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File metadata and controls

192 lines (146 loc) · 7.52 KB

Kardia Text Indexing Service

This repository contains the code for a python program that indexes files uploaded into a Kardia application. This is a standalone application in the sense that it does not provide search functionality, but merely populates database tables so that the actual search engine obtain results in a performant manner.


The tool has several parts.

  1. Importers convert files into a string, which represents the lines of the file. Importers for various filetypes exist, including txt, odt, docx, pdf, png, and jpeg. Image-based files (which includes image-based pdfs) use the Tesseract OCR library, which is currently poorly tuned, so the default configuration of this tool does not use the image importers.
  2. Tokenization converts the string into a list of lists of strings. That is, we've broken the file into a list of lines, with each line being a list of words. The reason we maintain each line as its own list is that we want to be able to detect when a word is at the end of a line.
  3. Indexing takes the results of the tokenization step and inserts new words and word occurrences into the database. Words which already exist do not get re-inserted.
  4. Data Access is swappable in this tool. Two backends exist in the current codebase: one using the Centrallix REST API, and one which makes direct SQL statements. The SQL backend is far more performant because it is able to send many statements all at once, and avoid the overhead that http has with the REST API. Other backends can be implemented if the server uses a database other than MySQL.
  5. Synchronization is the stage in which the tool analyzes which documents need to be indexed, re-indexed, or removed from the index. A file called index_events keeps a running log of which files have been indexed and when, so that if a file's modification date is after the last time it was indexed, then we know that it should be re-indexed. In addition, if the is a document which is logged in the index_events file but is not in the documents table in the database, then we must remove it from the index.
  6. Database polling allows the tool to be set off running as a long-running process. Every fixed amoutn of time the synchronization stage is kicked off again.

Extending and configuring

The only real configuration options that are needed is to specify the type of data accessor, and to specify the filename patterns that should match with which importers.

However, you can extend the types of data accessors and importers that are available.

Data Accessors

Below is the interface for creating a new data accessor implementation.

class MyCustomDataAccessor:

    # Any initializatio of the class. This could include setting up an http
    # session, or connecting to an SQL database for example.
    def __init__(self):

    def get_all_documents(self):

    # Makes sure that the database already has the specified word stored. If the
    # word is already stored, this should do nothing.
    def put_word(self, word, relevance):

    def add_occurrence(self, word_text, document_id, sequence, is_eol):

    def add_relationship(self, word, target_word, relevance):

    # This should delete all items from the occurrences table referencing the
    # specified document.
    def delete_document_occurrences(self, document_id):

    # This function is part of the interface to allow data accessors to support
    # batching of commands. For example, an SQL backend may build up a single
    # query and send all the commands all at once.
    def flush(self):

    # The rest of these functions are not necessary for the tool to work, but
    # are useful for the included debugging scripts.

    def get_all_words(self):

    def get_all_occurrences(self):

    def delete_all_index_data(self):

All of these methods return Document, Word, Occurrence, and Relationship objects, which are described in


Importers turn a file's contents into a string that can then be tokenized and indexed.

Every importer will take in a filename and then return a string with that file's contents.

So, calling the text importer may look like this: importer('myFileName.txt')

Any new importer added must have an importer function. Importers usually utilize the subprocess function of python to convert files to plain text. An outside program is called using that converts whatever file type you are given to plain text, which is then stored in a temporary file.

For example, pdftotext is used to convert text-based pdf files to plain text. So, pdftotext is called using the filename passed to the importer, then it outputs to a temp file. Then, python can read in the temp file and turn it into a string.

Temporary files are used for the output reduce clutter of the file system and to avoid reading in previous versions of a file. In the case of some importers, due to some inconveniences with the python API, however, regular files are stored inside of a temporary directory. When the function is done, that directory and all of its contents are removed from the system.

Unimplemented features

We did not put much effort into the following intended features of this tool.

  1. Tokenizing. While we made a basic tokenizer, it is still very rough. We used NLTK, but did not do too much to make sure that the output tokens were really good.
  2. Heuristics to avoid indexing stopwords. Words like 'the', 'an', and 'a' are so common that they really should not be indexed because it would not be very helpful. We did not use any techniques to avoid such words.
  3. Tuning Tesseract OCR. The library works for some images, but for some clear images it does not work. We didn't figure out a good way to pull text from images. We did however, figure out how to pull images from pdfs, so the only issue is with the OCR.
  4. Relevance of words. The words in the database have a relevance field, but we just inserted 1.0 as the value. This relevance value should be investigated.
  5. Relationships between words. We have not yet inserted any relationships between words, nor have we considered how to determine the relevance of a relationship.
  6. Thorough unit testing. Sorry guys, you get to have fun with this. We did do a tiny bit, but a lot of the parts of this system are difficult to write unit tests for (although it still would be good to have them).

Project infrastructure

Of course, the project is written in python. We used python 3, with virtualenv and pip to manage dependencies. To get the project setup, make sure python 3 is installed, along with pip3 and virtualenv for python 3. Navigate to the project directory, and execute the following command:

virtualenv .

After that command, you can execute source bin/activate to setup the shell to use the right python version and library dependencies.

Inside the activated environment, execute

pip install -r requirements.txt

to install all the python dependencies. At any point, if you have installed extra dependencies, execute pip freeze to see the currently installed packages. To persist these as dependencies, execute pip freeze > requirements.txt.

In addition to the python directories, the following command line programs were used by importers, so make sure they are installed on your system..

  1. libreoffice
  2. imagemagick
  3. pdftotext
  4. tesseract