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mysql connector
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MD4N1 committed May 1, 2014
1 parent 79ddd80 commit 33c909d
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Showing 12 changed files with 2,006 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added mysql/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions mysql/Readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
The MySQL Connector/Arduino
Congratulations! You have just entered a new paradigm of Arduino project. With
this connector, you can connect your Arduino project directly to a MySQL server
without using an intermediate computer or a web-based service. Having direct
access to a database server means you can store data acquired from your project
as well as check values stored in tables on the server.

If you have used some of the other methods of storing data from an Arduino such
as writing data to flash memory (e.g. a secure digital card) or an EEPROM
device, you can eliminate the manual data extraction method altogether.

Similarly, if your project is such that you cannot or do not want to connect to
the internet to save your data, the ability to write to a local database server
solves that problem as well.

Saving your data in a database will not only preserve the data
for analysis at a later time, it also means your project can feed data to more
complex applications that make use of the data.

Better still, if you have projects that use large data values for calculations
or lookups, you can store the data on the server and retrieve only the data
you need for the calculation or operation. This opens a whole new avenue of
Arduino projects!

Perhaps the most attractive point (at least for OSS developers) is that MySQL
is open source software. Which means you can download and install it where ever
you like and use it for any of your projects. Indeed, a single instance of
MySQL will support many, many Arduino projects.

Now that I've convinced you to give it a try, let's take a high-level look at
what a typical MySQL-based Arduino project looks like.

Designing with MySQL Connector/Arduino
The first thing you should know about the Connector/Arduino is it isn't a small
library. Depending on your choice of Arduino, this could consume half of your
program memory. For most projects that isn't an issue. If it is, take a look
at the Getting Started section for a way you can save some program space by
modifying the SHA1 library.

Likewise, the Connector/Arduino can consume a lot of memory for variables. This
is primarily for its communication buffer. While it uses dynamic memory to keep
use to a minimum, how much memory is used depends on how you use the connector.
If you are issuing simple data insertion commands (INSERT INTO), an easy way to
calculate this is the Connector/Arduino uses a bit more than the maximum the
size of the longest query string. If you are querying the server for data, the
Connector/Arduino uses a bit more than the cumulative size of a row of data

As you can imagine, there are some limitations.

- Queries must fit into memory. This is because the class uses an internal
buffer for building data packets to send to the server. It is suggested long
strings be stored in program memory using PROGMEM (see cmd_query_P).
- Result sets are read one row-at-a-time.
- The combined length of a row in a result set must fit into memory. The
connector reads one packet-at-a-time and since the Arduino has a limited data
size, the combined length of all fields must be less than available memory.
- Server error responses are processed immediately with the error code and text
written via Serial.print.

Getting Started - Quick with Single File Download
The Connector/Arduino 1.0.0b has been uploaded to Lauchpad and can be
downloaded as a single file. To install it, simply download the file,
uncompress it, then copy the mysql_connector and sha1 folders to your
Libraries folder for your Arduino IDE. Typically, this is in your documents
folder under Arduino/Libraries but consult the Arduino documentation for
your specific platform.

Note: if you copy the folders while the IDE is open, you will have to
restart it to use the new library.

The documentation for the connector library is a work in progress. In the
meantime, I have written a couple of blogs about the connector that explain
how to use it. Please refer to the blogs until such time there is sufficient
documentation available.

Dependency: SHA1 library
The Connector/Arduino requires the SHA1 library from the following link.

Note: The single file download already has this library with the changes
described below already applied so there is nothing for you to do. However, if
you cloned the connector library instead of using the download, please download
the SHA1 library, install it, and read on for modifications needed to this

You must download and install that library first and include it in your
project. The following shows all of the library header files you need to

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <sha1.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "mysql.h"

NOTICE: The SHA1 library may not compile correctly in your IDE. A change is
needed to ensure it will compile correctly. See the sha1.diff file for

We also do not need some of the features in the SHA1 library and since it takes
up space, we can eliminate them. If you would like to remove the unneeded code
from the SHA1 library, apply the sha1_no256.diff file to remove them and
delete the sha1256.h and sh1256.cpp files. This will save you about 2k of
program space.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions mysql/data/keywords.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
/// STUFF GOES HERE!! See explanation on tutorials.
Binary file added mysql/examples/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions mysql/examples/dht22_sensor_node.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
Copyright (c) 20012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Example: DHT-22 Sensor Node
This code module demonstrates a basic data collection node in the form
of a temperature and humidity sensor node. It uses the common DHT-22
sensor connected to an Arduino with an Ethernet shield.
You will need the Connector/Arduino library along with the DHT22 library:
The DHT-22 is connected as follows:
Pin Connected to
1 +5v, 4.7K resistor between VCC and the data pin (strong pullup)
2 pin 7 on Arduino, 4.7k resistor
3 no connection
4 ground
See the excellent tutorial on DHT-22 at:
You will also need to create a table on your MySQL server as
follows (modify it to suite your needs but if you do modify the
query statement in the code as well):
CREATE TABLE `test`.`temp` (
`temp_c` float DEFAULT NULL,
`rel_humid` float DEFAULT NULL,
Other changes needed:
- change the ip_addr below to the address of your Arduino
- change the server_addr below to the address of your MySQL server
- change user, password to the user and password for your MySQL server\
- change read_delay to your chosen sample rate
Possible Mods:
- change the code to store temp in Fahrenheit
or change the table to automatically convert to Fahrenheit thereby
moving processing from the Arduino to the database - cool!
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <sha1.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "mysql.h"
#include <DHT22.h>

byte mac_addr[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
IPAddress ip_addr(192, 168, 0, 15);
IPAddress server_addr(192, 168, 0, 7);
char user[] = "root";
char password[] = "root";

Connector my_conn; // The Connector/Arduino reference

#define DHT22_PIN 7 // DHT2 data is on pin 7
#define read_delay 5000 // 5 seconds
DHT22 myDHT22(DHT22_PIN); // DHT22 instance

void read_data() {
DHT22_ERROR_t errorCode;

errorCode = myDHT22.readData();
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "INSERT INTO test.temp VALUES (NULL, %hi.%01hi, %i.%01i)",
Serial.println("Data read and recorded.");
Serial.print("check sum error ");
Serial.print("C ");
Serial.println("BUS Hung ");
Serial.println("Not Present ");
Serial.println("ACK time out ");
Serial.println("Sync Timeout ");
Serial.println("Data Timeout ");
Serial.println("Polled too quick ");

void setup() {
if (my_conn.mysql_connect(server_addr, 3306, user, password))
Serial.println("Connection failed.");

void loop() {

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