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Projects and folders

  • "metamodels": Contains the source examples, extracted from the ones analysed in "When and How to Use Multi-Level Modelling" that we used so far. Each of them is inside an Eclipse project, and includes the Ecore metamodel, a visualization file (plus a PNG version) and, in some cases, example instances of the metamodel. The ones included so far are:

    • ACME
    • Agate
    • Ant
    • CloudML (3 versions)
    • HAL
    • Matlab
    • SecurityPolicy
    • MatLab/Simulink

    The folder "annotated" contains copies of some of these metamodels, with hand-made annotations. The folder "others" contains models that have been checked, but not thoroughly examined.

  • "MultilevelHierarchy": Eclipse project with the metamodel used to define the target multilevel hierarchies, plus a visualization file and a PNG version.

  • "Common": Contains shared code, constants and libraries for the projects listed below.

  • "Annotator": Eclipse Java plugin project that can be exported into a standalone JAR. Used for the automatic annotation of patterns that can be refactored into multilevel structures in an Ecore metamodel.

  • "Transformer": Eclipse Java plugin project that can be exported into a standalone JAR. Used for the transformation of an annotated Ecore into a multilevel hierarchy, as an instance of MultilevelHierarchy.

  • "Recommender": Eclipse Java plugin project that can be exported into a standalone JAR. From a set of registered tools, and based on the multilevel features of the transformed hierarchy, recommends the best tool to export the hierarchy to, and offers the full ranking.

  • "Exporter": Eclipse Java plugin project that can be exported into a standalone JAR. Allows to export an instance of MultilevelHierarchy into any of the registered tools that can support all its multilevel features.

  • "Importer": Eclipse Java plugin project that can be exported into a standalone JAR. Allows to import from some multilevel tools into an instance of MultilevelHierarchy.

  • "Rearchitecter": Eclipse Java plugin project that can be exported into a standalone JAR. Encapsulates the whole process of annotating, transforming, recommending and exporting Ecore models.

NOTE: All the standalone JARs require a copy of the file "MultilevelHierarchy.ecore" inside the "MultilevelHierarchy" project to be in the same folder as them. In order to generate a valid JAR from the projects' source code, use the "Export" option in Eclipse: From the Project Explorer, right-click the project > Export... > Java > Runnable JAR file > Next > Select "Extract required libraries..." > Set the appropriate JAR name and run configuration (after running it at least once) > Finish. Click "OK" in the popup and ignore the warnings at the end.

How to run the code

The projects can be run separately, both from Eclipse (Modelling version) and from the command line if they are exported to JARs.

  • From Eclipse: Use Run As > Run Configurations... > "Arguments" tab to type the required arguments and flags, separated by spaces
  • From command line: Run the jar by typing java -jar <module-name>.jar followed by the required arguments and flags, separated by spaces

To see the list of available arguments and flags, together with a short description, use the -help option.

How to contribute

The next diagram shows an overview of how the modules are connected to each other (note that the Rearchitecter module is the one that encompasses the whole process).

Rearchitecting Process Overview

The parts highlighted in red represent the extension points available for each module. These extensions consist of Java classes, which need to implement the corresponding interface. These interfaces are:

  • Annotator:
  • Transformer:
  • Exporter:
  • Recommender: and

Related publications

  • Fernando Macías, Esther Guerra and Juan de Lara. “Towards rearchitecting meta-models into multi-level models”. International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. Springer. 2017, pp. 59–68

  • Fernando Macías, Adrian Rutle and Volker Stolz. "A tool for the convergence of multilevel modelling approaches". 5th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling (MULTI 2018). 2018.


This tool is offered under the GNU General Public License, version 3.



Works related to rearchitecting of two-level metamodels into MLM and MLM tool exchange







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