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This organization was marked as archived by an administrator on Aug 2, 2023. It is no longer maintained.


Organization with all the MMA's Modules

MMA Architecture

MMA is an architectural framework for managing communications that do not communicate directly with each other.


  1. Add MMA with PackageManager or Sourcetree as Submodule.
  2. Add others modules (example => MMA.Scenes )
  3. implement the Symbol of keys in 'ProjectSettings>Player>OtherSettings>ScriptCompilation>ScriptingDefineSymbols => MMA_INT || MMA_STRING (MMA_STRING is better for prototyping and MMA_INT for a better performance, maybe in next releases will exist MMA_BYTE for best performance)

Quick start guide:

  1. Middleware is a class for pub/sub Action, Func, Coroutines, Task
  2. Module is used as a federated manager in a Scene to handle a specification
  3. Application works as a entity of a Module of the scene, these are GameObject/s, children of the Module GameObject


using MMA;
public sealed partial class BootstrapModule : Module
    private void Start()  => "Bootstrap.Test".Invoke();
    [Subscribe("Bootstrap.Test")] private void OnTest() => "OnLog".Invoke(123);
    [Subscribe("OnLog")] private void OnLog(int value) => Debug.Log($"Hello World! {value}");

Performant Mode Example 'MMA_INT'

using MMA;
namespace Core.MenuHeaderUIModule {
  public sealed partial class MenuHeaderUIModule : Module {
    [SerializeField] private Text text_gold = default;
    protected override void OnSubscription(bool condition) => Middleware<float>.Subscribe_Publish(condition, Data.Key.OnChangeGold, OnChangeGold);
    private void OnChangeGold(float gold) => text_gold.text = gold.ToString();
namespace Core.FakeModule{ //module to simulate the money obtention
  public sealed partial class FakeModule : Module {  
    protected override void OnSubscription(bool condition){}
    void Start() =>Service.Common.OnChangeGold(100)
namespace Service { //Static classes to manage functions or implementations of Modules, it uses Data's Assembly reference
  public static Common {
      public static void OnChangeGold(float gold) => Middleware<float>.Invoke_Publish(Data.Key.OnChangeGold, gold);
namespace Data { // Used to store the information used in this project (because is only useful for this project)
  public static Key {
    public const int OnChangeGold = Middleware.indexMethodCount++;

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  1. .github .github Public archive


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