LJV Web Portal (ljv.fr) – UI v3
The LJV Web Portal is an unofficial project which purpose is to give an easy access to the Jules Verne High School official website and to other projects, managed by its students. The project's source code is free to use and released under the MIT license.
This project purpose is to link all the other projects hosted on the ljv.fr web platform
Copyright (c) 2017 Matiboux (Mathieu Guérin)
You'll find a copy of the MIT license in the LICENSE file.
This license applies to all files in this repository.
Creator, Developer and Webmaster: Matiboux (Mathieu Guérin)
- Email: matiboux@gmail.com
- Telegram: @Matiboux
- Github: @Matiboux
Yay! ♫ <3