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[feature] TRX: A grammar analysis with --analyze-grammar.
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This should help with analyzing grammars rejected due to looping.
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akoprow committed Nov 4, 2011
1 parent 0aed23b commit d53e17e
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155 changes: 89 additions & 66 deletions libtrx/
Expand Up @@ -190,61 +190,53 @@ let grammar_error s =
log "%s" s;
exit 2

let grammar_analysis pg =
exception Looping

let prop2str = function
| `Empty -> "Empty"
| `NonEmpty -> "NonEmpty"
| `Fail -> "Fail"
| `Success -> "Success"
let grammar_analysis pg =

let rec analyze_def prop def =
(* jlog (Printf.sprintf "Analyze def: %s, property: %s" def (prop2str prop));*)
let def, _ = StringMap.find def pg in
analyze_exp prop def.P.expression
let rec analyze_def s prop def_name =
let def, _ = StringMap.find def_name pg in
if List.mem (prop, def_name) s then
raise Looping
analyze_exp ((prop, def_name)::s) prop def.P.expression

and analyze_exp prop exp =
(* jlog (Printf.sprintf "Analyze exp %s, property: %s" (expr_to_string exp) (prop2str prop));*)
and analyze_exp s prop exp =
match prop with
| `Success -> analyze_exp `Empty exp || analyze_exp `NonEmpty exp
| `Success -> analyze_exp s `Empty exp || analyze_exp s `NonEmpty exp
| _ ->
match exp with
| P.App _
| P.Expr [] -> assert false
| P.Expr [x] -> analyze_seq prop x
| P.Expr [x] -> analyze_seq s prop x
| P.Expr (x::xs) ->
match prop with
| `Fail ->
analyze_seq `Fail x && analyze_exp `Fail (P.Expr xs)
analyze_seq s `Fail x && analyze_exp s `Fail (P.Expr xs)
| `Empty
| `NonEmpty ->
analyze_seq prop x || (analyze_seq `Fail x && analyze_exp prop (P.Expr xs))
analyze_seq s prop x || (analyze_seq s `Fail x && analyze_exp s prop (P.Expr xs))
| `Success -> assert false

and analyze_seq prop ((seq, q1, q2) as seqf) =
(* jlog (Printf.sprintf "Analyze seq %s, property: %s" (if seq = [] then "" else seq_to_string seqf) (prop2str prop));*)
and analyze_seq s prop ((seq, q1, q2) as seqf) =
match seq, prop with
| _, `Success -> analyze_seq `Empty seqf || analyze_seq `NonEmpty seqf
| _, `Success -> analyze_seq s `Empty seqf || analyze_seq s `NonEmpty seqf
| [], `Empty -> true
| [], `Fail
| [], `NonEmpty -> false
| x::xs, `Empty -> analyze_item `Empty x && analyze_seq `Empty (xs, q1, q2)
| x::xs, `Fail -> analyze_item `Fail x || (analyze_item `Success x && analyze_seq `Fail (xs, q1, q2))
| x::xs, `Empty -> analyze_item s `Empty x && analyze_seq s `Empty (xs, q1, q2)
| x::xs, `Fail -> analyze_item s `Fail x || (analyze_item s `Success x && analyze_seq s `Fail (xs, q1, q2))
| x::xs, `NonEmpty ->
(analyze_item `NonEmpty x && analyze_seq `Success (xs, q1, q2)) ||
(analyze_item `Success x && analyze_seq `NonEmpty (xs, q1, q2))
(analyze_item s `NonEmpty x && analyze_seq s `Success (xs, q1, q2)) ||
(analyze_item s `Success x && analyze_seq s `NonEmpty (xs, q1, q2))

and analyze_item prop ((prefix, primary, suffix) as item) =
(* jlog (Printf.sprintf "Analyze item %s, property: %s" (item_to_string item) (prop2str prop));*)
and analyze_item s prop ((prefix, primary, suffix) as item) =
if prefix = `NORMAL then
analyze_suffix prop (primary, suffix)
analyze_suffix s prop (primary, suffix)
match prop with
| `NonEmpty -> false
| `Success -> analyze_item `Empty item || analyze_item `NonEmpty item
| `Success -> analyze_item s `Empty item || analyze_item s `NonEmpty item
| `Empty
| `Fail ->
let p =
Expand All @@ -255,30 +247,29 @@ let grammar_analysis pg =
| `NOT, `Fail -> `Success
| _ -> assert false
analyze_item p (`NORMAL, primary, suffix)
analyze_item s p (`NORMAL, primary, suffix)

and analyze_suffix prop (primary, suffix) =
and analyze_suffix s prop (primary, suffix) =
match suffix with
| `NORMAL -> analyze_primary prop primary
| `NORMAL -> analyze_primary s prop primary
| `QUESTION -> (* e? := e / empty *)
let e = `NORMAL, primary, `NORMAL in
let empty = `NORMAL, P.Literal ("", false), `NORMAL in
let make_option i = i, StringMap.empty, None in
analyze_exp prop (P.Expr ([make_option [e]; make_option [empty]]))
analyze_exp s prop (P.Expr ([make_option [e]; make_option [empty]]))
| `STAR ->
begin match prop with
| `Empty -> analyze_suffix `Fail (primary, `NORMAL)
| `NonEmpty -> analyze_suffix `NonEmpty (primary, `NORMAL)
| `Empty -> analyze_suffix s `Fail (primary, `NORMAL)
| `NonEmpty -> analyze_suffix s `NonEmpty (primary, `NORMAL)
| `Success -> true
| `Fail -> false
| `PLUS -> (* e+ := e; e* *)
analyze_seq prop ([(`NORMAL, primary, `NORMAL); (`NORMAL, primary, `STAR)], StringMap.empty, None)
analyze_seq s prop ([(`NORMAL, primary, `NORMAL); (`NORMAL, primary, `STAR)], StringMap.empty, None)

and analyze_primary prop = function
(* jlog (Printf.sprintf "Analyze primary %s, property: %s" (primary_to_string primary) (prop2str prop));*)
| P.Paren e -> analyze_exp prop e
| P.Ident id -> analyze_def prop id
and analyze_primary s prop = function
| P.Paren e -> analyze_exp s prop e
| P.Ident id -> analyze_def s prop id
| P.Literal (l, _) ->
begin match prop with
| `Empty -> String.length l = 0
Expand All @@ -287,9 +278,9 @@ let grammar_analysis pg =
| `Fail -> true
| P.Class _ -> (* character range has the same characteristics as a literal of length 1 *)
analyze_primary prop (P.Literal ("X", false))
analyze_primary s prop (P.Literal ("X", false))
analyze_def, analyze_exp, analyze_seq, analyze_item, analyze_primary
analyze_def [], analyze_exp [], analyze_seq [], analyze_item [], analyze_primary []

let analyze_def pg =
let (analyze_def, _, _, _, _) = grammar_analysis pg in analyze_def
Expand All @@ -306,14 +297,54 @@ let analyze_item pg =
let analyze_primary pg =
let (_, _, _, _, analyze_primary) = grammar_analysis pg in analyze_primary

let check_wf pg name =
let grammar_used_defs pg =
let dep = dependencies pg in
let rec add_definition name set =
if StringSet.mem name set then set
let name_dep = StringMap.find name dep in
StringSet.fold add_definition name_dep (StringSet.add name set)
let starts = StringMap.fold (fun name (def,_msg_error) acc -> if def.P.mark then name::acc else acc) pg [] in
List.fold_left (fun acc x -> add_definition x acc) StringSet.empty starts

let analyze_grammar peg =
let defs = grammar_used_defs peg in
let check_def def_name =
let check prop symbol =
if analyze_def peg prop def_name then
" "
Looping -> "??"
Printf.printf "%60s: %s %s %s\n%!" def_name (check `Empty "=0") (check `NonEmpty ">0") (check `Fail "F ")
StringSet.iter check_def defs

let check_wf ~analyze pg name =

let analyze () =
if analyze then begin
Printf.eprintf "Complete grammar analysis:\n%!";
analyze_grammar pg
Looping ->
Printf.eprintf "Couldn't continue the analysis due to a loop...\n"

let rec check_wf_def stack name =
let def, _ = StringMap.find name pg in
if List.mem name stack then
if List.mem name stack then begin
analyze ();
grammar_error (Printf.sprintf "Grammmar contains forbidden left-recursion: %s"
(String.concat_map " -> " (fun i -> i) (List.rev (name::stack)))
check_wf_exp (name::stack) def.P.expression

and check_wf_exp stack = function
Expand All @@ -335,13 +366,15 @@ let check_wf pg name =
match suffix with
| `PLUS ->
if analyze_primary pg `Empty prim then
if analyze_primary pg `Empty prim then begin
analyze ();
(Printf.sprintf "The expression <%s> in rule <%s> admits empty string, while it is marked with a %s. This would result in a looping parser and hence is forbidden."
(T.primary_to_string prim)
(List.hd stack)
(match suffix with `STAR -> "star (*)" | `PLUS -> "plus (+)" | _ -> assert false)
| _ -> ()

and check_wf_primary stack = function
Expand All @@ -353,19 +386,9 @@ let check_wf pg name =
check_wf_def [] name

let check_grammar pg =
let dep = dependencies pg in
let rec add_definition name set =
if StringSet.mem name set then set
let name_dep = StringMap.find name dep in
StringSet.fold add_definition name_dep (StringSet.add name set)
(** définitions initiales *)
let starts = StringMap.fold (fun name (def,_msg_error) acc -> if def.P.mark then name::acc else acc) pg [] in
(** liste des définitions utilisées *)
let def_used = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> add_definition x acc) StringSet.empty starts in
let is_loop name = check_wf pg name in
let check_grammar ~analyze pg =
let def_used = grammar_used_defs pg in
let is_loop name = check_wf ~analyze pg name in
StringSet.iter is_loop def_used;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -445,9 +468,9 @@ let infer_memoization_options ?(memo_default=T.MemoFull) peg =
(* e -> *)
(* let _, _, _, last_ok = positions ... *)
(* raise e *)
let grammar_of_pre_grammar ~memo_default ~unfold_starplus start_opt pg =
let grammar_of_pre_grammar ~analyze ~memo_default ~unfold_starplus start_opt pg =
let pg = rewrite_funs pg in
let used = check_grammar pg.P.defs in
let used = check_grammar ~analyze pg.P.defs in
(* FIXME: ne conserver que used dans pg, renvoyer juste pg en type abstrait ! *)
let start = match start_opt with
| Some s -> s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,11 +505,11 @@ let grammar_of_pre_grammar ~memo_default ~unfold_starplus start_opt pg =
let g = infer_memoization_options ?memo_default g in
g, used

let read_grammar ?stoppable ?memo_default ?(unfold_starplus=true) ~verbose start name =
grammar_of_pre_grammar ?memo_default ~unfold_starplus start (read_pre_grammar ?stoppable ~verbose name)
let read_grammar ?stoppable ?memo_default ?(analyze=false) ?(unfold_starplus=true) ~verbose start name =
grammar_of_pre_grammar ?memo_default ~analyze ~unfold_starplus start (read_pre_grammar ?stoppable ~verbose name)

let parse_grammar ?(name="Main") ?stoppable ?memo_default ?(unfold_starplus=true) ~verbose start text =
grammar_of_pre_grammar ?memo_default ~unfold_starplus start (parse_pre_grammar ~name ?stoppable ~verbose text)
let parse_grammar ?(name="Main") ?stoppable ?memo_default ?(analyze=false) ?(unfold_starplus=true) ~verbose start text =
grammar_of_pre_grammar ?memo_default ~analyze ~unfold_starplus start (parse_pre_grammar ~name ?stoppable ~verbose text)

let list_start ~verbose name =
let pg = read_pre_grammar ~verbose name in
Expand Down
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions teerex/
Expand Up @@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ let debug_mode = ref false
let main = ref None
let basename = ref None
let no_mli = ref false
let analyze_grammar = ref false

(* =========================================================================================================== *)
(* ============================================= Results/patterns ============================================ *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1491,6 +1492,10 @@ let parse_args () =
Arg.Unit (fun _ -> no_mli := true),
" do not generate interface (.mli) file");

Arg.Unit (fun _ -> analyze_grammar := true),
" does not produce a parser but instead just analyzes the grammar");

Arg.String (fun s -> main := Some s),
" RULE produces parser with 'main' function parsing with given production")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1588,13 +1593,16 @@ let _ =
let fn_ml, fn_mli = baseName ^ ".ml", baseName ^ ".mli" in
(*jlog ~color:`green ~level:2 (pr "TRX applied to grammar {%s} will generate code in {%s} and interface in {%s} " grammarFn fn_ml fn_mli);*)
let read () = Pgrammar.read_grammar ?memo_default:!memo_default ~verbose:(is_verbose ()) ~unfold_starplus:!opt_unfold_starplus None grammarFn in
let read () = Pgrammar.read_grammar ~analyze:!analyze_grammar ?memo_default:!memo_default ~verbose:(is_verbose ()) ~unfold_starplus:!opt_unfold_starplus None grammarFn in
let peg, _used = non_verbose read in
let peg = optimize_memoization peg in
let retain_cache (def, _) = def.P.retain_cache in
if !incremental && StringMap.is_empty (StringMap.filter_val retain_cache peg.T.grammar) then
prErr "Grammar for incremental parsing needs at least one <icache> rule!"
else if !analyze_grammar then begin
Printf.printf "Grammar analysis:\n";
Pgrammar.analyze_grammar peg.T.grammar
end else
process_options peg.T.options;
parse_args (); (* re-parse cmd. line arguments so that they take precedence over grammar options *)
if !rule_deps then
Expand Down

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