This project contains an example of application for Apple TV 4th generation that employs the Lightstreamer Swift Client library.
This is how it looks on a real TV:
This app is an Swift version of the Stock-List Demos.
This app uses the Swift Client API for Lightstreamer to handle the communications with Lightstreamer Server. A simple user interface is implemented to display the real-time data received from Lightstreamer Server.
Binaries for the application are not provided, but it may be downloaded from the App Store at this address. The downloaded app will connect to Lightstreamer's online demo server.
A full Xcode project, ready for compilation of the app sources, is provided. Please recall that you need a valid Apple Developer Program membership to run or debug your app on a test device.
A full local deploy of this app requires a Lightstreamer Server 6.0 or greater installation. Follow these steps:
- Set the IP address of your local Lightstreamer Server in the constant
, defined inConstants.swift
; a ":port" part can also be added. - Follow the installation instructions for the Data and Metadata adapters required by the demo, detailed in the Lightstreamer - Basic Chat Demo - Java Adapter project.
Done this, the app should run correctly on the simulator and connect to your server.
- Lightstreamer - Stock- List Demo - Java Adapter
- Lightstreamer - Reusable Metadata Adapters- Java Adapter
- Lightstreamer - Stock-List Demos - HTML Clients
- Lightstreamer - Basic Stock-List Demo - iOS Client
- Lightstreamer - Stock-List Demo with APNs Push Notifications - iOS Client
- Lightstreamer - Stock-List Demo - Android Client
- Lightstreamer - Basic Stock-List Demo - Windows Phone Client
- Code compatible with Lightstreamer Swift Client Library version 6.0 or newer.
- For Lightstreamer Server version 7.4 or greater. Ensure that tvOS Client SDK is supported by Lightstreamer Server license configuration.
- For a version of this example compatible with Lightstreamer tvOS Client SDK versions up to 5, please refer to this tag.
- For a version of this example compatible with Lightstreamer tvOS Client SDK versions up to 4, please refer to this tag.