RSMODS Version: SRC. DEBUG: false. Wwise Logs: false. 1.50 [INFO] Running in Wine: false MidiInWinMM::initialize: no MIDI input devices currently available. 1.51 [INFO] Starting MIDI 1.51 [INFO] (BUG PREVENTION) Prevented PnP Crash 1.51 [INFO] (BUG PREVENTION) Allowed Complex Uplay Passwords 1.51 [INFO] (BUG PREVENTION) Prevented Advanced Display Crash 1.51 [INFO] (BUG PREVENTION) Prevented Port Audio In Device Crash 1.51 [INFO] [!] Overriding Output Sample Rate to 192000 1.51 [INFO] RS_ASIO Bypass2RTC: false 2.00 [INFO] ImGUI Init 25.00 [INFO] Crowd control server starting 25.00 [INFO] Trying to connect to crowd control 27.03 [ERROR] Unable to connect to crowd control