This is the project page for the Emacs Documentation android app.
For an actual description of the app (and for downloads), see the project website here.
Code available here depends on HugeSQLiteCursor (an android lib developed by me), on my utility classes git submodule, and on actionbarsherlock.
Though the app does have a (narrow) target audience, this project
is mostly a test of concept and android-programming knowledge.
It features the following:
- A very fast reimplementation of SQLiteCursor (developed by me), with milliseconds responses even for queries on the order of 10000 results.
- A modern search interface with realtime results filtering from a huge sqlite database (thanks to the point above).
- Modern tabbed navigation interface (compatible with old devices all the way to API 9, thanks to actionbarsherlock), which also features: 2. Creation and deletion of tabs at runtime. 3. "Pinned" tabs with stay in place. 2. Context sensitive actionbar which displays buttons relevant to the current tab. 3. Temporary tabs preseved through screen rotation.
- Sending and receiving intents between external apps.
- Intelligent context-sensitive Back Button navigation.
- An intelligent preferences manager class which derives most options through usage. Thus, only a couple of preferences are left for the Settings menu.
- Change color theme at runtime, as per user preference.
- And some pretty standard stuff:
- Cursors and ListViews.
- SQLite database managing.
- Webview.
- Various Adapters.
- etc.