A public repository where users of youyin can upload their own decks for usage by the community. The decks here, will be automatically added to the packages page of the website for others to consume once merged(may take more than 6 hours for the site to update)
To contribute a deck, first export one from the youyin website using the Export
button on the Deck
page as shown here:
Next, create a github account
After that you need to fork this repository
Next, rename your saved file, remember that -
will be replaced with
so a deck named kangxi-radicals.yydeck.json
will become kangxi radicals
on the marketplace page
If you're submitting a deck that's already pre-leveled up and want to leave the data there(for example a deck where every card is set at level 3) you
should change the file extension of the deck from .yydeck.json
to .presetlvl.yydeck.json
and make sure the name of the deck represents it.
Not setting the file extension like this will result in the removal of all data once the automatic sanitizer goes trough your deck
After the files are renamed upload it under the community
folder under the latest release.
When you're done simply create a pull request
Here, create a descriptive title and description like this:
and finally click submit. Make sure to monitor the pull request from a response from the maintainers. Once a pull request is approved and merged, changes should apply in about 10 minutes