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Notes on Running Smalltalk and Ruby in the Same VM

This is a work in progress. Current status: Not even a complete outline, let alone first draft status.


The 3.x version of the GemStone VM supports two languages: Smalltalk and Ruby. This document explains how to access Ruby objects from Smalltalk, and how to access Smalltalk objects from Ruby.

VM does not distinguish between Ruby and Smalltalk objects

There is no fundamental difference between “Ruby objects” and “Smalltalk objects”. From the VM perspective, they are the same. There are operational differences, and each flavor of object makes use of different features provided by the VM, but fundamentally, they are the same and will interoperate.

In fact, many classes are shared by both Ruby and Smalltalk (Object, Float, Array, and others). They are the same, identical class object:

Smalltalk:  Object asOop    "=>  72193"
Ruby:       Object.__id__   # => 72193

Non-fundamental differences between Ruby and Smalltalk Objects

Even though there is no fundamental difference between “Ruby objects” and “Smalltalk objects”, there are some characteristics that each flavor shows.

  1. Ruby objects use dynamic instance variables; Smalltalk objects use fixed instance variables.

  2. Ruby looks up methods in the environmnet 1 method dictionaries; Smalltalk looks up methods in the environmnet 0 method dictionaries.

  3. Ruby classes and modules use some flags in the object header that are unique to ruby (to mark singleton classes, mixed in modules, etc.)

How the VM keeps Ruby and Smalltalk separate

A couple of guiding principles (not hard and fast rules):

  1. In general, Smalltalk does not know about Ruby, and it takes an explicit effort to touch the Ruby side of things from Smalltalk (finding objects, invoking methods).

  2. In general, Ruby is built on top of Smalltalk, but does not explicitly know about it, and it takes effort to find Smalltalk objects and invoke methods on them.

There are ways to write a mixed Ruby/Smalltalk application, but you will be on the vanguard, and you may have to hack your way through a bit of underbrush for a while until we discover and address the issues. Today, it should be possible to write a mixed Ruby/Smalltalk app, and we hope that it will eventually by pleasant to do so. Please give us feedback!

Some objects/classes shared between Ruby and Smalltalk

Smalltalk code can find and operate on Ruby objects, and vice-versa. It’s just that you have to be explicit about what you’re doing. We don’t want programmers having to worry about the other language, unless they specifically want to take advantage of it, so there are no accidental calls between the two languages.

Each language has its own way of easily finding well known classes in that language (standard symbol dictionaries for Smalltalk, the Ruby namespace hierarchy for Ruby). Those mechanisms do not prevent discovery from the other language.

Some of the Ruby classes show up in the standard Smalltalk symbol dictionaries (try browsing for “Ruby” in a Smalltalk class browser). Some of the classes are not easily accessible from Smalltalk (e.g., library defined classes, user defined classes), because they are only registered in the Ruby namespace. But you can still access these from Smalltalk. E.g., here is how you’d access the ruby constant Maglev::PERSISTENT_ROOT:

|maglev proot|
maglev := (Object rubyConstAt: #Maglev env: 1) value .
proot := (maglev rubyConstAt: #PERSISTENT_ROOT env: 1) value .
proot class .               "=>  RubyHash"
proot class asOop .         "=>  138497"

We first get a reference to the Maglev module by accessing the value of the #Maglev constant in the top level namespace (Object). PERSISTENT_ROOT is a constant defined in the Maglev module, so we again ask for that constant. proot now references a Ruby Hash instance.

Here we access the same identical object from Ruby:

$ maglev-ruby -e 'p Maglev::PERSISTENT_ROOT.class'

$ maglev-ruby -e 'p Maglev::PERSISTENT_ROOT.class.object_id'

The only difference is the name the class is known as. In Ruby, it is named “Hash” and in Smalltalk, it is named “RubyHash”. RubyHash derives from AbstractDictionary.

So, objects are just objects, and can be accessed from either language.


Persistence works the same for both languages. If an object is reachable from another persistent object, then that object will be persisted at the next commit. Since there aren’t really “smalltalk objects” and “ruby objects”, the only criterion for persistence is reachability (nothing changed here); it doesn’t matter whether Ruby code or Smalltalk code created/referenced the objects, the VM neither knows nor cares.

For instance, from Smalltalk, you can put a Smalltalk defined object, e.g. a MetacelloVersionNumber object, into the persistent RubyNameSpace for Object, commit, and it would be visible to Ruby code. The Ruby code will have difficulty effectively using that object, since there will be no methods visible to the Ruby code (but see the discussion of Environments and method sends).

To persiste Ruby objects, there are some extra steps you might have to take. By default, Ruby classes are not persistent. The rules of persistence require that an object’s class (and super class, mixed in modules, etc.) be persistent as well. So, if you want to persist a Ruby object (from either Smalltalk or Ruby) you’ll need to ensure that the Ruby class for the object is persistent, and that all of its ancestor classes are too (superclasses and mixed in modules). But this is a “managing the persistence of the Ruby class hierarchy” issue, and not a fundamental VM-level issue. You also might want to read $MAGLEV_HOME/examples/persistence/migrations/ for some initial thoughts on Ruby migrations.

Methods and Environments:

The 3.0 GemStone VM implements environments. An environment is a namespace for message sends. Smalltalk is in environment 0, and Ruby is in environment 1. Each environment has its own method dictionaries. So, the Object class has a set of methods for Smalltalk (stored in the environment 0 method dictionaries), and the Object class has another set of methods for Ruby (stored in the environment 1 method dictionaries).

A message send, by default, stays within its own environment. Smalltalk issues message sends in environment 0, and Ruby issues message sends in environment 1. In the normal case, Smalltalk code only calls other Smalltalk code, and Ruby code only calls other Ruby code. You can’t accidentally send a Ruby message from a Smalltalk method. GemStone provides mechanisms to call one language from the other. These are discussed below.

Since Ruby depends on Smalltalk, there are a lot of new methods in environment 0 (the Smalltalk side of things) that support ruby. They tend to be in either the maglev-runtime or RubySupport categories, but you can look at them from the Smalltalk class/method browser.

Accessing Ruby from Smalltalk

Find “Ruby objects” from Smalltalk

Ruby stores references to most classes in the Ruby namespace. Each Ruby Class and Module manages a set of constant references. Most Ruby classes are regisetred in this hierarchical namespace. The Object class represents the top level of the namespace. In Ruby, a bare reference to a class name will search Object’s namespace for a match. E.g., in the following Ruby code:

my_array =

Ruby will search for a symbol named “Array” in Object’s namespace. It will succeed, and the object associated with the name “Array” is the Array class.

Ruby supports a hierarchichal namespace. E.g., we can create a persistent Ruby Module and Class:

Maglev.persistent do

  module MyModule
    class Fizz
      FIZZ = "a fizzy sound"


Save the code to a file named my_module.rb, then run it:

$ maglev-ruby my_module.rb

This code introduces three new symobls into the Ruby hierarchical namespace:

  1. The constant MyModule will be added to the Object’s namespace (top level namespace). The value will be a Ruby Module object, which implements the MyModule code above.

  2. The constant Fizz will be added to MyModule’s namespace, and its value will be an instnace of Class.

  3. The FIZZ constant will be added to the MyModule::Fizz class, and its value will be a String instance.

To traverse this hierarchy from Smalltalk you can do:

|myModule fizzClass fizz|
myModule := (Object rubyConstAt: #MyModule env: 1) value .
fizzClass := (myModule rubyConstAt: #Fizz env: 1) value .
fizz := (fizzClass rubyConstAt: #FIZZ env: 1) value .

And if you inspect fizz, you find ‘a fizzy sound’. And since the OOPs are the same between Smalltalk and Ruby for myModule, fizzClass and fizz, we know they are the very same objects created by the Ruby code:

myModule asOop                    "=> 148107009"
fizzClass asOop                   "=> 148106241"
fizz asOop                        "=> 148100865"


MyModule.object_id                # => 148107009
MyModule::Fizz.object_id          # => 148106241
MyModule::Fizz::FIZZ.object_id    # => 148100865

Call Ruby methods from Smalltalk

GemStone Smalltalk provides a couple of mechanisms to issue message sends in the Ruby environment 1 method dictionaries.

Using an environment aware message

Some methods have a variant that take an “env” parameter. You can pass 1 as the environment parameter, and the VM will call the appropriate environment 1 method.

An example of this is the perform:env variant of the perform: message. Ruby defines the “object_id” method on Object, but you can’t call it directly from Smalltalk:

Object object_id   "=>  raises a MessageNotUnderstood"

Using perform:env:, you can call it from Smalltalk:

Object perform: #object_id env: 1 .   "=> 72193"

But if you try to invoke it in environment 0, you still get the MessageNotUnderstood:

Object perform: #object_id env: 0 .   "=>  raises a MessageNotUnderstood"

Using the “@ruby1:” syntax

GemStone Smalltalk provides syntactic sugar to directly invoke a method in the ruby environment. E.g., to find the size of a string using the Ruby :size method:

'My string' @ruby1:size   "=> 9"

A Ruby message send with a single parameter:

'My string' @ruby1:end_with?: 'ing'  "=> true"

To send a message that takes multiple parameters, use ‘_:’ as the name of each parameter after the first. E.g., to do the Ruby equivalent of ‘My string’.ljust(20, “X”) is:

'My string' @ruby1:ljust: 20 _: 'X'   "=> 'My stringXXXXXXXXXXX'"

In the next example, we are careful not to use a Smalltalk string literal, since they are invaraint and Ruby’s :insert method modifies the receiver:

s := String withAll: 'My string' .
s @ruby1:insert: 2 _: ' long'         "=>  'My long string'"

Or the Ruby equivalent of, :A, :B):

a := Array new .
a @ruby1:insert: 0 _: #A _: #B    "=> anArray( #'A', #'B')"


Even though Ruby and Smalltalk may share some classes, e.g., String, that doesn’t mean that a String object initialized from Smalltalk, is a proper Ruby String. Ruby may have additional instance variables that need to be setup. So you should be careful of calling Ruby methods on objects created from Smalltalk, since the initialization might not have been complete.

Accessing Smalltalk from Ruby

Find “Smalltalk objects” from Ruby

Kernel#__resolve_smalltalk_global provides a way for Ruby code to find objects stored in the Smalltalk symbol dictionaries. We already know that the Ruby Hash class is named “RubyHash” in Smalltalk. We can get a reference to this class from Ruby, and prove that it is the same as the object named “Hash” in the ruby namespace like this:

st_ruby_hash = __resolve_smalltalk_global(:RubyHash)
p st_ruby_hash                # => "Hash"
p st_ruby_hash.equal? Hash    # => true

Call Smalltalk methods from Ruby

You can also invoke Smalltalk methods from Ruby, but it is a bit more complicated. Try the following:

$ rake stwrappers

And then look at the files in $MAGLEV_HOME/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/smalltalk. E.g., here is some of the code from one of those files, with some comments I added for this email:

# Get a reference to the RcCounter class.
RcCounter = __resolve_smalltalk_global(:RcCounter)

# Open up (monkey patch) the class
class RcCounter

  # the class_primitive_nobridge and primitive_nobridge methods takes
  # two parameters, the ruby name and the smalltalk name.  They then
  # make the smalltalk method available to ruby via the ruby name.
  # The class_primitive_nobridge works on the class side, and the
  # primitive_nobridge works for instance methods.
  # E.g., this makes it possible to send the :comment message to the
  # environment 0 method dictionaries from Ruby like this:
  #    RcCounter._st_comment()  # => "blah blah blah"
  class_primitive_nobridge '_st_comment', 'comment'

  # This allows ruby to do:
  #   an_rc_counter_obj._st_decrement()
  primitive_nobridge '_st_decrement', 'decrement'

  # Called like:  an_rc_counter_obj._st_decrementBy_(10)
  primitive_nobridge '_st_decrementBy_', 'decrementBy:'


TODO: explain primitive and class_primitive TODO: implement and then explain send_env

Bridge Methods

TODO: Explain the suffix notation.

Other Considerations

  • How do you load up a full ruby environment from Smalltalk? E.g., suppose you want to use Nokogiri from Seaside…We should probably document a real use case like that. Need to get Nokogiri loaded, get some API/entry point so Seaside can call into it, and then return the right stuff.

  • How do you manage updating the Nokogiri gem in previous example?