diff --git a/mods/ctf/ctf_map/README.md b/mods/ctf/ctf_map/README.md index 616775b49..0f7426bd2 100644 --- a/mods/ctf/ctf_map/README.md +++ b/mods/ctf/ctf_map/README.md @@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ 3. Enable creative mode. This will enable `mapedit` mode. 4. *Optional:* Enable `worldedit` -### 3. Select an area +> You can grant yourself the `ctf_map_editor` privilege by running `/grantme ctf_map_editor` or by running `/grantme all` which grants you all the privileges that will be useful for map making. -1. Decide where you will build your map. The area can be maximum 230x230 blocks in surface area, but it can be lesser. -2. Grant yourself the `ctf_map_editor` privilege by running `/grantme ctf_map_editor` -3. Run `/ctf_map editor` -4. Select "Create New Map" -5. Select a position to be one corner of the map. -6. Select a position in the opposite corner. Place it higher/lower than the first one to give the map height. +### 3. Selecting the Map Area - **Note:** you can change your area at any time by typing `/ctf_map editor` and pressing the "Corners" button. +Decide where you will build your map. We recommend you don't make your map larger than 230x230x230 blocks. +1. Run `ctf_map editor` +2. Press `Create New Map` +3. Select a position to be one corner of the map. +4. Select a position in the opposite corner. Place it higher/lower than the first one to give the map height. +**Note:** you can change your map area at any time by typing `/ctf_map editor` and pressing the "Corners" button. ### 4. Build @@ -36,10 +36,12 @@ - Many blocks have an indestructible variant - Don't forget to add - Team chests - - Flags. Place it, then right-click it to choose flag color. - - "Indestructible Barrier Glass" (`ctf_map:ind_glass`) around the edge of the world. - - "Indestructible Red Barrier Glass" (`ctf_map:ind_glass_red`) for the build-time wall. - - "Indestructible Red Barrier Stone" (`ctf_map:ind_stone_red`) for underground build-time wall. + - Indestructible blocks under the flag. The minimum is 5x5 blocks, with the flag on top of them in the center. + - "Indestructible Barrier Glass" (`ctf_map:ind_glass`) around the sides of the world (You don't need it on the ceiling) + - "Indestructible Red Barrier Glass" (`ctf_map:ind_glass_red`) for the build-time wall. This will disappear once the match begins, if the barrier area covers it (More on that later). + - "Indestructible Red Barrier Stone" (`ctf_map:ind_stone_red`) for underground build-time wall. This will turn into stone(`default:stone`) once the match begins, if the barrier area covers it (More on that later). + +If you wish to save your map for later edits, follow the note in the section about exporting the map. ### 5. Fill out information about the map @@ -47,19 +49,17 @@ Run `/ctf_map editor`. An explanation of some of the fields is given below. #### Map Enabled -Whether or not the map is available for play. You will want to check this. +Whether or not the map is available for play. You will want to make sure it's enabled. #### License - * Every map must have its own license. -* If attribution is required (for example if you modify other's map and you have to tell who is author of the original map), that has to be appended to the `license` field. -If you want to give more information, you can use the `Other info` field. +* You can append any attribution you need to give to the `license` field (For example: If you modified someone's map or used one of their builds you'd list their name and what map/build of theirs that you modified/used). If you want to give more information, you can use the `Other info` field. * If you don't know which license to use, [this list of CC licenses](https://creativecommons.org/use-remix/cc-licenses/) can help you. -* We can only accept Free Software licenses, e.g.`CC BY-SA 4.0`. -* Please know what you are doing when choosing a certain license. For example, you can read information about various licenses and/or consult a lawyer. +* We can only accept the free culture licenses like `CC BY-SA 4.0`. Note that not all licenses in the Creative Commons family are free(as in freedom) (e.g `CC BY-ND`). +* Please make sure you know what you are doing when choosing a license. You could do a little research about various licenses, ask a parent for help if you're young and haven't dealt with licenses before, and/or consult a lawyer. #### Map Hint -Does your map have hidden treasures? You can hint about them with the hint field. +Does your map have hidden treasures? You can hint about them with the "Map Hint" field. #### Treasures A list of treasures that could end up in treasure chests @@ -86,44 +86,73 @@ An example of `initial_stuff` value that registers a stone pickaxe, 30 cobblesto default:pick_stone,default:cobble 30,default:torch 5,ctf_ranged:pistol_loaded ``` -#### Map start_time -What time of the day the match begins at. Changing this field will instantly update the time of day in the world you are editing. +#### Map Constants +1. `Map Shadow Intensity`: Sets the intensity of the shadows. +2. `Map Gravity`: Gravitational constant of the map. (default = 1) +3. `Map Movement Speed`: Regulates the speed at which players move. (default = 1) +4. `Map Jump Height`: Regulates the height of jumps. (default = 1) +5. `Map start_time`: Sets time of the day the match begins at. Changing this field will instantly update the time of day in the world you are editing. + * `0` is for midnight + * `1000` is for 1 AM + * `2000` is for 2 AM + * etc. -* `0` is for midnight -* `1000` is for 1 AM -* `2000` is for 2 AM -* etc. +#### Flag Positions +Positions where team flags are placed. You can select the teams that you want on the map and place the flags accordingly. #### Zone Bounds -How far the players of a certain team may go during build time. -**Note:** Even standing on the boundary sends the player back. They do not have to go beyond it. Place the boundaries accordingly. +How far the players of a certain team may go during build time. The zone bounds should overlap at the Red Barrier wall. + +> **Note:** Even players standing on the edge of their team zone are sent back to their base. It doesn't just trigger when they go beyond it. #### Chest Zones -Areas where chests can be placed. Some maps allow placing chests anywhere, while others only place them in certain locations. +Areas where treasure chests are placed. Some maps have treasure chests placed throughout the entire map, while others only have them placed in certain small areas/rooms. What you choose for your map is up to you. + +#### Barrier Area +Area where the Indestructible "Red Barrier Glass and/or Indestructible Red Barrier Stone" wall is located. Setting this will tell the game where to look for the wall when removing them after the build time ends. You can leave this at its default unless the game is taking a long time to remove your barriers. Most 4 team maps will always have slow barrier removal though. + +### 6. Map Saving + +#### Saving your changes +* Run `/ctf_map editor` and press "Finish Editing" after scrolling to the bottom -### 6. Export +#### Moving your map to where CTF can load it +* Find the exported map located in your map editor save folder`[Minetest folder]/worlds/[Map World]/schems/[Exported Map folder]` +* Move the exported map folder to the CTF map folder `[Minetest folder]/games/capturetheflag/mods/ctf/ctf_map/maps`. -1. Press "Finish Editing" -2. Find the exported map -3. Move to \[Minetest folder]/games/capturetheflag/mods/ctf/ctf_map/maps +#### Resuming editing +Once you've moved your map once (See above) you can make edits to your map without having to move it again by running `/ctf_map editor`, clicking on your map in the list of maps, and then pressing `Resume Editing`, which tells CTF not to use the blocks in the map you copied to the CTF map folder. +* Any changes you make to the `/ctf_map editor` gui (chest zones, etc) won't apply. You have to copy the map for that. +* If you accidentally press `Start Editing` instead of `Resume Editing` you need to close the game without saving *copy your map to where CTF can load it* (See above). Otherwise your changes will be lost, because `Start Editing` tells CTF to use the blocks in the map you moved to the CTF map folder, which will be outdated if you've made changes since you last moved your map over. ### 7. Play 1. Create a new world with the `singlenode` mapgen. -2. Make sure creative mode is disabled +2. Make sure creative mode is disabled before joining 3. Grant yourself `ctf_admin` by issuing `/grantme ctf_admin` -4. Type `/maps` -5. Select your map -6. Press "Skip to map" +4. Run `/ctf_next -f ` Using your map's folder (or technical) name instead of `` ### 8. Screenshot -If you choose to submit your map, include a screenshot of it in the exported map's folder. It should have an aspect ratio of 3:2 (screenshot 600x400px is suggested). +If you choose to submit your map, include a screenshot of it in the exported map's folder. It should be taken without any texture packs enabled and must have an aspect ratio of 3:2 (screenshot `600px`x`400px` is suggested). + You can take a screenshot easily by doing the following: 1. Hide the HUD. By default F1 does that. 2. Hide the chat log. By default F2 does that. -3. Try to find a good view that shows most of the map. -4. *(Optional)* Increase your view range if important parts of the map cannot be seen. By default the = (or +) and - keys do that. -5. Take a screenshot **from Minetest**. By default F12 does that. -6. You can find the screenshot in `[Minetest folder]/screenshots` unless you have changed the path in settings. +3. See if your screenshot looks better with/without fog enabled. You can toggle it with F3 by default +4. Try to find a good view that shows most of the map. +5. *(Optional)* Increase your view range if important parts of the map cannot be seen. By default the = (or +) and - keys do that. +6. Take a screenshot **from Minetest**. By default F12 does that. +7. You can find the screenshot in `[Minetest folder]/screenshots` unless you have changed the path in settings. + Crop the screenshot into the aspect ratio mentioned above using a tool of your choice, and put the screenshot inside your exported map's folder. It should be named `screenshot.png`. + +### 9. Submission + +> Your PR should contain the Map Folder that should include the files `map.conf`, `map.mts`, and `screenshot.png`. + +Maps can be submitted to the CTF Maps repository through PRs (Pull Requests). If you don't know how to make them, you could ask someone else to make it for you or make your own GitHub account and make it yourself. A benefit of making it on your own is that you can actively engage in the testing and development of the map PR. If you are new to making PRs and forks, you can learn about them by reading these documentations: +- [https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo "https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo") +- [https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request-from-a-fork](https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request-from-a-fork "https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request-from-a-fork") + +If you are creating the PR yourself, it is always better to make each PR on a different branch of your fork of the repo. For example if you want to add a map, then make a separate branch for it, and so on. This will obviate and possible conflicts with any of your already open PRs.