import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom'; import { TextDecoder as TextDecoder$1 } from 'node:util'; import { Blob, resolveObjectURL } from 'node:buffer'; import { URL, fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; import { dirname, sep } from 'node:path'; import { Loader, Cache, Texture, Quaternion, LoaderUtils, Color, SpotLight, PointLight, DirectionalLight, MeshBasicMaterial, MeshPhysicalMaterial, Vector2, sRGBEncoding, TangentSpaceNormalMap, InterleavedBuffer, InterleavedBufferAttribute, BufferAttribute, LinearFilter, LinearMipmapLinearFilter, RepeatWrapping, PointsMaterial, Material, LineBasicMaterial, MeshStandardMaterial, DoubleSide, PropertyBinding, BufferGeometry, SkinnedMesh, Mesh, LineSegments, Line, LineLoop, Points, Group, PerspectiveCamera, MathUtils, OrthographicCamera, InterpolateLinear, AnimationClip, Bone, Object3D, Matrix4, Skeleton, TriangleFanDrawMode, NearestFilter, NearestMipmapNearestFilter, LinearMipmapNearestFilter, NearestMipmapLinearFilter, ClampToEdgeWrapping, MirroredRepeatWrapping, InterpolateDiscrete, FrontSide, TriangleStripDrawMode, VectorKeyframeTrack, QuaternionKeyframeTrack, NumberKeyframeTrack, Box3, Vector3, Sphere, Interpolant } from 'three'; import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'; import sharp from 'sharp'; import { Worker } from 'node:worker_threads'; const dom = new JSDOM().window; if (!global.DOMParser) { global.DOMParser = dom.DOMParser; } // if (!global.Blob) { // global.Blob = Blob$1; // } if (!global.URL) { global.URL = URL; } if (!global.TextDecoder) { global.TextDecoder = TextDecoder$1; } const loading = {}; class FileLoader extends Loader { constructor(manager) { super(manager); } load(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError) { console.log('load fn') if (url === undefined) url = ''; if (this.path !== undefined) url = this.path + url; url = this.manager.resolveURL(url); if (loading[url] !== undefined) { loading[url].push({ onLoad, onProgress, onError }); return; } loading[url] = []; loading[url].push({ onLoad, onProgress, onError, }); const mimeType = this.mimeType; const responseType = this.responseType; let promise; if (!/^https?:\/\//.test(url) && !/^data:/.test(url)) { promise = readFile(url) .then(buffer => { switch (responseType) { case 'arraybuffer': const ab = new ArrayBuffer(buffer.length); const view = new Uint8Array(ab); for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { view[i] = buffer[i]; } return ab; case 'document': const text = buffer.toString(); const parser = new DOMParser(); return parser.parseFromString(text, mimeType); case 'json': return JSON.parse(buffer.toString()); default: return buffer.toString(); } }); } else if (/^data:application\/octet-stream;base64,/.test(url)) { const base64 = url.split(';base64,').pop(); const buffer = Buffer.from(base64, 'base64'); promise = Promise.resolve(buffer.buffer); } else { const req = new Request(url, { headers: new Headers(this.requestHeader), credentials: this.withCredentials ? 'include' : 'same-origin', }); promise = fetch(req) .then(response => { if (response.status === 200 || response.status === 0) { if (response.status === 0) { console.warn('THREE.FileLoader: HTTP Status 0 received.'); } return response; } else { throw Error(`fetch for "${response.url}" responded with ${response.status}: ${response.statusText}`); } }) .then(response => { switch (responseType) { case 'arraybuffer': return response.arrayBuffer(); case 'blob': return response.blob(); case 'document': return response.text() .then(text => { const parser = new DOMParser(); return parser.parseFromString(text, mimeType); }); case 'json': return response.json(); default: if (mimeType === undefined) { return response.text(); } else { const re = /charset="?([^;"\s]*)"?/i; const exec = re.exec(mimeType); const label = exec && exec[1] ? exec[1].toLowerCase() : undefined; const decoder = new TextDecoder(label); return response.arrayBuffer().then(ab => decoder.decode(ab)); } } }); } promise .then(data => { const callbacks = loading[url]; delete loading[url]; for (let i = 0, il = callbacks.length; i < il; i++) { const callback = callbacks[i]; if (callback.onLoad) callback.onLoad(data); } }) .catch(err => { const callbacks = loading[url]; if (callbacks === undefined) { this.manager.itemError(url); throw err; } delete loading[url]; for (let i = 0, il = callbacks.length; i < il; i++) { const callback = callbacks[i]; if (callback.onError) callback.onError(err); } this.manager.itemError(url); }) .finally(() => { this.manager.itemEnd(url); }); this.manager.itemStart(url); } setResponseType(value) { this.responseType = value; return this; } setMimeType(value) { this.mimeType = value; return this; } } class ImageLoader extends Loader { constructor(manager) { super(manager); } load(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError) { if (this.path !== undefined) url = this.path + url; url = this.manager.resolveURL(url); const scope = this; const cached = Cache.get(url); if (cached !== undefined) { scope.manager.itemStart(url); setTimeout(function () { if (onLoad) onLoad(cached); scope.manager.itemEnd(url); }, 0); } scope.manager.itemStart(url); Promise.resolve() .then(async () => { if (/^blob:.*$/i.test(url)) { const blob = resolveObjectURL(url); const imageBuffer = Buffer.from(await blob.arrayBuffer()); return sharp(imageBuffer); } else if (/^data:/.test(url)) { const base64 = url.split(';base64,').pop(); const imageBuffer = Buffer.from(base64, 'base64'); return sharp(imageBuffer); } else if (/^https?:\/\//.test(url)) { const req = new Request(url, { headers: new Headers(this.requestHeader), credentials: this.withCredentials ? 'include' : 'same-origin', }); const response = await fetch(req); const buffer = Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer()); return sharp(buffer); } else { return sharp(url); } }) .then(image => image .ensureAlpha() .raw() .toBuffer({ resolveWithObject: true })) .then(({ data, info }) => ({ data, width: info.width, height: info.height, })) .then(data => { Cache.add(url, data); if (onLoad) onLoad(data); scope.manager.itemEnd(url); }) .catch(err => { if (onError) onError(err); scope.manager.itemError(url); scope.manager.itemEnd(url); }); } } class TextureLoader extends Loader { constructor(manager) { super(manager); } load(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError) { const texture = new Texture(); const loader = new ImageLoader(this.manager); loader.setCrossOrigin(this.crossOrigin); loader.setPath(this.path); loader.load(url, function (image) { texture.image = image; texture.needsUpdate = true; if (onLoad !== undefined) { onLoad(texture); } }, onProgress, onError); return texture; } } class GLTFLoader extends Loader { constructor(manager) { super(manager); this.dracoLoader = null; this.ktx2Loader = null; this.meshoptDecoder = null; this.pluginCallbacks = []; this.register((parser) => { return new GLTFMaterialsClearcoatExtension(parser); }); this.register((parser) => { return new GLTFTextureBasisUExtension(parser); }); this.register((parser) => { return new GLTFTextureWebPExtension(parser); }); this.register((parser) => { return new GLTFMaterialsSheenExtension(parser); }); this.register((parser) => { return new GLTFMaterialsTransmissionExtension(parser); }); this.register((parser) => { return new GLTFMaterialsVolumeExtension(parser); }); this.register((parser) => { return new GLTFMaterialsIorExtension(parser); }); this.register((parser) => { return new GLTFMaterialsSpecularExtension(parser); }); this.register((parser) => { return new GLTFLightsExtension(parser); }); this.register((parser) => { return new GLTFMeshoptCompression(parser); }); } load(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError) { console.log('load') const scope = this; let resourcePath; if (this.resourcePath !== '') { resourcePath = this.resourcePath; } else if (this.path !== '') { resourcePath = this.path; } else { if (!/^https?:\/\//.test(url) && !/^data:/.test(url)) { resourcePath = dirname(url) + sep; } else { resourcePath = LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase(url); } } this.manager.itemStart(url); const _onError = (e) => { console.log('error', e) if (onError) { onError(e); } else { console.error(e); } scope.manager.itemError(url); scope.manager.itemEnd(url); }; const loader = new FileLoader(this.manager); console.log('load 2') loader.setPath(this.path); loader.setResponseType('arraybuffer'); loader.setRequestHeader(this.requestHeader); loader.setWithCredentials(this.withCredentials); console.log('load 2x') console.log('url', url) loader.load(url, (data) => { console.log('load 3') try { console.log('parsing') scope.parse(data, resourcePath, (gltf) => { onLoad(gltf); scope.manager.itemEnd(url); }, _onError); } catch (e) { console.log('error', e) _onError(e); } }, onProgress, _onError); } setDRACOLoader(dracoLoader) { this.dracoLoader = dracoLoader; return this; } setDDSLoader() { throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: "MSFT_texture_dds" no longer supported. Please update to "KHR_texture_basisu".'); } setMeshoptDecoder(meshoptDecoder) { this.meshoptDecoder = meshoptDecoder; return this; } register(callback) { if (this.pluginCallbacks.indexOf(callback) === -1) { this.pluginCallbacks.push(callback); } return this; } unregister(callback) { if (this.pluginCallbacks.indexOf(callback) !== -1) { this.pluginCallbacks.splice(this.pluginCallbacks.indexOf(callback), 1); } return this; } parse(data, path, onLoad, onError) { let content; const extensions = {}; const plugins = {}; if (typeof data === 'string') { content = data; } else { if (data instanceof Buffer) { data = data.buffer; } const magic = LoaderUtils.decodeText(new Uint8Array(data.slice(0, 4))); if (magic === BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_MAGIC) { try { extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_BINARY_GLTF] = new GLTFBinaryExtension(data); } catch (error) { if (onError) onError(error); return; } content = extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_BINARY_GLTF].content; } else { content = LoaderUtils.decodeText(new Uint8Array(data)); } } const json = JSON.parse(content); if (json.asset === undefined || json.asset.version[0] < 2) { if (onError) { onError(new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: Unsupported asset. glTF versions >=2.0 are supported.')); } return; } const parser = new GLTFParser(json, { path: path || this.resourcePath || '', crossOrigin: this.crossOrigin, requestHeader: this.requestHeader, manager: this.manager, ktx2Loader: this.ktx2Loader, meshoptDecoder: this.meshoptDecoder }); parser.fileLoader.setRequestHeader(this.requestHeader); for (let i = 0; i < this.pluginCallbacks.length; i++) { const plugin = this.pluginCallbacks[i](parser); plugins[] = plugin; extensions[] = true; } if (json.extensionsUsed) { for (let i = 0; i < json.extensionsUsed.length; ++i) { const extensionName = json.extensionsUsed[i]; const extensionsRequired = json.extensionsRequired || []; switch (extensionName) { case EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT: extensions[extensionName] = new GLTFMaterialsUnlitExtension(); break; case EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS: extensions[extensionName] = new GLTFMaterialsPbrSpecularGlossinessExtension(); break; case EXTENSIONS.KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION: extensions[extensionName] = new GLTFDracoMeshCompressionExtension(json, this.dracoLoader); break; case EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM: extensions[extensionName] = new GLTFTextureTransformExtension(); break; case EXTENSIONS.KHR_MESH_QUANTIZATION: extensions[extensionName] = new GLTFMeshQuantizationExtension(); break; default: if (extensionsRequired.indexOf(extensionName) >= 0 && plugins[extensionName] === undefined) { console.warn('THREE.GLTFLoader: Unknown extension "' + extensionName + '".'); } } } } parser.setExtensions(extensions); parser.setPlugins(plugins); parser.parse(onLoad, onError); } parseAsync(data, path) { const scope = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { scope.parse(data, path, resolve, reject); }); } } function GLTFRegistry() { let objects = {}; return { get: (key) => { return objects[key]; }, add: (key, object) => { objects[key] = object; }, remove: (key) => { delete objects[key]; }, removeAll: () => { objects = {}; } }; } const EXTENSIONS = { KHR_BINARY_GLTF: 'KHR_binary_glTF', KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION: 'KHR_draco_mesh_compression', KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL: 'KHR_lights_punctual', KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT: 'KHR_materials_clearcoat', KHR_MATERIALS_IOR: 'KHR_materials_ior', KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS: 'KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness', KHR_MATERIALS_SHEEN: 'KHR_materials_sheen', KHR_MATERIALS_SPECULAR: 'KHR_materials_specular', KHR_MATERIALS_TRANSMISSION: 'KHR_materials_transmission', KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT: 'KHR_materials_unlit', KHR_MATERIALS_VOLUME: 'KHR_materials_volume', KHR_TEXTURE_BASISU: 'KHR_texture_basisu', KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM: 'KHR_texture_transform', KHR_MESH_QUANTIZATION: 'KHR_mesh_quantization', EXT_TEXTURE_WEBP: 'EXT_texture_webp', EXT_MESHOPT_COMPRESSION: 'EXT_meshopt_compression' }; class GLTFLightsExtension { constructor(parser) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL; this.cache = { refs: {}, uses: {} }; this.parser = parser; } _markDefs() { const parser = this.parser; const nodeDefs = this.parser.json.nodes || []; for (let nodeIndex = 0, nodeLength = nodeDefs.length; nodeIndex < nodeLength; nodeIndex++) { const nodeDef = nodeDefs[nodeIndex]; if (nodeDef.extensions && nodeDef.extensions[] && nodeDef.extensions[].light !== undefined) { parser._addNodeRef(this.cache, nodeDef.extensions[].light); } } } _loadLight(lightIndex) { const parser = this.parser; const cacheKey = 'light:' + lightIndex; let dependency = parser.cache.get(cacheKey); if (dependency) return dependency; const json = parser.json; const extensions = (json.extensions && json.extensions[]) || {}; const lightDefs = extensions.lights || []; const lightDef = lightDefs[lightIndex]; let lightNode; const color = new Color(0xffffff); if (lightDef.color !== undefined) color.fromArray(lightDef.color); const range = lightDef.range !== undefined ? lightDef.range : 0; switch (lightDef.type) { case 'directional': lightNode = new DirectionalLight(color);, 0, -1); lightNode.add(; break; case 'point': lightNode = new PointLight(color); lightNode.distance = range; break; case 'spot': lightNode = new SpotLight(color); lightNode.distance = range; = || {}; = !== undefined ? : 0; = !== undefined ? : Math.PI / 4.0; lightNode.angle =; lightNode.penumbra = 1.0 - /;, 0, -1); lightNode.add(; break; default: throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: Unexpected light type: ' + lightDef.type); } lightNode.position.set(0, 0, 0); lightNode.decay = 2; if (lightDef.intensity !== undefined) lightNode.intensity = lightDef.intensity; = parser.createUniqueName( || ('light_' + lightIndex)); dependency = Promise.resolve(lightNode); parser.cache.add(cacheKey, dependency); return dependency; } createNodeAttachment(nodeIndex) { const self = this; const parser = this.parser; const json = parser.json; const nodeDef = json.nodes[nodeIndex]; const lightDef = (nodeDef.extensions && nodeDef.extensions[]) || {}; const lightIndex = lightDef.light; if (lightIndex === undefined) return null; return this._loadLight(lightIndex).then(function (light) { return parser._getNodeRef(self.cache, lightIndex, light); }); } } class GLTFMaterialsUnlitExtension { constructor() { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT; } getMaterialType() { return MeshBasicMaterial; } extendParams(materialParams, materialDef, parser) { const pending = []; materialParams.color = new Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); materialParams.opacity = 1.0; const metallicRoughness = materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness; if (metallicRoughness) { if (Array.isArray(metallicRoughness.baseColorFactor)) { const array = metallicRoughness.baseColorFactor; materialParams.color.fromArray(array); materialParams.opacity = array[3]; } if (metallicRoughness.baseColorTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'map', metallicRoughness.baseColorTexture)); } } return Promise.all(pending); } } class GLTFMaterialsClearcoatExtension { constructor(parser) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT; this.parser = parser; } getMaterialType(materialIndex) { const parser = this.parser; const materialDef = parser.json.materials[materialIndex]; if (!materialDef.extensions || !materialDef.extensions[]) return null; return MeshPhysicalMaterial; } extendMaterialParams(materialIndex, materialParams) { const parser = this.parser; const materialDef = parser.json.materials[materialIndex]; if (!materialDef.extensions || !materialDef.extensions[]) { return Promise.resolve(); } const pending = []; const extension = materialDef.extensions[]; if (extension.clearcoatFactor !== undefined) { materialParams.clearcoat = extension.clearcoatFactor; } if (extension.clearcoatTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'clearcoatMap', extension.clearcoatTexture)); } if (extension.clearcoatRoughnessFactor !== undefined) { materialParams.clearcoatRoughness = extension.clearcoatRoughnessFactor; } if (extension.clearcoatRoughnessTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'clearcoatRoughnessMap', extension.clearcoatRoughnessTexture)); } if (extension.clearcoatNormalTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'clearcoatNormalMap', extension.clearcoatNormalTexture)); if (extension.clearcoatNormalTexture.scale !== undefined) { const scale = extension.clearcoatNormalTexture.scale; materialParams.clearcoatNormalScale = new Vector2(scale, scale); } } return Promise.all(pending); } } class GLTFMaterialsSheenExtension { constructor(parser) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_SHEEN; this.parser = parser; } getMaterialType(materialIndex) { const parser = this.parser; const materialDef = parser.json.materials[materialIndex]; if (!materialDef.extensions || !materialDef.extensions[]) return null; return MeshPhysicalMaterial; } extendMaterialParams(materialIndex, materialParams) { const parser = this.parser; const materialDef = parser.json.materials[materialIndex]; if (!materialDef.extensions || !materialDef.extensions[]) { return Promise.resolve(); } const pending = []; materialParams.sheenColor = new Color(0, 0, 0); materialParams.sheenRoughness = 0; materialParams.sheen = 1; const extension = materialDef.extensions[]; if (extension.sheenColorFactor !== undefined) { materialParams.sheenColor.fromArray(extension.sheenColorFactor); } if (extension.sheenRoughnessFactor !== undefined) { materialParams.sheenRoughness = extension.sheenRoughnessFactor; } if (extension.sheenColorTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'sheenColorMap', extension.sheenColorTexture)); } if (extension.sheenRoughnessTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'sheenRoughnessMap', extension.sheenRoughnessTexture)); } return Promise.all(pending); } } class GLTFMaterialsTransmissionExtension { constructor(parser) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_TRANSMISSION; this.parser = parser; } getMaterialType(materialIndex) { const parser = this.parser; const materialDef = parser.json.materials[materialIndex]; if (!materialDef.extensions || !materialDef.extensions[]) return null; return MeshPhysicalMaterial; } extendMaterialParams(materialIndex, materialParams) { const parser = this.parser; const materialDef = parser.json.materials[materialIndex]; if (!materialDef.extensions || !materialDef.extensions[]) { return Promise.resolve(); } const pending = []; const extension = materialDef.extensions[]; if (extension.transmissionFactor !== undefined) { materialParams.transmission = extension.transmissionFactor; } if (extension.transmissionTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'transmissionMap', extension.transmissionTexture)); } return Promise.all(pending); } } class GLTFMaterialsVolumeExtension { constructor(parser) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_VOLUME; this.parser = parser; } getMaterialType(materialIndex) { const parser = this.parser; const materialDef = parser.json.materials[materialIndex]; if (!materialDef.extensions || !materialDef.extensions[]) return null; return MeshPhysicalMaterial; } extendMaterialParams(materialIndex, materialParams) { const parser = this.parser; const materialDef = parser.json.materials[materialIndex]; if (!materialDef.extensions || !materialDef.extensions[]) { return Promise.resolve(); } const pending = []; const extension = materialDef.extensions[]; materialParams.thickness = extension.thicknessFactor !== undefined ? extension.thicknessFactor : 0; if (extension.thicknessTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'thicknessMap', extension.thicknessTexture)); } materialParams.attenuationDistance = extension.attenuationDistance || 0; const colorArray = extension.attenuationColor || [1, 1, 1]; materialParams.attenuationColor = new Color(colorArray[0], colorArray[1], colorArray[2]); return Promise.all(pending); } } class GLTFMaterialsIorExtension { constructor(parser) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_IOR; this.parser = parser; } getMaterialType(materialIndex) { const parser = this.parser; const materialDef = parser.json.materials[materialIndex]; if (!materialDef.extensions || !materialDef.extensions[]) return null; return MeshPhysicalMaterial; } extendMaterialParams(materialIndex, materialParams) { const parser = this.parser; const materialDef = parser.json.materials[materialIndex]; if (!materialDef.extensions || !materialDef.extensions[]) { return Promise.resolve(); } const extension = materialDef.extensions[]; materialParams.ior = extension.ior !== undefined ? extension.ior : 1.5; return Promise.resolve(); } } class GLTFMaterialsSpecularExtension { constructor(parser) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_SPECULAR; this.parser = parser; } getMaterialType(materialIndex) { const parser = this.parser; const materialDef = parser.json.materials[materialIndex]; if (!materialDef.extensions || !materialDef.extensions[]) return null; return MeshPhysicalMaterial; } extendMaterialParams(materialIndex, materialParams) { const parser = this.parser; const materialDef = parser.json.materials[materialIndex]; if (!materialDef.extensions || !materialDef.extensions[]) { return Promise.resolve(); } const pending = []; const extension = materialDef.extensions[]; materialParams.specularIntensity = extension.specularFactor !== undefined ? extension.specularFactor : 1.0; if (extension.specularTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'specularIntensityMap', extension.specularTexture)); } const colorArray = extension.specularColorFactor || [1, 1, 1]; materialParams.specularColor = new Color(colorArray[0], colorArray[1], colorArray[2]); if (extension.specularColorTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'specularColorMap', extension.specularColorTexture).then(function (texture) { texture.encoding = sRGBEncoding; })); } return Promise.all(pending); } } class GLTFTextureBasisUExtension { constructor(parser) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_BASISU; this.parser = parser; } loadTexture(textureIndex) { const parser = this.parser; const json = parser.json; const textureDef = json.textures[textureIndex]; if (!textureDef.extensions || !textureDef.extensions[]) { return null; } const extension = textureDef.extensions[]; const source = json.images[extension.source]; const loader = parser.options.ktx2Loader; if (!loader) { if (json.extensionsRequired && json.extensionsRequired.indexOf( >= 0) { throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: setKTX2Loader must be called before loading KTX2 textures'); } else { return null; } } return parser.loadTextureImage(textureIndex, source, loader); } } class GLTFTextureWebPExtension { constructor(parser) { = EXTENSIONS.EXT_TEXTURE_WEBP; this.isSupported = null; this.parser = parser; } loadTexture(textureIndex) { const name =; const parser = this.parser; const json = parser.json; const textureDef = json.textures[textureIndex]; if (!textureDef.extensions || !textureDef.extensions[name]) { return null; } const extension = textureDef.extensions[name]; const source = json.images[extension.source]; let loader = parser.textureLoader; if (source.uri) { const handler = parser.options.manager.getHandler(source.uri); if (handler !== null) loader = handler; } return this.detectSupport().then(function (isSupported) { if (isSupported) return parser.loadTextureImage(textureIndex, source, loader); if (json.extensionsRequired && json.extensionsRequired.indexOf(name) >= 0) { throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: WebP required by asset but unsupported.'); } return parser.loadTexture(textureIndex); }); } detectSupport() { if (!this.isSupported) { this.isSupported = new Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(false); }); } return this.isSupported; } } class GLTFMeshoptCompression { constructor(parser) { = EXTENSIONS.EXT_MESHOPT_COMPRESSION; this.parser = parser; } loadBufferView(index) { const json = this.parser.json; const bufferView = json.bufferViews[index]; if (bufferView.extensions && bufferView.extensions[]) { const extensionDef = bufferView.extensions[]; const buffer = this.parser.getDependency('buffer', extensionDef.buffer); const decoder = this.parser.options.meshoptDecoder; if (!decoder || !decoder.supported) { if (json.extensionsRequired && json.extensionsRequired.indexOf( >= 0) { throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: setMeshoptDecoder must be called before loading compressed files'); } else { return null; } } return Promise.all([buffer, decoder.ready]).then(function (res) { const byteOffset = extensionDef.byteOffset || 0; const byteLength = extensionDef.byteLength || 0; const count = extensionDef.count; const stride = extensionDef.byteStride; const result = new ArrayBuffer(count * stride); const source = new Uint8Array(res[0], byteOffset, byteLength); decoder.decodeGltfBuffer(new Uint8Array(result), count, stride, source, extensionDef.mode, extensionDef.filter); return result; }); } else { return null; } } } const BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_MAGIC = 'glTF'; const BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH = 12; const BINARY_EXTENSION_CHUNK_TYPES = { JSON: 0x4E4F534A, BIN: 0x004E4942 }; class GLTFBinaryExtension { constructor(data) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_BINARY_GLTF; this.content = null; this.body = null; const headerView = new DataView(data, 0, BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH); this.header = { magic: LoaderUtils.decodeText(new Uint8Array(data.slice(0, 4))), version: headerView.getUint32(4, true), length: headerView.getUint32(8, true) }; if (this.header.magic !== BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_MAGIC) { throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: Unsupported glTF-Binary header.'); } else if (this.header.version < 2.0) { throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: Legacy binary file detected.'); } const chunkContentsLength = this.header.length - BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH; const chunkView = new DataView(data, BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH); let chunkIndex = 0; while (chunkIndex < chunkContentsLength) { const chunkLength = chunkView.getUint32(chunkIndex, true); chunkIndex += 4; const chunkType = chunkView.getUint32(chunkIndex, true); chunkIndex += 4; if (chunkType === BINARY_EXTENSION_CHUNK_TYPES.JSON) { const contentArray = new Uint8Array(data, BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH + chunkIndex, chunkLength); this.content = LoaderUtils.decodeText(contentArray); } else if (chunkType === BINARY_EXTENSION_CHUNK_TYPES.BIN) { const byteOffset = BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH + chunkIndex; this.body = data.slice(byteOffset, byteOffset + chunkLength); } chunkIndex += chunkLength; } if (this.content === null) { throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: JSON content not found.'); } } } class GLTFDracoMeshCompressionExtension { constructor(json, dracoLoader) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION; if (!dracoLoader) { throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: No DRACOLoader instance provided.'); } this.json = json; this.dracoLoader = dracoLoader; this.dracoLoader.preload(); } decodePrimitive(primitive, parser) { const json = this.json; const dracoLoader = this.dracoLoader; const bufferViewIndex = primitive.extensions[].bufferView; const gltfAttributeMap = primitive.extensions[].attributes; const threeAttributeMap = {}; const attributeNormalizedMap = {}; for (const attributeName in gltfAttributeMap) { const threeAttributeName = ATTRIBUTES[attributeName] || attributeName.toLowerCase(); threeAttributeMap[threeAttributeName] = gltfAttributeMap[attributeName]; } for (const attributeName in primitive.attributes) { const threeAttributeName = ATTRIBUTES[attributeName] || attributeName.toLowerCase(); if (gltfAttributeMap[attributeName] !== undefined) { const accessorDef = json.accessors[primitive.attributes[attributeName]]; WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES[accessorDef.componentType]; attributeNormalizedMap[threeAttributeName] = accessorDef.normalized === true; } } return parser.getDependency('bufferView', bufferViewIndex).then(function (bufferView) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { dracoLoader.decodeDracoFile(bufferView, function (geometry) { for (const attributeName in geometry.attributes) { const attribute = geometry.attributes[attributeName]; const normalized = attributeNormalizedMap[attributeName]; if (normalized !== undefined) attribute.normalized = normalized; } resolve(geometry); }, threeAttributeMap); }); }); } } class GLTFTextureTransformExtension { constructor() { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM; } extendTexture(texture, transform) { if (transform.texCoord !== undefined) { console.warn('THREE.GLTFLoader: Custom UV sets in "' + + '" extension not yet supported.'); } if (transform.offset === undefined && transform.rotation === undefined && transform.scale === undefined) { return texture; } texture = texture.clone(); if (transform.offset !== undefined) { texture.offset.fromArray(transform.offset); } if (transform.rotation !== undefined) { texture.rotation = transform.rotation; } if (transform.scale !== undefined) { texture.repeat.fromArray(transform.scale); } texture.needsUpdate = true; return texture; } } class GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial extends MeshStandardMaterial { constructor(params) { super(); this.isGLTFSpecularGlossinessMaterial = true; const specularMapParsFragmentChunk = [ '#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP', ' uniform sampler2D specularMap;', '#endif' ].join('\n'); const glossinessMapParsFragmentChunk = [ '#ifdef USE_GLOSSINESSMAP', ' uniform sampler2D glossinessMap;', '#endif' ].join('\n'); const specularMapFragmentChunk = [ 'vec3 specularFactor = specular;', '#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP', ' vec4 texelSpecular = texture2D( specularMap, vUv );', ' // reads channel RGB, compatible with a glTF Specular-Glossiness (RGBA) texture', ' specularFactor *= texelSpecular.rgb;', '#endif' ].join('\n'); const glossinessMapFragmentChunk = [ 'float glossinessFactor = glossiness;', '#ifdef USE_GLOSSINESSMAP', ' vec4 texelGlossiness = texture2D( glossinessMap, vUv );', ' // reads channel A, compatible with a glTF Specular-Glossiness (RGBA) texture', ' glossinessFactor *= texelGlossiness.a;', '#endif' ].join('\n'); const lightPhysicalFragmentChunk = [ 'PhysicalMaterial material;', 'material.diffuseColor = diffuseColor.rgb * ( 1. - max( specularFactor.r, max( specularFactor.g, specularFactor.b ) ) );', 'vec3 dxy = max( abs( dFdx( geometryNormal ) ), abs( dFdy( geometryNormal ) ) );', 'float geometryRoughness = max( max( dxy.x, dxy.y ), dxy.z );', 'material.roughness = max( 1.0 - glossinessFactor, 0.0525 ); // 0.0525 corresponds to the base mip of a 256 cubemap.', 'material.roughness += geometryRoughness;', 'material.roughness = min( material.roughness, 1.0 );', 'material.specularColor = specularFactor;', ].join('\n'); const uniforms = { specular: { value: new Color().setHex(0xffffff) }, glossiness: { value: 1 }, specularMap: { value: null }, glossinessMap: { value: null } }; this._extraUniforms = uniforms; this.onBeforeCompile = function (shader) { for (const uniformName in uniforms) { shader.uniforms[uniformName] = uniforms[uniformName]; } shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader .replace('uniform float roughness;', 'uniform vec3 specular;') .replace('uniform float metalness;', 'uniform float glossiness;') .replace('#include ', specularMapParsFragmentChunk) .replace('#include ', glossinessMapParsFragmentChunk) .replace('#include ', specularMapFragmentChunk) .replace('#include ', glossinessMapFragmentChunk) .replace('#include ', lightPhysicalFragmentChunk); }; Object.defineProperties(this, { specular: { get: function () { return uniforms.specular.value; }, set: function (v) { uniforms.specular.value = v; } }, specularMap: { get: function () { return uniforms.specularMap.value; }, set: function (v) { uniforms.specularMap.value = v; if (v) { this.defines.USE_SPECULARMAP = ''; } else { delete this.defines.USE_SPECULARMAP; } } }, glossiness: { get: function () { return uniforms.glossiness.value; }, set: function (v) { uniforms.glossiness.value = v; } }, glossinessMap: { get: function () { return uniforms.glossinessMap.value; }, set: function (v) { uniforms.glossinessMap.value = v; if (v) { this.defines.USE_GLOSSINESSMAP = ''; this.defines.USE_UV = ''; } else { delete this.defines.USE_GLOSSINESSMAP; delete this.defines.USE_UV; } } } }); delete this.metalness; delete this.roughness; delete this.metalnessMap; delete this.roughnessMap; this.setValues(params); } copy(source) { super.copy(source); this.specularMap = source.specularMap; this.specular.copy(source.specular); this.glossinessMap = source.glossinessMap; this.glossiness = source.glossiness; delete this.metalness; delete this.roughness; delete this.metalnessMap; delete this.roughnessMap; return this; } } class GLTFMaterialsPbrSpecularGlossinessExtension { constructor() { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS; this.specularGlossinessParams = [ 'color', 'map', 'lightMap', 'lightMapIntensity', 'aoMap', 'aoMapIntensity', 'emissive', 'emissiveIntensity', 'emissiveMap', 'bumpMap', 'bumpScale', 'normalMap', 'normalMapType', 'displacementMap', 'displacementScale', 'displacementBias', 'specularMap', 'specular', 'glossinessMap', 'glossiness', 'alphaMap', 'envMap', 'envMapIntensity', 'refractionRatio', ]; } getMaterialType() { return GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial; } extendParams(materialParams, materialDef, parser) { const pbrSpecularGlossiness = materialDef.extensions[]; materialParams.color = new Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); materialParams.opacity = 1.0; const pending = []; if (Array.isArray(pbrSpecularGlossiness.diffuseFactor)) { const array = pbrSpecularGlossiness.diffuseFactor; materialParams.color.fromArray(array); materialParams.opacity = array[3]; } if (pbrSpecularGlossiness.diffuseTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'map', pbrSpecularGlossiness.diffuseTexture)); } materialParams.emissive = new Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); materialParams.glossiness = pbrSpecularGlossiness.glossinessFactor !== undefined ? pbrSpecularGlossiness.glossinessFactor : 1.0; materialParams.specular = new Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); if (Array.isArray(pbrSpecularGlossiness.specularFactor)) { materialParams.specular.fromArray(pbrSpecularGlossiness.specularFactor); } if (pbrSpecularGlossiness.specularGlossinessTexture !== undefined) { const specGlossMapDef = pbrSpecularGlossiness.specularGlossinessTexture; pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'glossinessMap', specGlossMapDef)); pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'specularMap', specGlossMapDef)); } return Promise.all(pending); } createMaterial(materialParams) { const material = new GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial(materialParams); material.fog = true; material.color = materialParams.color; = === undefined ? null :; material.lightMap = null; material.lightMapIntensity = 1.0; material.aoMap = materialParams.aoMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.aoMap; material.aoMapIntensity = 1.0; material.emissive = materialParams.emissive; material.emissiveIntensity = 1.0; material.emissiveMap = materialParams.emissiveMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.emissiveMap; material.bumpMap = materialParams.bumpMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.bumpMap; material.bumpScale = 1; material.normalMap = materialParams.normalMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.normalMap; material.normalMapType = TangentSpaceNormalMap; if (materialParams.normalScale) material.normalScale = materialParams.normalScale; material.displacementMap = null; material.displacementScale = 1; material.displacementBias = 0; material.specularMap = materialParams.specularMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.specularMap; material.specular = materialParams.specular; material.glossinessMap = materialParams.glossinessMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.glossinessMap; material.glossiness = materialParams.glossiness; material.alphaMap = null; material.envMap = materialParams.envMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.envMap; material.envMapIntensity = 1.0; material.refractionRatio = 0.98; return material; } } class GLTFMeshQuantizationExtension { constructor() { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MESH_QUANTIZATION; } } class GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant extends Interpolant { constructor(parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer) { super(parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer); this.beforeStart_ = this.copySampleValue_; this.afterEnd_ = this.copySampleValue_; } copySampleValue_(index) { const result = this.resultBuffer, values = this.sampleValues, valueSize = this.valueSize, offset = index * valueSize * 3 + valueSize; for (let i = 0; i !== valueSize; i++) { result[i] = values[offset + i]; } return result; } interpolate_(i1, t0, t, t1) { const result = this.resultBuffer; const values = this.sampleValues; const stride = this.valueSize; const stride2 = stride * 2; const stride3 = stride * 3; const td = t1 - t0; const p = (t - t0) / td; const pp = p * p; const ppp = pp * p; const offset1 = i1 * stride3; const offset0 = offset1 - stride3; const s2 = -2 * ppp + 3 * pp; const s3 = ppp - pp; const s0 = 1 - s2; const s1 = s3 - pp + p; for (let i = 0; i !== stride; i++) { const p0 = values[offset0 + i + stride]; const m0 = values[offset0 + i + stride2] * td; const p1 = values[offset1 + i + stride]; const m1 = values[offset1 + i] * td; result[i] = s0 * p0 + s1 * m0 + s2 * p1 + s3 * m1; } return result; } ; } const _q = new Quaternion(); class GLTFCubicSplineQuaternionInterpolant extends GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant { interpolate_(i1, t0, t, t1) { const result = super.interpolate_(i1, t0, t, t1); _q.fromArray(result).normalize().toArray(result); return result; } } const WEBGL_CONSTANTS = { FLOAT: 5126, FLOAT_MAT3: 35675, FLOAT_MAT4: 35676, FLOAT_VEC2: 35664, FLOAT_VEC3: 35665, FLOAT_VEC4: 35666, LINEAR: 9729, REPEAT: 10497, SAMPLER_2D: 35678, POINTS: 0, LINES: 1, LINE_LOOP: 2, LINE_STRIP: 3, TRIANGLES: 4, TRIANGLE_STRIP: 5, TRIANGLE_FAN: 6, UNSIGNED_BYTE: 5121, UNSIGNED_SHORT: 5123 }; const WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES = { 5120: Int8Array, 5121: Uint8Array, 5122: Int16Array, 5123: Uint16Array, 5125: Uint32Array, 5126: Float32Array }; const WEBGL_FILTERS = { 9728: NearestFilter, 9729: LinearFilter, 9984: NearestMipmapNearestFilter, 9985: LinearMipmapNearestFilter, 9986: NearestMipmapLinearFilter, 9987: LinearMipmapLinearFilter }; const WEBGL_WRAPPINGS = { 33071: ClampToEdgeWrapping, 33648: MirroredRepeatWrapping, 10497: RepeatWrapping }; const WEBGL_TYPE_SIZES = { 'SCALAR': 1, 'VEC2': 2, 'VEC3': 3, 'VEC4': 4, 'MAT2': 4, 'MAT3': 9, 'MAT4': 16 }; const ATTRIBUTES = { POSITION: 'position', NORMAL: 'normal', TANGENT: 'tangent', TEXCOORD_0: 'uv', TEXCOORD_1: 'uv2', COLOR_0: 'color', WEIGHTS_0: 'skinWeight', JOINTS_0: 'skinIndex', }; const PATH_PROPERTIES = { scale: 'scale', translation: 'position', rotation: 'quaternion', weights: 'morphTargetInfluences' }; const INTERPOLATION = { CUBICSPLINE: undefined, LINEAR: InterpolateLinear, STEP: InterpolateDiscrete }; const ALPHA_MODES = { OPAQUE: 'OPAQUE', MASK: 'MASK', BLEND: 'BLEND' }; function createDefaultMaterial(cache) { if (cache['DefaultMaterial'] === undefined) { cache['DefaultMaterial'] = new MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0xFFFFFF, emissive: 0x000000, metalness: 1, roughness: 1, transparent: false, depthTest: true, side: FrontSide }); } return cache['DefaultMaterial']; } function addUnknownExtensionsToUserData(knownExtensions, object, objectDef) { for (const name in objectDef.extensions) { if (knownExtensions[name] === undefined) { object.userData.gltfExtensions = object.userData.gltfExtensions || {}; object.userData.gltfExtensions[name] = objectDef.extensions[name]; } } } function assignExtrasToUserData(object, gltfDef) { if (gltfDef.extras !== undefined) { if (typeof gltfDef.extras === 'object') { Object.assign(object.userData, gltfDef.extras); } else { console.warn('THREE.GLTFLoader: Ignoring primitive type .extras, ' + gltfDef.extras); } } } function addMorphTargets(geometry, targets, parser) { let hasMorphPosition = false; let hasMorphNormal = false; for (let i = 0, il = targets.length; i < il; i++) { const target = targets[i]; if (target.POSITION !== undefined) hasMorphPosition = true; if (target.NORMAL !== undefined) hasMorphNormal = true; if (hasMorphPosition && hasMorphNormal) break; } if (!hasMorphPosition && !hasMorphNormal) return Promise.resolve(geometry); const pendingPositionAccessors = []; const pendingNormalAccessors = []; for (let i = 0, il = targets.length; i < il; i++) { const target = targets[i]; if (hasMorphPosition) { const pendingAccessor = target.POSITION !== undefined ? parser.getDependency('accessor', target.POSITION) : geometry.attributes.position; pendingPositionAccessors.push(pendingAccessor); } if (hasMorphNormal) { const pendingAccessor = target.NORMAL !== undefined ? parser.getDependency('accessor', target.NORMAL) : geometry.attributes.normal; pendingNormalAccessors.push(pendingAccessor); } } return Promise.all([ Promise.all(pendingPositionAccessors), Promise.all(pendingNormalAccessors) ]).then(accessors => { const morphPositions = accessors[0]; const morphNormals = accessors[1]; if (hasMorphPosition) geometry.morphAttributes.position = morphPositions; if (hasMorphNormal) geometry.morphAttributes.normal = morphNormals; geometry.morphTargetsRelative = true; return geometry; }); } function updateMorphTargets(mesh, meshDef) { mesh.updateMorphTargets(); if (meshDef.weights !== undefined) { for (let i = 0, il = meshDef.weights.length; i < il; i++) { mesh.morphTargetInfluences[i] = meshDef.weights[i]; } } if (meshDef.extras && Array.isArray(meshDef.extras.targetNames)) { const targetNames = meshDef.extras.targetNames; if (mesh.morphTargetInfluences.length === targetNames.length) { mesh.morphTargetDictionary = {}; for (let i = 0, il = targetNames.length; i < il; i++) { mesh.morphTargetDictionary[targetNames[i]] = i; } } else { console.warn('THREE.GLTFLoader: Invalid extras.targetNames length. Ignoring names.'); } } } function createPrimitiveKey(primitiveDef) { const dracoExtension = primitiveDef.extensions && primitiveDef.extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION]; let geometryKey; if (dracoExtension) { geometryKey = 'draco:' + dracoExtension.bufferView + ':' + dracoExtension.indices + ':' + createAttributesKey(dracoExtension.attributes); } else { geometryKey = primitiveDef.indices + ':' + createAttributesKey(primitiveDef.attributes) + ':' + primitiveDef.mode; } return geometryKey; } function createAttributesKey(attributes) { let attributesKey = ''; const keys = Object.keys(attributes).sort(); for (let i = 0, il = keys.length; i < il; i++) { attributesKey += keys[i] + ':' + attributes[keys[i]] + ';'; } return attributesKey; } function getNormalizedComponentScale(constructor) { switch (constructor) { case Int8Array: return 1 / 127; case Uint8Array: return 1 / 255; case Int16Array: return 1 / 32767; case Uint16Array: return 1 / 65535; default: throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: Unsupported normalized accessor component type.'); } } class GLTFParser { constructor(json = {}, options = {}) { this.json = {}; this.extensions = {}; this.plugins = {}; this.options = {}; this.cache = new GLTFRegistry(); this.associations = new Map(); this.primitiveCache = {}; this.meshCache = { refs: {}, uses: {} }; this.cameraCache = { refs: {}, uses: {} }; this.lightCache = { refs: {}, uses: {} }; this.textureCache = {}; this.nodeNamesUsed = {}; this.json = json; this.options = options; this.textureLoader = new TextureLoader(this.options.manager); this.textureLoader.setCrossOrigin(this.options.crossOrigin); this.textureLoader.setRequestHeader(this.options.requestHeader); this.fileLoader = new FileLoader(this.options.manager); this.fileLoader.setResponseType('arraybuffer'); if (this.options.crossOrigin === 'use-credentials') { this.fileLoader.setWithCredentials(true); } } setExtensions(extensions) { this.extensions = extensions; } setPlugins(plugins) { this.plugins = plugins; } parse(onLoad, onError) { const parser = this; const json = this.json; const extensions = this.extensions; this.cache.removeAll(); this._invokeAll(ext => ext._markDefs && ext._markDefs()); Promise.all(this._invokeAll(ext => ext.beforeRoot && ext.beforeRoot())).then(() => Promise.all([ parser.getDependencies('scene'), parser.getDependencies('animation'), parser.getDependencies('camera'), ])).then(dependencies => { const result = { scene: dependencies[0][json.scene || 0], scenes: dependencies[0], animations: dependencies[1], cameras: dependencies[2], asset: json.asset, parser, userData: {} }; addUnknownExtensionsToUserData(extensions, result, json); assignExtrasToUserData(result, json); Promise.all(parser._invokeAll(function (ext) { return ext.afterRoot && ext.afterRoot(result); })).then(function () { onLoad(result); }); }).catch(onError); } _markDefs() { const nodeDefs = this.json.nodes || []; const skinDefs = this.json.skins || []; const meshDefs = this.json.meshes || []; for (let skinIndex = 0, skinLength = skinDefs.length; skinIndex < skinLength; skinIndex++) { const joints = skinDefs[skinIndex].joints; for (let i = 0, il = joints.length; i < il; i++) { nodeDefs[joints[i]].isBone = true; } } for (let nodeIndex = 0, nodeLength = nodeDefs.length; nodeIndex < nodeLength; nodeIndex++) { const nodeDef = nodeDefs[nodeIndex]; if (nodeDef.mesh !== undefined) { this._addNodeRef(this.meshCache, nodeDef.mesh); if ( !== undefined) { meshDefs[nodeDef.mesh].isSkinnedMesh = true; } } if ( !== undefined) { this._addNodeRef(this.cameraCache,; } } } _addNodeRef(cache, index) { if (index === undefined) return; if (cache.refs[index] === undefined) { cache.refs[index] = cache.uses[index] = 0; } cache.refs[index]++; } _getNodeRef(cache, index, object) { if (cache.refs[index] <= 1) return object; const ref = object.clone(); const updateMappings = (original, clone) => { const mappings = this.associations.get(original); if (mappings != null) { this.associations.set(clone, mappings); } for (const [i, child] of original.children.entries()) { updateMappings(child, clone.children[i]); } }; updateMappings(object, ref); += '_instance_' + (cache.uses[index]++); return ref; } _invokeOne(func) { const extensions = Object.values(this.plugins); extensions.push(this); for (let i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) { const result = func(extensions[i]); if (result) return result; } return null; } _invokeAll(func) { const extensions = Object.values(this.plugins); extensions.unshift(this); const pending = []; for (let i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) { const result = func(extensions[i]); if (result) pending.push(result); } return pending; } getDependency(type, index) { const cacheKey = type + ':' + index; let dependency = this.cache.get(cacheKey); if (!dependency) { switch (type) { case 'scene': dependency = this.loadScene(index); break; case 'node': dependency = this.loadNode(index); break; case 'mesh': dependency = this._invokeOne(ext => ext.loadMesh && ext.loadMesh(index)); break; case 'accessor': dependency = this.loadAccessor(index); break; case 'bufferView': dependency = this._invokeOne(ext => ext.loadBufferView && ext.loadBufferView(index)); break; case 'buffer': dependency = this.loadBuffer(index); break; case 'material': dependency = this._invokeOne(ext => ext.loadMaterial && ext.loadMaterial(index)); break; case 'texture': dependency = this._invokeOne(ext => ext.loadTexture && ext.loadTexture(index)); break; case 'skin': dependency = this.loadSkin(index); break; case 'animation': dependency = this.loadAnimation(index); break; case 'camera': dependency = this.loadCamera(index); break; default: throw new Error('Unknown type: ' + type); } this.cache.add(cacheKey, dependency); } return dependency; } getDependencies(type) { let dependencies = this.cache.get(type); if (!dependencies) { const parser = this; const defs = this.json[type + (type === 'mesh' ? 'es' : 's')] || []; dependencies = Promise.all(, index) => parser.getDependency(type, index))); this.cache.add(type, dependencies); } return dependencies; } loadBuffer(bufferIndex) { const bufferDef = this.json.buffers[bufferIndex]; const loader = this.fileLoader; if (bufferDef.type && bufferDef.type !== 'arraybuffer') { throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: ' + bufferDef.type + ' buffer type is not supported.'); } if (bufferDef.uri === undefined && bufferIndex === 0) { return Promise.resolve(this.extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_BINARY_GLTF].body); } const options = this.options; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { loader.load(LoaderUtils.resolveURL(bufferDef.uri, options.path), resolve, undefined, function () { reject(new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "' + bufferDef.uri + '".')); }); }); } loadBufferView(bufferViewIndex) { const bufferViewDef = this.json.bufferViews[bufferViewIndex]; return this.getDependency('buffer', bufferViewDef.buffer).then(buffer => { const byteLength = bufferViewDef.byteLength || 0; const byteOffset = bufferViewDef.byteOffset || 0; return buffer.slice(byteOffset, byteOffset + byteLength); }); } loadAccessor(accessorIndex) { const parser = this; const json = this.json; const accessorDef = this.json.accessors[accessorIndex]; if (accessorDef.bufferView === undefined && accessorDef.sparse === undefined) { return Promise.resolve(null); } const pendingBufferViews = []; if (accessorDef.bufferView !== undefined) { pendingBufferViews.push(this.getDependency('bufferView', accessorDef.bufferView)); } else { pendingBufferViews.push(null); } if (accessorDef.sparse !== undefined) { pendingBufferViews.push(this.getDependency('bufferView', accessorDef.sparse.indices.bufferView)); pendingBufferViews.push(this.getDependency('bufferView', accessorDef.sparse.values.bufferView)); } return Promise.all(pendingBufferViews).then(function (bufferViews) { const bufferView = bufferViews[0]; const itemSize = WEBGL_TYPE_SIZES[accessorDef.type]; const TypedArray = WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES[accessorDef.componentType]; const elementBytes = TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const itemBytes = elementBytes * itemSize; const byteOffset = accessorDef.byteOffset || 0; const byteStride = accessorDef.bufferView !== undefined ? json.bufferViews[accessorDef.bufferView].byteStride : undefined; const normalized = accessorDef.normalized === true; let array, bufferAttribute; if (byteStride && byteStride !== itemBytes) { const ibSlice = Math.floor(byteOffset / byteStride); const ibCacheKey = 'InterleavedBuffer:' + accessorDef.bufferView + ':' + accessorDef.componentType + ':' + ibSlice + ':' + accessorDef.count; let ib = parser.cache.get(ibCacheKey); if (!ib) { array = new TypedArray(bufferView, ibSlice * byteStride, accessorDef.count * byteStride / elementBytes); ib = new InterleavedBuffer(array, byteStride / elementBytes); parser.cache.add(ibCacheKey, ib); } bufferAttribute = new InterleavedBufferAttribute(ib, itemSize, (byteOffset % byteStride) / elementBytes, normalized); } else { if (bufferView === null) { array = new TypedArray(accessorDef.count * itemSize); } else { array = new TypedArray(bufferView, byteOffset, accessorDef.count * itemSize); } bufferAttribute = new BufferAttribute(array, itemSize, normalized); } if (accessorDef.sparse !== undefined) { const itemSizeIndices = WEBGL_TYPE_SIZES.SCALAR; const TypedArrayIndices = WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES[accessorDef.sparse.indices.componentType]; const byteOffsetIndices = accessorDef.sparse.indices.byteOffset || 0; const byteOffsetValues = accessorDef.sparse.values.byteOffset || 0; const sparseIndices = new TypedArrayIndices(bufferViews[1], byteOffsetIndices, accessorDef.sparse.count * itemSizeIndices); const sparseValues = new TypedArray(bufferViews[2], byteOffsetValues, accessorDef.sparse.count * itemSize); if (bufferView !== null) { bufferAttribute = new BufferAttribute(bufferAttribute.array.slice(), bufferAttribute.itemSize, bufferAttribute.normalized); } for (let i = 0, il = sparseIndices.length; i < il; i++) { const index = sparseIndices[i]; bufferAttribute.setX(index, sparseValues[i * itemSize]); if (itemSize >= 2) bufferAttribute.setY(index, sparseValues[i * itemSize + 1]); if (itemSize >= 3) bufferAttribute.setZ(index, sparseValues[i * itemSize + 2]); if (itemSize >= 4) bufferAttribute.setW(index, sparseValues[i * itemSize + 3]); if (itemSize >= 5) throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: Unsupported itemSize in sparse BufferAttribute.'); } } return bufferAttribute; }); } loadTexture(textureIndex) { const json = this.json; const options = this.options; const textureDef = json.textures[textureIndex]; const source = json.images[textureDef.source]; let loader = this.textureLoader; if (source.uri) { const handler = options.manager.getHandler(source.uri); if (handler !== null) loader = handler; } return this.loadTextureImage(textureIndex, source, loader); } loadTextureImage(textureIndex, source, loader) { const parser = this; const json = this.json; const options = this.options; const textureDef = json.textures[textureIndex]; const cacheKey = (source.uri || source.bufferView) + ':' + textureDef.sampler; if (this.textureCache[cacheKey]) { return this.textureCache[cacheKey]; } let sourceURI = source.uri || ''; let isObjectURL = false; if (source.bufferView !== undefined) { sourceURI = parser.getDependency('bufferView', source.bufferView).then(function (bufferView) { isObjectURL = true; const blob = new Blob([bufferView], { type: source.mimeType }); sourceURI = URL.createObjectURL(blob); return sourceURI; }); } else if (source.uri === undefined) { throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: Image ' + textureIndex + ' is missing URI and bufferView'); } const promise = Promise.resolve(sourceURI).then(function (sourceURI) { LoaderUtils.resolveURL(sourceURI, options.path); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { loader.load(LoaderUtils.resolveURL(sourceURI, options.path), resolve, undefined, reject); }); }).then(function (texture) { if (isObjectURL === true) { URL.revokeObjectURL(sourceURI); } texture.flipY = false; if ( =; const samplers = json.samplers || {}; const sampler = samplers[textureDef.sampler] || {}; texture.magFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[sampler.magFilter] || LinearFilter; texture.minFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[sampler.minFilter] || LinearMipmapLinearFilter; texture.wrapS = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[sampler.wrapS] || RepeatWrapping; texture.wrapT = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[sampler.wrapT] || RepeatWrapping; parser.associations.set(texture, { textures: textureIndex }); return texture; }).catch(() => { console.error('THREE.GLTFLoader: Couldn\'t load texture', sourceURI); return null; }); this.textureCache[cacheKey] = promise; return promise; } assignTexture(materialParams, mapName, mapDef) { const parser = this; return this.getDependency('texture', mapDef.index).then(function (texture) { if (mapDef.texCoord !== undefined && mapDef.texCoord != 0 && !(mapName === 'aoMap' && mapDef.texCoord == 1)) { console.warn('THREE.GLTFLoader: Custom UV set ' + mapDef.texCoord + ' for texture ' + mapName + ' not yet supported.'); } if (parser.extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM]) { const transform = mapDef.extensions !== undefined ? mapDef.extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM] : undefined; if (transform) { const gltfReference = parser.associations.get(texture); texture = parser.extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM].extendTexture(texture, transform); parser.associations.set(texture, gltfReference); } } materialParams[mapName] = texture; return texture; }); } assignFinalMaterial(mesh) { const geometry = mesh.geometry; let material = mesh.material; const useDerivativeTangents = geometry.attributes.tangent === undefined; const useVertexColors = geometry.attributes.color !== undefined; const useFlatShading = geometry.attributes.normal === undefined; if (mesh.isPoints) { const cacheKey = 'PointsMaterial:' + material.uuid; let pointsMaterial = this.cache.get(cacheKey); if (!pointsMaterial) { pointsMaterial = new PointsMaterial();, material); pointsMaterial.color.copy(material.color); =; pointsMaterial.sizeAttenuation = false; this.cache.add(cacheKey, pointsMaterial); } material = pointsMaterial; } else if (mesh.isLine) { const cacheKey = 'LineBasicMaterial:' + material.uuid; let lineMaterial = this.cache.get(cacheKey); if (!lineMaterial) { lineMaterial = new LineBasicMaterial();, material); lineMaterial.color.copy(material.color); this.cache.add(cacheKey, lineMaterial); } material = lineMaterial; } if (useDerivativeTangents || useVertexColors || useFlatShading) { let cacheKey = 'ClonedMaterial:' + material.uuid + ':'; if (material.isGLTFSpecularGlossinessMaterial) cacheKey += 'specular-glossiness:'; if (useDerivativeTangents) cacheKey += 'derivative-tangents:'; if (useVertexColors) cacheKey += 'vertex-colors:'; if (useFlatShading) cacheKey += 'flat-shading:'; let cachedMaterial = this.cache.get(cacheKey); if (!cachedMaterial) { cachedMaterial = material.clone(); if (useVertexColors) cachedMaterial.vertexColors = true; if (useFlatShading) cachedMaterial.flatShading = true; if (useDerivativeTangents) { if (cachedMaterial.normalScale) cachedMaterial.normalScale.y *= -1; if (cachedMaterial.clearcoatNormalScale) cachedMaterial.clearcoatNormalScale.y *= -1; } this.cache.add(cacheKey, cachedMaterial); this.associations.set(cachedMaterial, this.associations.get(material)); } material = cachedMaterial; } if (material.aoMap && geometry.attributes.uv2 === undefined && geometry.attributes.uv !== undefined) { geometry.setAttribute('uv2', geometry.attributes.uv); } mesh.material = material; } getMaterialType() { return MeshStandardMaterial; } loadMaterial(materialIndex) { const parser = this; const json = this.json; const extensions = this.extensions; const materialDef = json.materials[materialIndex]; let materialType; const materialParams = {}; const materialExtensions = materialDef.extensions || {}; const pending = []; if (materialExtensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS]) { const sgExtension = extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS]; materialType = sgExtension.getMaterialType(); pending.push(sgExtension.extendParams(materialParams, materialDef, parser)); } else if (materialExtensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT]) { const kmuExtension = extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT]; materialType = kmuExtension.getMaterialType(); pending.push(kmuExtension.extendParams(materialParams, materialDef, parser)); } else { const metallicRoughness = materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness || {}; materialParams.color = new Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); materialParams.opacity = 1.0; if (Array.isArray(metallicRoughness.baseColorFactor)) { const array = metallicRoughness.baseColorFactor; materialParams.color.fromArray(array); materialParams.opacity = array[3]; } if (metallicRoughness.baseColorTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'map', metallicRoughness.baseColorTexture)); } materialParams.metalness = metallicRoughness.metallicFactor !== undefined ? metallicRoughness.metallicFactor : 1.0; materialParams.roughness = metallicRoughness.roughnessFactor !== undefined ? metallicRoughness.roughnessFactor : 1.0; if (metallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'metalnessMap', metallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture)); pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'roughnessMap', metallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture)); } materialType = this._invokeOne(function (ext) { return ext.getMaterialType && ext.getMaterialType(materialIndex); }); pending.push(Promise.all(this._invokeAll(function (ext) { return ext.extendMaterialParams && ext.extendMaterialParams(materialIndex, materialParams); }))); } if (materialDef.doubleSided === true) { materialParams.side = DoubleSide; } const alphaMode = materialDef.alphaMode || ALPHA_MODES.OPAQUE; if (alphaMode === ALPHA_MODES.BLEND) { materialParams.transparent = true; materialParams.depthWrite = false; } else { materialParams.transparent = false; if (alphaMode === ALPHA_MODES.MASK) { materialParams.alphaTest = materialDef.alphaCutoff !== undefined ? materialDef.alphaCutoff : 0.5; } } if (materialDef.normalTexture !== undefined && materialType !== MeshBasicMaterial) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'normalMap', materialDef.normalTexture)); materialParams.normalScale = new Vector2(1, 1); if (materialDef.normalTexture.scale !== undefined) { const scale = materialDef.normalTexture.scale; materialParams.normalScale.set(scale, scale); } } if (materialDef.occlusionTexture !== undefined && materialType !== MeshBasicMaterial) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'aoMap', materialDef.occlusionTexture)); if (materialDef.occlusionTexture.strength !== undefined) { materialParams.aoMapIntensity = materialDef.occlusionTexture.strength; } } if (materialDef.emissiveFactor !== undefined && materialType !== MeshBasicMaterial) { materialParams.emissive = new Color().fromArray(materialDef.emissiveFactor); } if (materialDef.emissiveTexture !== undefined && materialType !== MeshBasicMaterial) { pending.push(parser.assignTexture(materialParams, 'emissiveMap', materialDef.emissiveTexture)); } return Promise.all(pending).then(function () { let material; if (materialType === GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial) { material = extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS].createMaterial(materialParams); } else { material = new materialType(materialParams); } if ( =; if ( = sRGBEncoding; if (material.emissiveMap) material.emissiveMap.encoding = sRGBEncoding; assignExtrasToUserData(material, materialDef); parser.associations.set(material, { materials: materialIndex }); if (materialDef.extensions) addUnknownExtensionsToUserData(extensions, material, materialDef); return material; }); } createUniqueName(originalName) { const sanitizedName = PropertyBinding.sanitizeNodeName(originalName || ''); let name = sanitizedName; for (let i = 1; this.nodeNamesUsed[name]; ++i) { name = sanitizedName + '_' + i; } this.nodeNamesUsed[name] = true; return name; } loadGeometries(primitives) { const parser = this; const extensions = this.extensions; const cache = this.primitiveCache; function createDracoPrimitive(primitive) { return extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION] .decodePrimitive(primitive, parser) .then(function (geometry) { return addPrimitiveAttributes(geometry, primitive, parser); }); } const pending = []; for (let i = 0, il = primitives.length; i < il; i++) { const primitive = primitives[i]; const cacheKey = createPrimitiveKey(primitive); const cached = cache[cacheKey]; if (cached) { pending.push(cached.promise); } else { let geometryPromise; if (primitive.extensions && primitive.extensions[EXTENSIONS.KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION]) { geometryPromise = createDracoPrimitive(primitive); } else { geometryPromise = addPrimitiveAttributes(new BufferGeometry(), primitive, parser); } cache[cacheKey] = { primitive: primitive, promise: geometryPromise }; pending.push(geometryPromise); } } return Promise.all(pending); } loadMesh(meshIndex) { const parser = this; const json = this.json; const extensions = this.extensions; const meshDef = json.meshes[meshIndex]; const primitives = meshDef.primitives; const pending = []; for (let i = 0, il = primitives.length; i < il; i++) { const material = primitives[i].material === undefined ? createDefaultMaterial(this.cache) : this.getDependency('material', primitives[i].material); pending.push(material); } pending.push(parser.loadGeometries(primitives)); return Promise.all(pending).then(results => { const materials = results.slice(0, results.length - 1); const geometries = results[results.length - 1]; const meshes = []; for (let i = 0, il = geometries.length; i < il; i++) { const geometry = geometries[i]; const primitive = primitives[i]; let mesh; const material = materials[i]; if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLES || primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLE_STRIP || primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLE_FAN || primitive.mode === undefined) { mesh = meshDef.isSkinnedMesh === true ? new SkinnedMesh(geometry, material) : new Mesh(geometry, material); if (mesh.isSkinnedMesh === true && !mesh.geometry.attributes.skinWeight.normalized) { mesh.normalizeSkinWeights(); } if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLE_STRIP) { mesh.geometry = toTrianglesDrawMode(mesh.geometry, TriangleStripDrawMode); } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLE_FAN) { mesh.geometry = toTrianglesDrawMode(mesh.geometry, TriangleFanDrawMode); } } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINES) { mesh = new LineSegments(geometry, material); } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_STRIP) { mesh = new Line(geometry, material); } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_LOOP) { mesh = new LineLoop(geometry, material); } else if (primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.POINTS) { mesh = new Points(geometry, material); } else { throw new Error('THREE.GLTFLoader: Primitive mode unsupported: ' + primitive.mode); } if (Object.keys(mesh.geometry.morphAttributes).length > 0) { updateMorphTargets(mesh, meshDef); } = parser.createUniqueName( || ('mesh_' + meshIndex)); assignExtrasToUserData(mesh, meshDef); if (primitive.extensions) addUnknownExtensionsToUserData(extensions, mesh, primitive); parser.assignFinalMaterial(mesh); meshes.push(mesh); } for (let i = 0, il = meshes.length; i < il; i++) { parser.associations.set(meshes[i], { meshes: meshIndex, primitives: i }); } if (meshes.length === 1) { return meshes[0]; } const group = new Group(); parser.associations.set(group, { meshes: meshIndex }); for (let i = 0, il = meshes.length; i < il; i++) { group.add(meshes[i]); } return group; }); } loadCamera(cameraIndex) { let camera; const cameraDef = this.json.cameras[cameraIndex]; const params = cameraDef[cameraDef.type]; if (!params) { console.warn('THREE.GLTFLoader: Missing camera parameters.'); return; } if (cameraDef.type === 'perspective') { camera = new PerspectiveCamera(MathUtils.radToDeg(params.yfov), params.aspectRatio || 1, params.znear || 1, params.zfar || 2e6); } else if (cameraDef.type === 'orthographic') { camera = new OrthographicCamera(-params.xmag, params.xmag, params.ymag, -params.ymag, params.znear, params.zfar); } if ( = this.createUniqueName(; assignExtrasToUserData(camera, cameraDef); return Promise.resolve(camera); } loadSkin(skinIndex) { const skinDef = this.json.skins[skinIndex]; const skinEntry = { joints: skinDef.joints }; if (skinDef.inverseBindMatrices === undefined) { return Promise.resolve(skinEntry); } return this.getDependency('accessor', skinDef.inverseBindMatrices).then(accessor => { skinEntry.inverseBindMatrices = accessor; return skinEntry; }); } loadAnimation(animationIndex) { const json = this.json; const animationDef = json.animations[animationIndex]; const pendingNodes = []; const pendingInputAccessors = []; const pendingOutputAccessors = []; const pendingSamplers = []; const pendingTargets = []; for (let i = 0, il = animationDef.channels.length; i < il; i++) { const channel = animationDef.channels[i]; const sampler = animationDef.samplers[channel.sampler]; const target =; const name = target.node !== undefined ? target.node :; const input = animationDef.parameters !== undefined ? animationDef.parameters[sampler.input] : sampler.input; const output = animationDef.parameters !== undefined ? animationDef.parameters[sampler.output] : sampler.output; pendingNodes.push(this.getDependency('node', name)); pendingInputAccessors.push(this.getDependency('accessor', input)); pendingOutputAccessors.push(this.getDependency('accessor', output)); pendingSamplers.push(sampler); pendingTargets.push(target); } return Promise.all([ Promise.all(pendingNodes), Promise.all(pendingInputAccessors), Promise.all(pendingOutputAccessors), Promise.all(pendingSamplers), Promise.all(pendingTargets) ]).then(dependencies => { const nodes = dependencies[0]; const inputAccessors = dependencies[1]; const outputAccessors = dependencies[2]; const samplers = dependencies[3]; const targets = dependencies[4]; const tracks = []; for (let i = 0, il = nodes.length; i < il; i++) { const node = nodes[i]; const inputAccessor = inputAccessors[i]; const outputAccessor = outputAccessors[i]; const sampler = samplers[i]; const target = targets[i]; if (node === undefined) continue; node.updateMatrix(); node.matrixAutoUpdate = true; let TypedKeyframeTrack; switch (PATH_PROPERTIES[target.path]) { case PATH_PROPERTIES.weights: TypedKeyframeTrack = NumberKeyframeTrack; break; case PATH_PROPERTIES.rotation: TypedKeyframeTrack = QuaternionKeyframeTrack; break; case PATH_PROPERTIES.translation: case PATH_PROPERTIES.scale: default: TypedKeyframeTrack = VectorKeyframeTrack; break; } const targetName = ? : node.uuid; const interpolation = sampler.interpolation !== undefined ? INTERPOLATION[sampler.interpolation] : InterpolateLinear; const targetNames = []; if (PATH_PROPERTIES[target.path] === PATH_PROPERTIES.weights) { node.traverse(function (object) { if (object.morphTargetInfluences) { targetNames.push( ? : object.uuid); } }); } else { targetNames.push(targetName); } let outputArray = outputAccessor.array; if (outputAccessor.normalized) { const scale = getNormalizedComponentScale(outputArray.constructor); const scaled = new Float32Array(outputArray.length); for (let j = 0, jl = outputArray.length; j < jl; j++) { scaled[j] = outputArray[j] * scale; } outputArray = scaled; } for (let j = 0, jl = targetNames.length; j < jl; j++) { const track = new TypedKeyframeTrack(targetNames[j] + '.' + PATH_PROPERTIES[target.path], inputAccessor.array, outputArray, interpolation); if (sampler.interpolation === 'CUBICSPLINE') { track.createInterpolant = function InterpolantFactoryMethodGLTFCubicSpline(result) { const interpolantType = (this instanceof QuaternionKeyframeTrack) ? GLTFCubicSplineQuaternionInterpolant : GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant; return new interpolantType(this.times, this.values, this.getValueSize() / 3, result); }; track.createInterpolant.isInterpolantFactoryMethodGLTFCubicSpline = true; } tracks.push(track); } } const name = ? : 'animation_' + animationIndex; return new AnimationClip(name, undefined, tracks); }); } createNodeMesh(nodeIndex) { const json = this.json; const parser = this; const nodeDef = json.nodes[nodeIndex]; if (nodeDef.mesh === undefined) return null; return parser.getDependency('mesh', nodeDef.mesh).then(function (mesh) { const node = parser._getNodeRef(parser.meshCache, nodeDef.mesh, mesh); if (nodeDef.weights !== undefined) { node.traverse(o => { if (!o.isMesh) return; for (let i = 0, il = nodeDef.weights.length; i < il; i++) { o.morphTargetInfluences[i] = nodeDef.weights[i]; } }); } return node; }); } loadNode(nodeIndex) { const json = this.json; const extensions = this.extensions; const parser = this; const nodeDef = json.nodes[nodeIndex]; const nodeName = ? parser.createUniqueName( : ''; return (function () { const pending = []; const meshPromise = parser._invokeOne(function (ext) { return ext.createNodeMesh && ext.createNodeMesh(nodeIndex); }); if (meshPromise) { pending.push(meshPromise); } if ( !== undefined) { pending.push(parser.getDependency('camera', (camera) { return parser._getNodeRef(parser.cameraCache,, camera); })); } parser._invokeAll((ext) => { return ext.createNodeAttachment && ext.createNodeAttachment(nodeIndex); }).forEach(promise => { pending.push(promise); }); return Promise.all(pending); }()).then(objects => { let node; if (nodeDef.isBone === true) { node = new Bone(); } else if (objects.length > 1) { node = new Group(); } else if (objects.length === 1) { node = objects[0]; } else { node = new Object3D(); } if (node !== objects[0]) { for (let i = 0, il = objects.length; i < il; i++) { node.add(objects[i]); } } if ( { =; = nodeName; } assignExtrasToUserData(node, nodeDef); if (nodeDef.extensions) addUnknownExtensionsToUserData(extensions, node, nodeDef); if (nodeDef.matrix !== undefined) { const matrix = new Matrix4(); matrix.fromArray(nodeDef.matrix); node.applyMatrix4(matrix); } else { if (nodeDef.translation !== undefined) { node.position.fromArray(nodeDef.translation); } if (nodeDef.rotation !== undefined) { node.quaternion.fromArray(nodeDef.rotation); } if (nodeDef.scale !== undefined) { node.scale.fromArray(nodeDef.scale); } } if (!parser.associations.has(node)) { parser.associations.set(node, {}); } parser.associations.get(node).nodes = nodeIndex; return node; }); } loadScene(sceneIndex) { const json = this.json; const extensions = this.extensions; const sceneDef = this.json.scenes[sceneIndex]; const parser = this; const scene = new Group(); if ( = parser.createUniqueName(; assignExtrasToUserData(scene, sceneDef); if (sceneDef.extensions) addUnknownExtensionsToUserData(extensions, scene, sceneDef); const nodeIds = sceneDef.nodes || []; const pending = []; for (let i = 0, il = nodeIds.length; i < il; i++) { pending.push(buildNodeHierarchy(nodeIds[i], scene, json, parser)); } return Promise.all(pending).then(() => { const reduceAssociations = (node) => { const reducedAssociations = new Map(); for (const [key, value] of parser.associations) { if (key instanceof Material || key instanceof Texture) { reducedAssociations.set(key, value); } } node.traverse((node) => { const mappings = parser.associations.get(node); if (mappings != null) { reducedAssociations.set(node, mappings); } }); return reducedAssociations; }; parser.associations = reduceAssociations(scene); return scene; }); } } function buildNodeHierarchy(nodeId, parentObject, json, parser) { const nodeDef = json.nodes[nodeId]; return parser.getDependency('node', nodeId).then(node => { if ( === undefined) return node; let skinEntry; return parser.getDependency('skin', => { skinEntry = skin; const pendingJoints = []; for (let i = 0, il = skinEntry.joints.length; i < il; i++) { pendingJoints.push(parser.getDependency('node', skinEntry.joints[i])); } return Promise.all(pendingJoints); }).then(jointNodes => { node.traverse(mesh => { if (!mesh.isMesh) return; const bones = []; const boneInverses = []; for (let j = 0, jl = jointNodes.length; j < jl; j++) { const jointNode = jointNodes[j]; if (jointNode) { bones.push(jointNode); const mat = new Matrix4(); if (skinEntry.inverseBindMatrices !== undefined) { mat.fromArray(skinEntry.inverseBindMatrices.array, j * 16); } boneInverses.push(mat); } else { console.warn('THREE.GLTFLoader: Joint "%s" could not be found.', skinEntry.joints[j]); } } mesh.bind(new Skeleton(bones, boneInverses), mesh.matrixWorld); }); return node; }); }).then(node => { parentObject.add(node); const pending = []; if (nodeDef.children) { const children = nodeDef.children; for (let i = 0, il = children.length; i < il; i++) { const child = children[i]; pending.push(buildNodeHierarchy(child, node, json, parser)); } } return Promise.all(pending); }); } function computeBounds(geometry, primitiveDef, parser) { const attributes = primitiveDef.attributes; const box = new Box3(); if (attributes.POSITION !== undefined) { const accessor = parser.json.accessors[attributes.POSITION]; const min = accessor.min; const max = accessor.max; if (min !== undefined && max !== undefined) { box.set(new Vector3(min[0], min[1], min[2]), new Vector3(max[0], max[1], max[2])); if (accessor.normalized) { const boxScale = getNormalizedComponentScale(WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES[accessor.componentType]); box.min.multiplyScalar(boxScale); box.max.multiplyScalar(boxScale); } } else { console.warn('THREE.GLTFLoader: Missing min/max properties for accessor POSITION.'); return; } } else { return; } const targets = primitiveDef.targets; if (targets !== undefined) { const maxDisplacement = new Vector3(); const vector = new Vector3(); for (let i = 0, il = targets.length; i < il; i++) { const target = targets[i]; if (target.POSITION !== undefined) { const accessor = parser.json.accessors[target.POSITION]; const min = accessor.min; const max = accessor.max; if (min !== undefined && max !== undefined) { vector.setX(Math.max(Math.abs(min[0]), Math.abs(max[0]))); vector.setY(Math.max(Math.abs(min[1]), Math.abs(max[1]))); vector.setZ(Math.max(Math.abs(min[2]), Math.abs(max[2]))); if (accessor.normalized) { const boxScale = getNormalizedComponentScale(WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES[accessor.componentType]); vector.multiplyScalar(boxScale); } maxDisplacement.max(vector); } else { console.warn('THREE.GLTFLoader: Missing min/max properties for accessor POSITION.'); } } } box.expandByVector(maxDisplacement); } geometry.boundingBox = box; const sphere = new Sphere(); box.getCenter(; sphere.radius = box.min.distanceTo(box.max) / 2; geometry.boundingSphere = sphere; } function addPrimitiveAttributes(geometry, primitiveDef, parser) { const attributes = primitiveDef.attributes; const pending = []; function assignAttributeAccessor(accessorIndex, attributeName) { return parser.getDependency('accessor', accessorIndex) .then(accessor => { geometry.setAttribute(attributeName, accessor); }); } for (const gltfAttributeName in attributes) { const threeAttributeName = ATTRIBUTES[gltfAttributeName] || gltfAttributeName.toLowerCase(); if (threeAttributeName in geometry.attributes) continue; pending.push(assignAttributeAccessor(attributes[gltfAttributeName], threeAttributeName)); } if (primitiveDef.indices !== undefined && !geometry.index) { const accessor = parser.getDependency('accessor', primitiveDef.indices).then(accessor => { geometry.setIndex(accessor); }); pending.push(accessor); } assignExtrasToUserData(geometry, primitiveDef); computeBounds(geometry, primitiveDef, parser); return Promise.all(pending).then(() => { return primitiveDef.targets !== undefined ? addMorphTargets(geometry, primitiveDef.targets, parser) : geometry; }); } function toTrianglesDrawMode(geometry, drawMode) { let index = geometry.getIndex(); if (index === null) { const indices = []; const position = geometry.getAttribute('position'); if (position !== undefined) { for (let i = 0; i < position.count; i++) { indices.push(i); } geometry.setIndex(indices); index = geometry.getIndex(); } else { console.error('THREE.GLTFLoader.toTrianglesDrawMode(): Undefined position attribute. Processing not possible.'); return geometry; } } const numberOfTriangles = index.count - 2; const newIndices = []; if (drawMode === TriangleFanDrawMode) { for (let i = 1; i <= numberOfTriangles; i++) { newIndices.push(index.getX(0)); newIndices.push(index.getX(i)); newIndices.push(index.getX(i + 1)); } } else { for (let i = 0; i < numberOfTriangles; i++) { if (i % 2 === 0) { newIndices.push(index.getX(i)); newIndices.push(index.getX(i + 1)); newIndices.push(index.getX(i + 2)); } else { newIndices.push(index.getX(i + 2)); newIndices.push(index.getX(i + 1)); newIndices.push(index.getX(i)); } } } if ((newIndices.length / 3) !== numberOfTriangles) { console.error('THREE.GLTFLoader.toTrianglesDrawMode(): Unable to generate correct amount of triangles.'); } const newGeometry = geometry.clone(); newGeometry.setIndex(newIndices); return newGeometry; } const _taskCache = new WeakMap(); class DRACOLoader extends Loader { constructor(manager) { super(manager); this.decoderPath = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) + sep; this.decoderConfig = {}; this.decoderPending = null; this.workerLimit = 4; this.workerPool = []; this.workerNextTaskID = 1; this.workerSourceURL = ''; this.defaultAttributeIDs = { position: 'POSITION', normal: 'NORMAL', color: 'COLOR', uv: 'TEX_COORD' }; this.defaultAttributeTypes = { position: 'Float32Array', normal: 'Float32Array', color: 'Float32Array', uv: 'Float32Array' }; } setDecoderConfig(config) { this.decoderConfig = config; return this; } setWorkerLimit(workerLimit) { this.workerLimit = workerLimit; return this; } load(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError) { const loader = new FileLoader(this.manager); loader.setPath(this.path); loader.setResponseType('arraybuffer'); loader.setRequestHeader(this.requestHeader); loader.setWithCredentials(this.withCredentials); loader.load(url, (buffer) => { const taskConfig = { attributeIDs: this.defaultAttributeIDs, attributeTypes: this.defaultAttributeTypes, useUniqueIDs: false }; this.decodeGeometry(buffer, taskConfig) .then(onLoad) .catch(onError); }, onProgress, onError); } decodeDracoFile(buffer, callback, attributeIDs, attributeTypes) { const taskConfig = { attributeIDs: attributeIDs || this.defaultAttributeIDs, attributeTypes: attributeTypes || this.defaultAttributeTypes, useUniqueIDs: !!attributeIDs }; this.decodeGeometry(buffer, taskConfig).then(callback); } decodeGeometry(buffer, taskConfig) { const taskKey = JSON.stringify(taskConfig); if (_taskCache.has(buffer)) { const cachedTask = _taskCache.get(buffer); if (cachedTask.key === taskKey) { return cachedTask.promise; } else if (buffer.byteLength === 0) { throw new Error('THREE.DRACOLoader: Unable to re-decode a buffer with different ' + 'settings. Buffer has already been transferred.'); } } let worker; const taskID = this.workerNextTaskID++; const taskCost = buffer.byteLength; const geometryPending = this._getWorker(taskID, taskCost) .then((_worker) => { worker = _worker; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { worker._callbacks[taskID] = { resolve, reject }; worker.postMessage({ type: 'decode', id: taskID, taskConfig, buffer }, [buffer]); }); }) .then((message) => this._createGeometry(message.geometry)); geometryPending .catch(() => true) .then(() => { if (worker && taskID) { this._releaseTask(worker, taskID); } }); _taskCache.set(buffer, { key: taskKey, promise: geometryPending }); return geometryPending; } _createGeometry(geometryData) { const geometry = new BufferGeometry(); if (geometryData.index) { geometry.setIndex(new BufferAttribute(geometryData.index.array, 1)); } for (const attribute of geometryData.attributes) { const name =; const array = attribute.array; const itemSize = attribute.itemSize; geometry.setAttribute(name, new BufferAttribute(array, itemSize)); } return geometry; } preload() { this._initDecoder(); return this; } _loadLibrary(url, responseType) { const loader = new FileLoader(this.manager); loader.setPath(this.decoderPath); loader.setResponseType(responseType); loader.setWithCredentials(this.withCredentials); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { loader.load(url, resolve, undefined, reject); }); } _initDecoder() { if (this.decoderPending) return this.decoderPending; const useJS = typeof WebAssembly !== 'object' || this.decoderConfig.type === 'js'; if (useJS) { this.workerSourceURL = this.decoderPath + 'draco_worker.js'; this.decoderPending = Promise.resolve(); } else { this.workerSourceURL = this.decoderPath + 'draco_worker_wasm.js'; this.decoderPending = this._loadLibrary('draco_decoder.wasm', 'arraybuffer') .then((wasmBinary) => { this.decoderConfig.wasmBinary = wasmBinary; }); } return this.decoderPending; } _getWorker(taskID, taskCost) { return this._initDecoder().then(() => { if (this.workerPool.length < this.workerLimit) { const worker = new Worker(this.workerSourceURL); worker._callbacks = {}; worker._taskCosts = {}; worker._taskLoad = 0; worker.postMessage({ type: 'init', decoderConfig: this.decoderConfig }); worker.on('message', (message) => { switch (message.type) { case 'decode': worker._callbacks[].resolve(message); break; case 'error': worker._callbacks[].reject(message); break; default: console.error('THREE.DRACOLoader: Unexpected message, "' + message.type + '"'); } }); this.workerPool.push(worker); } else { this.workerPool.sort(function (a, b) { return a._taskLoad > b._taskLoad ? -1 : 1; }); } const worker = this.workerPool[this.workerPool.length - 1]; worker._taskCosts[taskID] = taskCost; worker._taskLoad += taskCost; return worker; }); } _releaseTask(worker, taskID) { worker._taskLoad -= worker._taskCosts[taskID]; delete worker._callbacks[taskID]; delete worker._taskCosts[taskID]; } dispose() { for (let i = 0; i < this.workerPool.length; ++i) { this.workerPool[i].terminate(); } this.workerPool.length = 0; return this; } } export async function loadGltf(url) { console.log('loading') const loader = new GLTFLoader(); console.log('new loader') return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const onProgress = (p) => { console.log('progress', p) } loader.load(url, resolve, onProgress, reject); }); } //#