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This package is used to estimate the diffusion propagator using radial basis functions. It includes routines to compute the return-to-the-origin probability (RTOP), mean-squared-displacement (MSD), the scalar indices for the restricted diffusivity and the generalized Kurtosis. The Demo.m file illustrates how to use this package.


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This package is used to estimate the diffusion propagator using radial basis functions. 
Other functions for NRRD/Nifti file reading and writing are also needed to run this package. 
One package for reading/writing Nifti files in Matlab can be downloaded via

Demo.m	       the main file that illustrates how to use this package to collect scalar indices.

CollectIndices.m 	       the file that computes scalar indices

run_GaussianBasis.m	        computes the representation coefficients and D0 in DTI
run_GaussianBasis_Decay.m	similar to run_GaussianBasis.m but with stronger constraints on the estimated signal

GaussianBasis_Coef.m		is used to compute the representation coefficient in the radial basis functions and diffusion tensor.
GaussianBasis_Coef_Cons.m	similar to GaussianBasis_Coef.m but with stronger constraints

ComputeRTOP.m			computes the estimated return-to-the-origin probability (RTOP).
ComputeRTAP.m			computes the estimated return-to-the-axis probability (RTAP).
ComputeRTPP.m			computes the estimated return-to-the-plane probability (RTPP).
ComputeMSD.m			computes the estimated mean-squared-displacement (MSD).
ComputeODF.m			computes the estimated diffusion orientation-distribution-function (ODF).
ComputeRD.m			computes the minimum-mean-squared-displacement-error (MMSDE) and the relative-diffusivity (RD).
ComputeKurtosis.m		computes the generalized-kurtosis (GK) and the non-isotropic-Gaussianity (NIG).

TestGaussianBasis.m		is used to check if there is bug in the code. If it returns 1, then the code is correct.
TestData.mat			includes a set of measurements that is used in TestGaussianBasis.m to verify the code.


This package is used to estimate the diffusion propagator using radial basis functions. It includes routines to compute the return-to-the-origin probability (RTOP), mean-squared-displacement (MSD), the scalar indices for the restricted diffusivity and the generalized Kurtosis. The Demo.m file illustrates how to use this package.






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