WMI_2_Test_Tool root\WMI MSI_ACPI.InstanceName='ACPI\PNP0C14\0_0' Get_WMI Get_EC Get_BIOS Set_BIOS Get_SMBUS Set_SMBUS Get_MasterBattery Set_MasterBattery Get_SlaveBattery Set_SlaveBattery Get_Temperature Set_Temperature Get_Thermal Set_Thermal Get_Fan Set_Fan Get_Device Set_Device Get_Power Set_Power Get_Debug Set_Debug Get_AP Set_AP Get_Data Set_Data GetPackage SetPackage HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MSI\NB WMIEC LBT DBKW MSI NoteBook MSI NBFoundation Service WmiAcpi2.log Clear WMIEC value in registry before dispose WmiAcpiLib2 instance. ======== Start to initialize a WmiAcpiLib2 version {0}.{1}.{2}.{3} instance. =========================================================== Read WMI version info via WMI Method. Data Bytes Error when getting WMI: {0} : {1} winmgmt.exe /verifyrepository /salvagerepository Error when getting WMI: Read EC version info via WMI Method. Error on getting EC: *** WMIACPI2 only supports to compatible EC and BIOS. *** nTGL *** WMIACPI2 only supports to compatible EC and BIOS of AMD's platform. *** *** Unknown CPU ***{0} *** WMIACPI2 only supports Intel TigerLake(11th gen.) or newer platform. *** ======== Finished initialization of WmiAcpiLib2 instance. =========================================================== root\CIMV2 SELECT LastBootUpTime FROM Win32_OperatingSystem LastBootUpTime An error occurred while querying for WMI data: The system has been rebooted after last time check WMI and EC version info. LastBootTime:{0} <= {1} The system has been rebooted in the future datetime. LastBootTime in reg:{0} < {1} Error on reading registry key 'LBT' : Error on clean registry key 'LBT' and version : The 'WMIEC' is empty. Reset it. WMIEC:WMI Major Version = {0} WMIEC:WMI Minor Version = {0} WMIEC:TigerLake platform = {0} WMIEC:EC RAM Page Changed = {0} WMIEC:EC RAM Main Version = {0} WMIEC:EC RAM Sub Version = {0} WMIEC:EC Firmware Version and build date = Error on parsing 'WMIEC' Error on reading 'WMIEC' : Writing empty string value into 'WMIEC' Error on writing 'WMIEC' : The value of 'WMIEC' = " " is the same with current value read from WMI method. Writing WMI and EC version info into 'WMIEC' Initializes a new instance of the ManagementObject class bound to the Scope=" " and Path=" Error on Create ManagementObject Instance(" Error on GetMethodParameters("Set_Data"): Create input params instance from executing Get_WMI WMI Major Version = {0} WMI Minor Version = {0} It's TigerLake platform = {0} EC RAM Page Changed = {0} EC RAM Main Version = {0} EC RAM Sub Version = {0} EC Firmware Version and build date = Error on parsing EC Firmware Version and Date string : Package Error: Failed to create input params: {0} ; ErrorCode={1} ---------- Start of ExecuteWmiMethod( Get Get_ Set Set_ An error occurred while trying to execute the WMI method: {0} ; ErrorCode={1} ---------- End of ExecuteWmiMethod( msiapcfg.dll The file " " is outdated or different from original. Missing file " SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WmiAcpi MofImagePath %windir%\sysWOW64\msiapcfg.dll The value of registry "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WmiAcpi\MofImagePath" is incorrect. Missing registry "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WmiAcpi\MofImagePath" Installed WMIACPI2 service. Please reboot to activate it. Can not install WMIACPI2 service. Missing file " Failed to install WMIACPI2 service. Error: xcopy Failed to copy file. Error: " /e /y /I Winmgmt Winmgmt service is running. Check counter of Winmgmt service exceeds maximum. Winmgmt service is not running. Wait for 1 second. System32 wbem Start process:" [ERROR]: Failed to launch process. Read WMI version info via WMI Method after salvage WMI repository. .log WMIACPI2.log C:\ProgramData\Notebook en-us C:\ProgramData\MSI\Notebook\MSI NBFoundation Service WMIACPI2 mscorlib.dll PresentationCore.dll WriteLine log yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0 Identifier CPU_Identifier Model 165 Model 126 Model 125 Model 140 Model 141 Model 154 Model 151 Model 183 Model 186 Model 170 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MSI\One Dragon Center\NB Force_Pass_CPU HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS BIOSReleaseDate ProcessorNameString Intel ^\d{4}[a-zA-Z]\d{1} Xeon AMD Modern Failed to get ProcessorNameString Failed to get Marketing Name HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\HardwareConfig\Current EnclosureType EnclosureType == {0}, should be 0x0A or 0x1F Failed to get EnclosureType BaseBoardManufacturer SystemManufacturer Manufacturer = is not in the list { Failed to get Manufacturer Modern 14 C12MO Modern 15 B12MO Modern 15 H B12M Creator M14 A12VF Creator M14 A12VE Creator M14 A12UDX Creator M14 A12UCX Modern 14 C12MOG Modern 15 B12MOG Modern 14 C12M Modern 15 B12M BIOSVersion MSI Center The CPU is too new to be supported. Vortex W25 9SM Vortex W25 9SL Vortex W25 9SK WT75 9SM WT75 9SL WT75 9SK PS42 8RB PS42 8M PS42 Modern 8RC SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MSI\One Dragon Center\Component\SDK\WorkDir NB.dat Leopard 9SCSK 9SCSR 9SCXK 9SCXR 9SDK 9SEK 9SFK 9SFSK 9SFSR 9SFR 9SER 9SDR 9SFS Thin 9SCS 9SCX 9SEX 9SEXR CPU gen={0} and no matched criteria. Cre Modern 14 B4M Modern 14 B4MW Vortex G VR ONE SystemProductName BaseBoardProduct SELECT Name FROM Win32_VideoController Name CPU Pentium Celeron Ultra 3 Ultra 5 Ultra 7 Ultra 9 Core 3 Core 5 Core 7 Core 9 ^\d{4}[A-Z]*\d{1} ^\d{4}[a-zA-Z] SystemFamily ^[ABGD] ForcePassMsiCenterCheck might return false, according to cpuGen= Stealth Mercedes AMG A13VG A13VF A13VE Micro-Star International MICRO-STAR Error: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MSI\NB HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MSI\One Dragon Center\NB HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\HardwareConfig\Current VS_VERSION_INFO VarFileInfo Translation StringFileInfo Comments CompanyName FileDescription MSI WMI ACPI Library FileVersion InternalName MSIWMIACPI2.dll LegalCopyright Copyright LegalTrademarks OriginalFilename MSIWMIACPI2.dll ProductName MSI WMI ACPI Library ProductVersion Assembly Version RAny use of this Certificate constitutes acceptance of the DigiCert CP/CPS and the Relying Party Agreement which limit liability and are incorporated herein by reference !This program cannot be run in DOS mode. .text `.rsrc @.reloc poA poK poK poO poK poK poK poK prd prz Zsa Yod poq por pox pox poK poK poK ?ZiYo prM* prC- +-xrk* pro- por *jrk* *jrk* prC- pro- prM* pof pof pof pof poj pof poj pof pof pof pof pof pof BSJB #Strings #GUID #Blob __StaticArrayInitTypeSize=20 49E3C81D77B1B19DC970AD9552273A6691072EE0 <>c__DisplayClass30_0 b__93_0 <>c__DisplayClass94_0 b__65_0 <.cctor>b__96_0 b__0 b__0 b__1 Func`1 Nullable`1 IEnumerable`1 Predicate`1 List`1 Lazy`1 __StaticArrayInitTypeSize=12 Package_32 Microsoft.Win32 ToInt32 MSIWMIACPI2 Func`2 WmiAcpiLib2 7FA21229FD861DEBBC44CF0C3F2C786F5C4B7143 933C1993F0E68ED4BCBA588646878E2C3770D593 __StaticArrayInitTypeSize=24 9F3476898BB385BCEF98B550A278F32273017F64 __StaticArrayInitTypeSize=16 __StaticArrayInitTypeSize=6 0555076A292F76A138411C6040CD05761A77EE17 225882C646885A52B153110CD114D882910A7608 A074BD86B11F165EEED3F71811BE254436EAEDA8 get_UTF8 Get_EC 326AA4F6E7D5F6CC05A8A321B789C0AB8049792D AMD m_sStoredValueInREG IsAMG AMD_H TigerLake_H CometLake_H Get_WMI LogWriter_HWL System.IO Get_AP Set_AP AlderLake_P REG_BIOS Get_BIOS Set_BIOS Get_SMBUS Set_SMBUS AlderLake_S MANUFACTURER_LIST REG_CPU REG_ForcePassCPU AMD_U TigerLake_U CometLake_U value__ Get_Data Set_Data get_Data PropertyData Build_inParam_with_data mscorlib System.Collections.Generic get_ManagedThreadId mThreadId get_CurrentThread Add IsMsiAcpiServiceInstalled add_Exited Process_Exited add_ErrorDataReceived add_OutputDataReceived k__BackingField k__BackingField k__BackingField k__BackingField k__BackingField get_Build Find Header_Length_For_Set_Method InvokeMethod InvokeWmiMethod ExecuteWmiMethod GetMethod Replace StackTrace Get_Device Set_Device CheckWmiService InstallService NeedRestartToInstMsiApService CheckAndInstService get_GlobalInstance __globalInstance CreateParamsInstance CreateClassInstance m_MoClassInstance get_MoClassInstance set_MoClassInstance get_ErrorCode IsEcRamChangedPage GetPackage SetPackage get_Message message RemoveRange IceLake LunarLake IsTigerLake MeteorLake RaptorLake ArrowLake Enumerable IDisposable RuntimeFieldHandle RuntimeTypeHandle GetTypeFromHandle XcopyFile Console EngineerSample get_Module set_WindowStyle ProcessWindowStyle get_Name methodName CPU_CodeName get_FileName set_FileName GetFileName valueName IsGamingNB_MarketingName get_MarketingName set_MarketingName GetMarketingName currentMarketingName GetCpuGenByMarketingName _marketingName GetModelName mCallerName GetVideoControllerName ProcessorName GetName MktName keyName AssemblyName GetDirectoryName mFilename filename StackFrame GetFrame ToDateTime get_CreationTime GetLastBootTime BeginErrorReadLine BeginOutputReadLine WriteLine get_NewLine Combine LocalMachine Clone get_Scope set_Scope scope EnclosureType ValueType GetCpuType strToCompare System.Core Get_Temperature Set_Temperature Capture MethodBase ThisIsMatchedSpecialCase SupportCase Close Dispose TryParse EcFwVersionAndDate CompilerGeneratedAttribute GuidAttribute DebuggableAttribute ComVisibleAttribute AssemblyTitleAttribute AssemblyTrademarkAttribute TargetFrameworkAttribute ExtensionAttribute AssemblyFileVersionAttribute AssemblyConfigurationAttribute AssemblyDescriptionAttribute CompilationRelaxationsAttribute AssemblyProductAttribute AssemblyCopyrightAttribute ParamArrayAttribute AssemblyCompanyAttribute RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute set_UseShellExecute Byte Get1byte index_high_byte parameter_in_byte inParameter_byte index_low_byte REG_DEBUG_Value REG_LBT_Value REG_Version_Value get_Value previousReadWmiEcValue GetRegValue get_HasValue m_MboInParamsValue get_MboInParamsValue set_MboInParamsValue GetValue SetValue defaultValue SetPropertyValue value Remove Finalize IgnoreCaseIndexOf Flag REG_HardwareConfig System.Threading get_Encoding m_isLogging System.Runtime.Versioning ByteArrayToString GetString Substring forceToWriteLog CleanLog REG_DEBUG_Value_log Get_Debug Set_Debug strToSearch IsMatch Refresh Flush get_Path set_Path SourceFilePath TargetFilePath mFullPath SetFullPath fullPath mPath GetFolderPath path get_Length get_DataLength dataLength StartsWith Get_Thermal Set_Thermal SequenceEqual op_GreaterThanOrEqual isIntel SpinUntil MSIWMIACPI2.dll get_Item System Trim UIPlatform GetUiPlatform mMaxLineNum maxLineNum Enum Get_Fan Set_Fan Boolean op_GreaterThan EngineerSampleCpuGen Join get_Revision GetFileNameWithoutExtension BIOSVersion Read_REG_Version Save_REG_Version get_Version EcRamSubVersion InitiateEcVersion InitiateWmiVersion EcRamMainVersion get_BiosMainVersion set_BiosMainVersion _biosMainVersion WmiMajorVersion WmiMinorVersion currentBiosVersion get_Location GetIntelProcessorGeneration get_CpuGeneration m_iCpuGeneration cpuGeneration System.Globalization System.Reflection PropertyDataCollection ManagementObjectCollection ArgumentOutOfRangeException ManagementException StringComparison CompareTo RedirectLogTo Parse_EC_Info Parse_WMI_Info FileInfo CultureInfo FileSystemInfo MemberInfo get_StartInfo ProcessStartInfo DirectoryInfo Reason_NotSupportDcCcBcBp Group System.Linq get_Year Char IFormatProvider mFormatProvider StringBuilder SpecialFolder sender ManagementObjectSearcher AlderLake_Other TigerLake_Other CometLake_Other CpuIdentifier GetCpuTypeByIdentifier GetCpuGenerationByIdentifier DataReceivedEventHandler exitEventHandler ServiceController Manufacturer LogWriter logWriter StreamWriter TextWriter textWriter Enter IsSupportMsiCenter DragonCenter CreatorCenter BusinessCenter currentCenter get_AllowCenter set_AllowCenter _allowCenter CheckWmiService_Counter ManagementDateTimeConverter BitConverter Get_Power Set_Power get_Major get_Minor set_RedirectStandardError OldProcessor OtherProcessor NewProcessor separator ManagementObjectEnumerator GetEnumerator .ctor .cctor Monitor str System.Diagnostics Methods System.Runtime.InteropServices System.Runtime.CompilerServices DebuggingModes SplitRemoveEmptyEntries get_Properties GetModules get_MethodNames ReadLines ReadAllLines WriteAllLines Features ReadAllBytes Get2bytes inData_bytes outData_bytes pdata_bytes Get2Signedbytes DataReceivedEventArgs <>4__this IgnoreCaseEquals Timeout_ms get_MethodParams m_MboInParams get_MboInParams set_MboInParams IgnoreCaseContains ByteExtensions StringExtensions System.Text.RegularExpressions InvokeMethodOptions ObjectGetOptions StringSplitOptions RegexOptions RuntimeHelpers GetMethodParameters Errors separators get_Success System.ServiceProcess StartProcess InvokeResults results get_Arguments set_Arguments set_EnableRaisingEvents Exists get_Status ServiceControllerStatus ManagementStatus RemoveAt Concat AppendFormat format get_SyncObject set_SyncObject syncObject ManagementBaseObject ManagementObject Get Set GetBit SetBit SpinWait Split Init WaitForExit GetValueOrDefault InvokeMethodResult RegexMatched_Int ToLowerInvariant System.Management Environment get_Current logContent nb_support_content get_Count WordCount get_FrameCount REG_NB_Root Start Convert NB_Support IsSupport ToList ReloadSpecialCasesList SetOut input set_RedirectStandardOutput stdOutput errorOutput MoveNext System.Text AppendText ReadAllText argu get_Now set_CreateNoWindow PrintDataInHex index Regex InitializeArray ToArray REG_Version_Key OpenSubKey RegistryKey GetExecutingAssembly mEntryAssembly GetEntryAssembly SystemFamily Any Copy ProcessXcopy Get_SlaveBattery Set_SlaveBattery Get_MasterBattery Set_MasterBattery CreateDirectory set_WorkingDirectory workingDirectory SolutionDirectory TargetDirectory Registry m_bIsBusy op_Equality IsNullOrEmpty lazy WzR WrapNonExceptionThrows MSI WMI ACPI Library Copyright $fa6d4df2-5853-4388-b4d9-33b2d7784ed1 .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1 FrameworkDisplayName .NET Framework 4.6.1 RSDS D:\[MSI]\[_Owned_Projects]\WMIACPI\SourceCode\MSIWMIACPI2\MSIWMIACPI2\obj\Release\MSIWMIACPI2.pdb _CorDllMain mscoree.dll .W)G{P$j DigiCert Inc1 www.digicert.com1+0) "DigiCert EV Code Signing CA (SHA2)0 Private Organization1 New Taipei City1 Zhonghe District1+0) "Micro-Star International CO., LTD.1+0) "Micro-Star International CO., LTD.0 GJP3 GEv#R R+EM 1http://crl3.digicert.com/EVCodeSigningSHA2-g1.crl07 1http://crl4.digicert.com/EVCodeSigningSHA2-g1.crl0J http://www.digicert.com/CPS0 http://ocsp.digicert.com0H P& yro MirK DigiCert, Inc.1;09 2DigiCert Trusted G4 RSA4096 SHA256 TimeStamping CA0 DigiCert1$0" DigiCert Timestamp 2022 - 20 Onx mdx S0Q0O Ihttp://crl3.digicert.com/DigiCertTrustedG4RSA4096SHA256TimeStampingCA.crl0 http://ocsp.digicert.com0X Lhttp://cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertTrustedG4RSA4096SHA256TimeStampingCA.crt0 IQ,x Ztu A6qw DigiCert Inc1 www.digicert.com1!0 DigiCert Trusted Root G40 DigiCert, Inc.1;09 2DigiCert Trusted G4 RSA4096 SHA256 TimeStamping CA0 =rIQU |jWz XMy sBh fIRP q]dL http://ocsp.digicert.com0A 5http://cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertTrustedRootG4.crt0C 2http://crl3.digicert.com/DigiCertTrustedRootG4.crl0 PLb i?Gw qve Axz8 evB DigiCert Inc1 www.digicert.com1$0" DigiCert Assured ID Root CA0 DigiCert Inc1 www.digicert.com1!0 DigiCert Trusted Root G40 YUr t;mq fWW u]xf v=Y]Bv izH RQGt |Lu?c Qko q]dL http://ocsp.digicert.com0C 7http://cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertAssuredIDRootCA.crt0E 4http://crl3.digicert.com/DigiCertAssuredIDRootCA.crl0 5FjiT wZ\T ~qj#k" DigiCert, Inc.1;09 2DigiCert Trusted G4 RSA4096 SHA256 TimeStamping CA MirK LLT oK'v rpv BtU