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Use generated settings

deby edited this page Jun 17, 2022 · 12 revisions

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Default generated settings

MagiCircles automatically generates some settings, including cache for some data, to avoid fetching them in database every time someone loads a page. If you followed the instructions to set up a project in your local or in production, you had to call generate_settings at some point, or set up a cron to call it every 24 hours. This is what this command does.

By default, the following settings will be generated / data will be cached.

Saved/updated setting key Description Type
STAFF_CONFIGURATIONS Staff configurations get cached (see Allow your staff team to change configurations) Dict
LATEST_NEWS Banners saved in staff configurations get cached (see "Latest news" below)
Banners to celebrate characters birthdays get cached (see Characters and "Latest news" below)
FAVORITE _CHARACTERS, OTHER _CHARACTERS_KEYS, FAVORITE _CHARACTERS _BIRTHDAYS, FAVORITE _CHARACTERS _BIRTHDAY_TODAY, FAVORITE _CHARACTERS _NAMES, {character_type}, {character_type} _BIRTHDAYS, {character_type} _BIRTHDAY_TODAY, {character_type}_NAMES Favorite characters and other characters options get cached (see "Characters below) Lists
HOMEPAGE_ARTS See Background illustrations List of dicts
BACKGROUNDS See Background illustrations List of dicts
TOTAL_DONATORS Number of donators this month (See DonateCollection in Default collections) Int
DONATION_MONTH Details of the current donation month (See DonateCollection in Default collections) Dict with date (datetime), donations (int), percent_int (int), percent (float), reached_100_percent (bool)
SEASONAL_SETTINGS Details of the current season (see Seasons) Dict of season name → dict
GENERATED_DATE Date when the settings were generated last datetime

As well as these which are only meant to be used by MagiCircles internally:

Key Description Type
GENERATED_SHARE_IMAGES Collage images generated automatically from share images of items and used as share images for list views Dict
GENERATED_SHARE_IMAGES_LAST_DATE Last date share images were generated, to make sure they get re-generated every week datetime
PAST_ACTIVITY_TAGS_COUNT Number of activities posted under past tags, displayed when looking them up and used to hide past tags that were never used Dict

Latest news

The rotating banners that show up on the homepage are called "latest news".

Some banners get added by default:

Description How many banners? Links to Configurable
Banners from staff configurations (see Allow your staff team to change configurations + user doc) 4 banners by default, but it's possible add as many banner settings as you want Links setup in configuration Using the staff configurations (see Allow your staff team to change configurations page (image, text, URL and wether the text shows up or not, if the image already has text)
Birthdays of favorite characters and other characters 1 banner per character Item URL of character's collection
  • How long they show up, default: 1 day before and 12 days after (by calling getCharactersBirthdays yourself, see Customize default generated settings)
  • The image, by having a birthday_banner image field or property in the character's model
Users who are celebrating their birthday today, sorted by popularity All on 1 banner Full list of users who are celebrating today How many users show up max? Default: limited to 4 (by calling getUsersBirthdaysToday yourself, see Customize default generated settings
Seasonal limited hashtags 1 per limited hashtag Activities posted using this tag activity_tag_banner within season details, see Seasons

See Add more latest news below.

Set your own generated settings


from import generateSettings

def generate_settings():
    something = ...
        'SOMETHING': something,

It's that simple!

You can add anything you want in generated settings and access them wherever you want:

from django.conf import settings as django_settings

print django_settings.SOMETHING

Customize default generated settings

It's also possible to customize default generated settings by providing them yourself. Functions are available in to call them yourself, see source code. Values you provide have priority, dicts and lists get merged.

One example is you can choose to display all donators instead of donators for this month only by calling totalDonators (instead of totalDonatorsThisMonth that gets called by default):

from import totalDonators

def generate_settings():
    total_donators = totalDonators()
        'TOTAL_DONATORS': total_donators,

Add more latest news

Provide LATEST_NEWS to the dict. It will later be sorted by priority, so you can use that. Otherwise, your news will be displayed first.

Latest news is a list of dicts. Each dict contains the following keys:

Key Description Default Example
title Name of the banner. It's required even when it's not displayed for SEO purpose Required Happy Birthday!
t_titles Dict with names translated in various languages Displays value of title {'es': u'¡Feliz cumpleaños!' }
hide_title Should the title be displayed or not? It's useful to display it if the banner doesn't contain any text Text is displayed True
url URL to link to Required /cards/
ajax An Ajax URL to load in a modal Only regular link /ajax/cards/?ajax_modal_only
image Banner image No image, shows a background color or image banner1.png
background Background image. The difference with a regular image is that it can be cropped if needed, to keep the same aspect ratio as the other banners (displayed as cover in CSS) No background image banner_background.png
color Background color. Will not show up if a background image or image is set Site's color, see Website settings blue
css_classes CSS classes to add to the banner, to allow to design certain banners a certain way with LESS None 'important_banner blue_banner'
priority A number that allows you to sort banners. The first banner is the most viewed. You can use negative values 1 2

→ Next: Templates utils

I. Introduction

II. Tutorials

  1. Collections
    1. MagiModel
    2. MagiCollection
    3. MagiForm
    4. MagiFiltersForm
    5. MagiFields
  2. Single pages
  3. Configuring the navbar

III. References

IV. Utils

V. Advanced tutorials

VI. More

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