@echo off setlocal enableDelayedExpansion Rem ################################# Rem ## Begin of user-editable part ## Rem ################################# set "POOL=" set "WALLET=" set "TONPOOL=" set "TONWALLET=" set "EXTRAPARAMETERS=" Rem ################################# Rem ## End of user-editable part ## Rem ################################# if exist "%CD%\lolMiner.exe" goto infolder echo "Searching for lolMiner.exe, because is not in this folder.That could take sometime..." for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /s "C:\lolMiner.exe" 2^>nul') do set MyVariable=%%F if exist "%MyVariable%" goto WindowsVer echo "lolMiner.exe is not found in the system, that could be blocked by Windows Defender or Antivirus " goto END :infolder set MyVariable=%CD%\lolMiner.exe :WindowsVer echo "Running lolMiner from %MyVariable%" for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j if "%version%" == "10.0" goto W10 goto OtherW :W10 "%MyVariable%" --algo ETHASH --pool !POOL! --user !WALLET! --dualmode TONDUAL --dualpool !TONPOOL! --dualuser !TONWALLET! !EXTRAPARAMETERS! --watchdog exit timeout 10 goto W10 goto END :OtherW "%MyVariable%" --algo ETHASH --pool !POOL! --user !WALLET! --dualmode TONDUAL --dualpool !TONPOOL! --dualuser !TONWALLET! !EXTRAPARAMETERS! --watchdog exit --nocolor timeout 10 goto OtherW :END pause