtract it from the current date. */
var now = new Date();
return now.getTime() -
new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDay()).getTime();

var makeTimeFn = function(args) {
/* this is a function that can return a timeFunction based on certain
arguments passed.
'total' means the number of milliseconds that is represented by a full
rotation of a hand.
'step' means how often a hand is supposed to be updated. */
return function(timeFn) {
return ((Math.floor(timeFn() / args.step) * args.step) % / * 360;
var secondly = function (timeFn) {
var now = timeFn();
var second = now.getSeconds();
return second / 60 * 360;
var stop = new ($().floatinghands().Stopwatch)();
var stopSecondly = function (timeFn) {
var now = timeFn();
var second = now / 1000
return second / 60 * 360;
var watchTimeFn = function () {
var c = new Date();
return new Date(c.getFullYear(), c.getMonth(), c.getDay() + dayOffset);

var hours = makeTimeFn({ total: 43200000, step: 60000 });
var minutes = makeTimeFn({ total: 3600000, step: 1000 });
var minutes_30 = makeTimeFn({ total: 1800000, step: 1000 });
var seconds = makeTimeFn({ total: 60000, step: 1000 });
var seconds_mechanical = makeTimeFn({ total: 60000, step: 125 });

var chronograph = function() {
/* sort of a comfort function that returns a stopwatch object so
it doesn't look that verbose in the watch configuration section */
return new ($().floatinghands().Stopwatch)();

var simpleDate = function () {
this.time = new Date();
var self = this;

this.timeFn = function() {
return self.time;
var dateCorrect = function () {
dayOffset -= 1;
this.dateCorrect = function() {
self.time.setDate(self.time.getDate() + 1);
var translate = function (dpi, sideLength) {
return function (mm) {
var inches = mm / 25.4;
return inches * dpi + sideLength / 2;
var x = translate(96, $("#widget").width());
var y = translate(96, $("#widget").height());

{image: "case.png", z: 10},
{image: "date_disk.png", z: 9, x: 142, y: 213, regX: 142, regY: 213, updateFn: daily, timeFn: watchTimeFn},
{image: "dial.png", z: 8},
{image: "hour.png", z: 7, x: x(0), y: y(0), regX: x(0), regY: y(0), updateFn: hourly},
{image: "min.png", z: 7, x: x(0), y: y(0), regX: x(0), regY: y(0), updateFn: minutely},
{image: "sec.png", z: 7, x: 103, y: 213, regX: 103, regY: 213, updateFn: secondly},
{image: "stop_sec.png", z: 7, x: 142, y: 213, regX: 142, regY: 213, updateFn: stopSecondly, timeFn: stop.timeFn},
], [
{normal: "pusher_a_0.png", pressed: "pusher_a_1.png", hotspot: [207, 140, 260, 200], pushed: stop.toggleRun},
{normal: "pusher_b_0.png", pressed: "pusher_b_1.png", hotspot: [207, 250, 260, 290], pushed: stop.toggleFreeze},
{normal: "pusher_c_0.png", pressed: "pusher_c_1.png", hotspot: [40, 150, 80, 190], pushed: dateCorrect},

var simple_date = function(timeFn) {
/* I have the minus in front of the term because the true date disk
rotates counter-clockwise, and I subtract 28 because we have 28 as the
standard date in most photographs. */
return -(timeFn().getDate() - 28) / 31 * 360;

var makeHandFn = function(width, height, dpi) {
return function(args) {
var result = args;
var x = args.x || 0;
var y = args.y || 0;
x = x / 25.4 * dpi + width / 2;
y = y / 25.4 * dpi + height / 2;
result.x = x;
result.y = y;
result.regX = x;
result.regY = y;

return result;

var makePusherFn = function(width, height, dpi, hotspotMinSize) {
return function(args) {
var x, y, sx, sy;

if (!(typeof args.hour == "undefined")) {
/* for convenience we provide the angle as an hour value (0h - 12h).
hours start at the North position (top) and count clockwise, whereas
a mathematical angle starts at the East position (right) and counts
counter-clockwise. So we start with 1/4 circle (0.25) and subtract
the hour value divided by 12. */
var angle = (0.25 - args.hour / 12) * 2 * Math.PI;
x = width / 2 + args.dist * Math.cos(angle) / 25.4 * dpi;
y = height / 2 - args.dist * Math.sin(angle) / 25.4 * dpi;
} else {
x = args.x / 25.4 * dpi + width / 2;
y = args.y / 25.4 * dpi + height / 2;
sx = args.width / 25.4 * dpi;
sy = args.height / 25.4 * dpi;

if (sx < hotspotMinSize) {
sx = hotspotMinSize;
if (sy < hotspotMinSize) {
sy = hotspotMinSize;
args.hotspot = [x - sx/2, y - sy/2, x + sx/2, y + sy/2];
return args;

/* ***********************************************************************
this part should be in a JS file that is packed together with the other
files that belong to a certain watch model, i.e. the images
************************************************************************ */

// this is specific for watch images at a certain resolution
var WIDTH = 284; //px
var HEIGHT = 426; //px
var DPI = 120;
var h = makeHandFn(WIDTH, HEIGHT, DPI);

/* we define the true 'hotspot' sizes of the watch model in mm, but
we can override them with a certain min size in pixels so that people
will hit them. So actually if it was only for small displays we could
omit the true size. */
var HOTSPOT_MIN_SIZE = 40; //px

// this would work for a watch model independently of the image resolution
var date = new simpleDate();
var stop = chronograph();

var watch = {
date: new simpleDate(),
stop: chronograph(),
layers : [
h({image: "case.png", z: 10}),
h({image: "date_disk.png", z: 9, updateFn: simple_date, timeFn: date.timeFn}),
h({image: "dial.png", z: 8}),
h({image: "hour.png", z: 6, updateFn: hours, timeFn: todayTimeFn}),
h({image: "min.png", z: 6, updateFn: minutes, timeFn: todayTimeFn}),
h({image: "sec.png", z: 7, x: -8.2, updateFn: seconds_mechanical, timeFn: todayTimeFn}),
h({image: "stop_sec.png", z: 6, updateFn: seconds_mechanical, timeFn: stop.timeFn}),
h({image: "stop_min.png", z: 7, x: 8.2, updateFn: minutes_30, timeFn: stop.timeFn}),
h({image: "stop_hour.png", z: 7, y: 8, updateFn: hours, timeFn: stop.timeFn}),
h({image: "crown_0.png", z: 6}),
], pushers : [
p({normal: "pusher_a_0.png", pressed: "pusher_a_1.png", dist: 21.5, hour: 2, width: 5, height: 5, pushed: stop.toggleRun}),
p({normal: "pusher_b_0.png", pressed: "pusher_b_1.png", dist: 21.5, hour: 4, width: 5, height: 5, pushed: stop.toggleFreeze}),
p({normal: "pusher_c_0.png", pressed: "pusher_c_1.png", dist: 21.5, hour: 10, width: 5, height: 5, pushed: date.dateCorrect}),
] }

/* ***********************************************************************
this is actually the only part that should be inside the page that
displays the floatinghands
************************************************************************ */
$(function () {

$("#widget").floatinghands().attach(watch.layers, watch.pushers);

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