We're a decentralized team of developers, working on a wide variety of software. The goal of this organisation is to act as a partial non-profit that uses most of its earnings on supporting open-source software.
Since 2025, MadLadSquad has been in a strategic partnership with Heapforge, which is our for-profit software develoment wing. Income generated from projects developed by Heapforge gets redistributed to MadLadSquad at a
In the field of game development we create open source, highly moddable games. We prioritize player experience and we encourage all our players to work together with us in creating great digital experiences.
Depending on the project, we can use ready solutions, such as Unreal Engine for our software stack. For projects with more complex requirements we also have experience developing custom game engines from scratch.
The UntitledDesktopEnvironment is a project that aims to create a completely independent desktop environment for Freedesktop systems with support for other operating systems where available.
Check out the UntitledDesktopEnvironment page for more information
The wider MadLadSquad multilingual project works on a number of applications in the fields of language learning, input and output.
The tasks of the wider multilingual project are:
- To develop language learning applications like Youyin
- To help with translating all software we produce to multiple languages
- To help with developing libraries related to multilingual support, such as ones that deal with system fonts, locales, translation systems and more
- To help the UntitledDesktop Multilingual Project with tools for the UntitledDesktopEnvironment
Here is a list of all our projects, sorted by complexity in descending order.
Libraries and frameworks:
- UntitledImGuiFramework - a fully featured desktop application development toolkit using the dear imgui UI library. Try an interactive demo at https://uimgui.madladsquad.com
- pkggen - a tool for rubust automatic updating, testing and publishing of desktop packages for multiple package managers and operating systems at the same time
- UntitledImGuiFileBrowser* - a file browser library for dear imgui used by the UntitledFileBrowser project
- UntitledI18N - an internationalisation library with a custom YAML format written in C++
- UntitledFontManager - a cross-platform font manager and fetcher library
- UntitledImGuiTextUtils - a rich text rendering library for dear imgui
- UntitledTemplatingEngine - a templating engine with a lisp-like programming language
- UntitledDBusUtils - a C++ metaprogramming wrapper on top of the low level C DBus API that introduces memory- and type-safety
- UntitledDesktopIcons* - a cross-platform C/C++ library for getting the default icons for applications or OS actions
- UntitledOpen - a cross-platform library for opening URLs or files with the default application/file picker
- UVKBuildTool - a utility for assisting in the build process of the UntitledVulkanGameEngine and UntitledImGuiFramework with an additional static site generator functionality
- cimgui_extra - a collection of hand-written C bindings for a number of popular dear imgui libraries
- UntitledImGuiTheme - a library for loading themes as YAML files for dear imgui
- UntitledCLIParser - a C/C++ parser for CLI arguments
- UntitledLog - a C/C++ logging library
- UntitledExec - a cross-platform wrapper on top of fork & exec/CreateProcess
- UntitledRuntimeLibraryLoader - a cross-platform library for loading shared libraries at runtime
- UntitledXDGBasedir - a C/C++ implementation of the XDG Base directory and XDG home directory specifications
- UntitledDesktopBootstrap* - a number of scripts for bootstrapping the UntitledDesktopEnvironment
- UntitledGameSystemManager - a graphical manager for containerised Linux gaming systems
- UImGuiDemo - a demo for the UntitledImGuiFramework. Hosted at https://uimgui.madladsquad.com
- UntitledFileBrowser - a cross-platform file browser and file picker
- UntitledDEPolkitAgent** - a polkit agent for the UntitledDesktopEnvironment
- UntitledDESessionLogout - a session logout utility for Freedesktop-based systems
- UntitledIBusHandwriting - a handwriting input method for IBus
* Highly incomplete and a work in progress
** Not yet started development
- YouyinWeb - a website for learning how to write in any writing system. Hosted at https://youyin.madladsquad.com
- MadLadSquadSite - the website for MadLadSquad. Hosted at https://madladsquad.com
- hanzi-writer-data-others - a hanzi-writer character database for all languages, except Chinese and Japanese *
- hanzi-writer-data-youyin - a unified character database for youyin
- YouyinPublicDeckRepository - a repository containing all the public decks on the Youyin marketplace
* Not yet released
Libraries and applications:
- FlipperTasks - a TODO list application with over 30K downloads on the flipper application catalogue as of February 2025. You can see up-to-date statistics here
- UntitledFlipperZero - a C++ wrapper on top of the C UI API
- UntitledVulkanGameEngine - the UntitledVulkanGameEngine source code
- MadLadSquadBot - the discord bot for the MadLadSquad discord server
- UntitledDesktopOverlay - a Gentoo/Funtoo overlay for the UntitledDesktopEnvironment
- SpotifyUtilities - scripts for fetching data from official and unofficial Spotify APIs used for my old social media page
- ChitankaExtractor - a number of scripts for extracting data from https://chitanka.info book archives
- check-for-synced-branches-action - a GitHub action that checks if 2 branches are in sync and outputs by how many commits they diverge
- GenericScripts - a repository of useful scripts
- E-mail: contact@madladsquad.com
- Discord: https://discord.gg/4wgH8ZE
If you like our software please donate to our ko-fi page. Send a personalised message with your donation if you have any project in mind. We donate 50% of the proceedings to developers of libraries we depend on (based on the specific project).
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
Copy of the docs for these repos(docs can also be found in their respective wiki page on github):
- UntitledVulkanGameEngine
- UntitledImGuiFramework
- UntitledLog
- UntitledGameSystemManager
- UntitledTemplatingEngine
- UntitledExec
- UntitledCLIParser
- UntitledRuntimeLibraryLoader
- UVKBuildTool
- YouyinWeb
- UntitledXDGBasedir
- UntitledImGuiTextUtils
- UntitledImGuiTheme
- UntitledI18N
- SpotifyUtilities
- UntitledOpen
- UntitledDBusUtils
- UntitledFlipperZero
- cimgui_extra