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Releases: Lukkit/Lukkit

Lukkit 2.1.2 - Support fixes

01 Jun 00:44
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  • BukkitRunnable factory using LuaFunction objects via util.getBukkitRunnable(function)


  • Coercing a Lua number to Java would produce an Integer object and not a primitive.


  • Removed LuaJ-JME dependency
  • Version bump to 2.1.2
  • Updated pom package naming and include directories

Lukkit 2.1.1 - A year and all you've got are bugfixes?

28 Apr 20:01
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It may be next to nothing but at least I've got motivation to do this :p


  • Set commands to run async by default (ties in to #29 )


  • runDelayed causes server hang and timeout (fixes #29 )
  • NoSuchFieldException when reloading or shutting down

Lukkit 2.1.0

28 Jan 00:22
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This is a smaller release while v3 is being worked on.


  • util.cast(userdata, className) method for casting (temporary)


  • require now returns baselibs if a Lua file isn't found in the plugin's data

Lukkit 2.0.0

11 Jul 08:29
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This rewrite was first started by @jammehcow and has been developed slowly, but is now ready for release. I don't expect it to be perfect, so please post bugs in issues. Plugins that are written for Lukkit 1.0 will not work on 2.0, but a wiki has been created to explain every detail of creating a Lukkit plugin.

Lukkit V1.1.3

08 Dec 06:09
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This release fixes logging of an update when one wasn't available.
Apologies to all who were confused.

Lukkit v1.1.2

02 Dec 03:32
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What's new in this release

Major changes:

  • Updated event callbacks to 1.11
  • Implemented config option to disable the /lukkit run command
  • Added permission node "" to allow non-ops to use
  • Added a Lukkit config file (related to the can-run-code key)

Minor changes:

  • Cleaned a bit of code here and there, no biggie.

Cheers to @hintss and @SwadicalRag for submitting some PRs on things I didn't originally pick up on.

Lukkit v1.1.1 - The 1.10.2 update

21 Oct 20:08
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1.10.2 compatibility

With this release brings the long awaited update to 1.10.2 (the latest version of Minecraft).
Lukkit's development has been dead for a while with the previous version being released back in 2012, so I thought it was time to pick it back up from @UnwrittenFun and update it.

What's new in this release

Major changes:

  • Updated event callbacks to 1.10.2
  • Upgraded LuaJ to 3.0.1
  • Implemented a /lukkit plugins command to display all loaded plugins
  • Added a TabCompleter for /lukkit [sub-command]

Minor changes:

  • Made the transition from Bukkit API to Spigot API

For those who use it, if you have any suggestions, submit and issue and I'll tag it. The more the merrier.

EDIT: the jar is no longer 20MB. My mistake, apologies.

Lukkit v1.0-alpha5b

08 Jun 17:47
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Lukkit v1.0-alpha5b Pre-release
  • Release for 1.7.9

Lukkit v1.0-alpha5

07 Apr 19:20
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Lukkit v1.0-alpha5 Pre-release
  • Add ability to read and write files to plugin folder
local fileContents = plugin.readFile(filename)
plugin.writeFile(filename, content)
  • Add interface for config files
-- Set the value if not already in the config
-- plugin.config.setDefault(path, value)
plugin.config.setDefault("test.bool", false)
plugin.config.setDefault("", 45)

-- Set the value regardless of if it already exists
-- plugin.config.set(path, value)
plugin.config.set("test.float", 4.7)
plugin.config.set("test.string", "a string")

-- plugin.config.get(path, default)
plugin.config.get("test.bool", true)

-- Save the config to file

Lukkit v1.0-alpha4

01 Apr 20:48
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Lukkit v1.0-alpha4 Pre-release
  • Add support for plugins in folders
  • lukkit.addPlugin command
  • Plugins in a folder load main.lua within the folder
  • lukkit.include to include other lua files in plugins with their own folder
  • lukkit.itemStack to create a new itemstack