A library to help Minecraft mods add custom cosmetics. A unified interface for equipping cosmetics supplied by a variety of rendering libraries. Provides tools for managing which cosmetics each player has permission to equip.
- track slots for different cosmetics
- lock and unlock access to cosmetics
- packets for syncing with server saved data
- widgets for displaying cosmetics in guis
- load remote cosmetics to allow changes without requiring players to update your mod
- most features work when shadowed (just register my event handlers manually)
- cosmetic rendering
- Geckolib: add an armor model layer to the player
The Minecraft EULA/CUG says don't integrate with NFTs or sell cosmetics that look like capes, so... don't do that.
- TODO: Creating Armor Models with Geckolib in Block Bench
- TODO: Creating Player Animations with Geckolib in Block Bench
- TODO: Adding Patron Only Cosmetics To Your Mod or Modpack
- Daejangnamu (MCBG Cosmetics)
- Adam (MC Eternal 2)
PRs for these or anything else you think would be cool are always welcome!
- download resource packs from a url
- load cosmetic definitions from json
- manifest file with hashes for efficient downloading
- port to multi-loader & later MC versions
- tutorial videos on making the models/animations and putting them in a resource pack in the right format
- api improvements
- split DataStoreImpl into parts
- .mod package event listeners so it doesn't need to be shadowed
- automatically unequip and unfavourite when relocked
- developer documentation
- automatically release source jar artifacts so people can keep comments
- let cosmetics register a render callback for the button widget
- might be funny to detect the word cape in id/name/desc and do something weird to prohibit breaking eula
- geo model animations (support different situations like idle, walk, attack, jump, swim)
- geckolib animations as emotes
- sounds synced with animations
- ambient particles
- vanilla Modded Entity model format
- CustomPlayerModels model format
- spoofing skins for vanilla clients
- integrates well with cpm for modded clients
- little pets that follow you around
- replacing the player completely with different models
- good for doing brain-dead "Minecraft But..." mods quickly
- patreon/kofi/github sponsers
- load keys from datapack so other mods/modpacks can easily use
- how to get patreon data securely
- each creator can be its own DataStore instance but select cosmetics from same gui
- sql database
- tebex.io
- spigot plugin permissions DataSource