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Great Reading Adventure v3.0.3

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@k7hpn k7hpn released this 18 Feb 23:33

Release Notes: 3.0.3


The Great Reading Adventure is a robust, open source software designed to manage library reading programs. The GRA is free to use, modify, and share. Check out for an overview of its functionality and capabilities.


These release notes accompany 📚 The Great Reading Adventure version 3.0.3 which can be downloaded from GitHub!

To upgrade v3.0.* to this release, please see the Upgrade GRA v3.* to v3.0.3 forum post.

We currently do not have an upgrade path to go from any version prior to 3.0.0 to this version due to architectural changes. If you have a critical need for the ability to upgrade from v2.*, please post in the Help category on the forum and we will try to work something out.


For information on what is required to run the Great Reading Adventure, please refer to the online manual.

Changes in this release

  • Fix #83 Patron sub-account list causes error, patron details -> patron tab causes error
  • Fix #82 HTML entered in Organization configuration isn't rendered on the selection screen
  • Add missing stored procedure app_Notifications_GetAllToOrFromPatron
  • Improve patron password recovery logging

Known issues

These are some of the more significant issues which have already been reported. Feel free to post to the forum with more information or new issues. GitHub always contains the up-to-date technical developer view of issues and bug reports.

  • #23 With JavaScript off, enter on the login page should submit the login form
  • #24 Events with no end date do not display and codes for them do not function
  • #28 Libraries/Schools don't function unless they are a part of a district
  • #29 Prompt user for sysadmin password during configure
  • #38 Enter book details panel does not respond to "Enter"