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VS Code Setup

Brik94 edited this page Dec 26, 2018 · 4 revisions

Visual Studio Code Instructions

1. Cloning is pretty straight forward. You can just clone straight from the terminal.

"git clone" then File > Open Folder > Cafoe.
Required: If the following prompt doesn't appear make sure to install the C# extension, you can search for it.

Terminal extension

Your File Explorer should look similar.
VSC Solution

2. Run React Project

  • Right click "LostAtlasCAH.React" > Open in Terminal
    Note: The rest of these instructions will be the same for the Visual Studio Code Instructions
  • Run command run "npm install" to get the node_modules folder
  • Run command "node server.min.js"
  • Go to the browser and type in "localhost:3000". The react project should open in browser.
  • To close the server use command "Ctr + C" while in the terminal.
    cmd React

2. Run API Project

Required: You'll also need to install the .Net Core SDK if you plan to run the API Project.

  • Right click the 2nd "LostAtlasCAH.API" Folder > Open in Terminal (so you should be in 'Cafoe\LostAtlasCAH.API\LostAtlasCAH.API' file structure).
  • Currently the only way I know to get this to run in VSC is by going to the Startup.cs file and commenting out the UseHttpsRedirection() method. Save. commentoutCode
  • In the terminal run "dotnet run"
  • Redirect to URL: http://localhost:5000/api/values (or whatever we change this to in the specific controller you're looking for).