Graph is a non linear data structure, it contains a set of points known as nodes (or vertices) and set of linkes known as edges (or Arcs) which connects the vertices.
Graphs are used to represent networks of communication, transportation system, website, maps, social networks, chemistry, games etc.
Let's see how to build and visit a Graph.
The exercises I have created give you specs to guide you through creating an undirect Graph by using an adjacency list. After all the vertices and edges have been added to the Graph, the exercise requires to visit a Graph with a Breadth First Search Algorithm.
I have written some Javascript tests, you can run them by opening SpecRunner.html
The Graph to build is this one:
Steps to follow:
Build the Graph Topology
- Define Vertex Class
- addVertex to graph vertexList
- addEdge to adjacency List
Graph Traversal Algorithms
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
These links are really usefull to see how the two algorithms work:
- Define a queue
- Add to queue the starting vertex (enqueue)
- Visit the starting vertex
- While there is a Vertex in the queue
- Get the next vertex to visit from the queue
- Get vertex neighbours via Adjancency List
- For each vertex neighbour
- If the neighbour has not been visited → visit neighbour → add to the queue
Depth First Search algorithm is the same code, the only thing that changes is that it's using a stack instead of a queue.